As Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis celebrates a second term in office and rumors of a 2024 presidential run swirl, his wife and trusted adviser Casey is also in the spotlight. CNN's Randi Kaye reports. #CNN #News
Casey DeSantis, wife of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, takes the spotlight

Orange man isn’t going to allow anyone else to run in 2024. Let them destroy each other.
Dude, I live in Norway, and your nickname is a little offensive
Trump is still living rent free in your head. Say it with me. Rent free!
Ooooooh diaper Don is not going to be happy.Desantis has some horrible policies but to be honest he’s a better man than trump could ever be.He at least has a wife that loves him and not just tolerate him like trumps wife in name only.The sleep in different beds because she afraid she might wake up in his stomach or be swimming because his diaper leeked.Also RD’s wife looks like a natural beauty and not Lee press on like trumps gal.If had to vote between the two of them RD gets my vote because at least he has a head on his shoulders and can talk at times without sounding like a complete idiot.But RD look out because diaper Don has some dirt on you and there is no love in the party unless it’s all for there for trump
@Tom Anderson trumptard

@Tom Anderson triggered trumptard

My family and I won’t support him in 2024. To some extent, he is more dangerous than Trump.
Did you discover YouTube 5 months ago?
@Mark Cummings not worthy of your time but you still spent your time to write it here for people who are not worthy of your time…something is off with what you are saying and actually doing but it’s ok
no problem I am used to see people like that.
@Vlad Turov political activist for over 50 years.
Decades of studies on Fascism, Socialism, Communism, Capitalism, Feudalism, and Imperialism.
Please don’t show up again for a fight with only yer tiny weenie in yer hand.
@Mark Cummings you sound like you’re part of a cult.
@OUTLAW BILLIONAIREZ that’s good and my respect to you but you still didn’t answer and something is telling me you can’t because somehow it doesn’t work with DeSantis…
First thing you did was listing all your knowledges and experiences without addressing the actual question…usually people who don’t know or can’t answer use this strategy to “scare” the opponent with big words…didn’t work here unfortunately. Also not knowing me you described me as “tiny weenie in my hand” well let it be so I am fine with admitting to know less but you also didn’t prove anything. Anyway it shows that you got emotionally involved and it’s almost always the first step to loosing any argument.
I heard this stuff about fascism and DeSantis before but nobody could explain how and why so you can’t either. Seriously I’d love to hear your opinion.
Nice he helped with your cancer.
How about extending medicaid for the poor so they can get help with cancer.
Not to be harsh but my country has Medicare and my cancer didn’t cost me a penny. That’s called civilized.
Agreed #HealthCareForAll
Australia too
Casey had breast cancer (in situ) which meant that her treatment wasn’t severe because they caught it early. She was lucky. Most women only get a free 2D mammogram but Casey got a 3D mammogram and ultrasound. Only the rich get that.
And Kayleigh Mceneny had her breasts removed and got breast implants because she had a hereditary gene that made her susceptible to breast cancer. Only the rich can do that too.
Maybe because this country is broke. We owe Chinese Banks 31 Trillion and rising because of social welfare programs and frivolous spending by leftist politicians.
Sorry, facts cut like a knife
Better than Trump’s 90 day fiance lmao
Well. She’s no Ginny Thomas. That’s for sure.
No one doubts the ‘intelligence’ of Governor DeSantis – just his integrity, moral compass and professed Christian values over the past five or six years!
I dont, I’ll be voting for him when he runs for president. better start dreaming up your best propaganda now, its coming and you had better be prepared, you woke farm animals will need it. taking back america will never be so sweet.
@Karan Kapoor let’s see.. after high school, I trained 5 years to be a Tool and Diemaker. I worked in prototype machining and production machining. I managed several businesses. I started my own businesses. I’m trained in business management, facility maintenance, machine and production Maintenance. I’ve built several hot rods. Built and raced motorcycles for 5 decades. I’ve raced BMX until I was 55 years old. Raced downhill mountain bike. Still ride every day.
And, all the while, I’ve been a revolutionary anarchist and political activist.
Okay…. Now you.
@OUTLAW BILLIONAIREZ unlike you desantis has served in the Navy seal , he was his colleges football team captain , he got his degree from IVY league , you are just a crybaby , he has definitely done more than those joke of a ladies from squad
@OUTLAW BILLIONAIREZ Everything you read on the internet is true
~ Gautam Buddha
@OUTLAW BILLIONAIREZ national socialists? The left has more in common with the National Socialists Party (NAZI) then Desantis does.
She hit my dog with her car
Are you for real?
Is that you Trump?
Save your Hero worship for those who don’t need constant attention. Heroes do good for others not for themselves
The 21st century Eva Braun, ladies and gentlemen.
It is expected that a good husband helps his wife..esp dealing with cancer. This is a campaign thing? No
0:45 the voice squeak is a classic tell of a lie. she did not think that he was cute. xD
classic jealously tell, when someone writes about someone else’s relationship and they dont even know them
NC backs you , please run in 2024.
Can’t trust her judgment bc she married De Santis
If you could take every aspect of his policy and remove the abortion part. He is very very good at his job.
What sort of moral vacuum do you have to be to LOVE one of these….. people?
Waiting for trump start calling her all sort of names lol
Now Ron DeSanctimonious teaches his children…. “fly the lesser humans to Martha’s Vineyard”!
They were bussed back out because they were just kidding about the whole sanctuary city thing! Venezuelans running from socialism can’t be counted on for dem votes somthey are being kicked out now and don’t even pass go!
DeSantis “assisted” the Feds with their investigations into Trump. That’s got to sting.

Ron D is the best!!!