Investigative reporter for the Washington Post Carol Leonnig gives the latest on the Justice Department and FBI’s investigation into the January 6th riot, speaking to its massive scale and how it looks like they are ‘putting together the bricks of a conspiracy’. Aired on 03/12/2021.
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#CarolLeonnig #JusticeDepartment #MSNBC
Carol Leonnig On The Insurrection Investigation: This Is Going To Keep Building | Deadline | MSNBC
Time for all terrorist and tRump and his partners in crime to be charged for their crimes.It is that simple.This is insane.Stay safe.

@Chris Davis So true. He’s on nearly every replied to post.
@Brian Jones “Look at me! I’m a weak-minded un-American MAGA LOSER who bows down to a fat lazy conman! LOL!”
Lock up Portland antifa domestic terrorists
you wanna know why he was acquitted? Because there was no actual evidence that he incited the insurrection
@——– ——– ——– ——–HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA Keep dreaming Dummbo
This is only the beginning of what will come out about the Trump Administration corrupt actions to overturn a free and fair election.
@Mark Rybeck you can parrot that nonsense all you want, but there is zero evidence that there was any widespread fraud. The most instances that have been caught seem to be mostly republican voters that were worried trump wouldn’t win. Just like there is zero evidence that atifa or blm members were part of the treasonous riot at the capitol on January 6th. Got proof that’s credible in a court of law? Sell it to the GOP. They will pay a ton of money for it
And even so much more beyond and before that.
Being the developed exploits over 20yrs into election systems. I’m curious how would y’all know it was stolen likewise if it was fair? Being these exploits exist why deem one vs the other greater unless there’s bias favoritism vs truths and reasonable accountability. Its as if both sides sweep it under the rug.
@Brian Jones ‘Calling an Election unfair does not make it so’ ‘ Charges require specific allegations and then proof. We have neither here. The campaigns claim have no merit.’
– Trump appointee Judge Stephanos Bibas Pennsylvania Supreme Court
@Adrienne Allen ‘Calling an Election unfair does not make it so’ ‘ Charges require specific allegations and then proof. We have neither here. The campaigns claim have no merit.’
– Trump appointee Judge Stephanos Bibas Pennsylvania Supreme Court
It started at the top and that’s where it will lead.
@The Blessings Of Jesus Channel
STFU you loon
@Diamond Dave even if the BLM protestors were rioting and destroying property, how does that compare to trying to destroy our democracy by trying to overturn an election, and an attack on our Capitol that would have been viewed as an act of war had it been done by a foreign country. They’re hardly comparable.
@The Blessings Of Jesus Channel You have nothing to do with Jesus. You worship a false idol in Trump. He may be your antichrist but he is no GOD.
@A E yeah, we can hold them to the same level of accountability that Senate Republicans held Trump for inciting the Capitol violence, none.
I’d sure like to know about those suicides. Undoubtedly there’s a lot more that isn’t being said.
@Mimzy Jinx lol. The bureau is picking up more Jan 6th insurrectionists this weekend. Gotta catch em all!
@1621 OC I’d say they were part of it. It’s stands to reason if you consider the character of these morons.
Maybe those crooked cops figured they were going away for 20 years and losing their families. They decided to take the easy way out.
@Mimzy Jinx I have to ask: WHY are you defending what happened at the Capitol? I don’t understand how or why anyone would, or even could, defend the actions of those that stormed into the building. It’s one thing to be upset that your candidate lost and even to believe the president wanted you present at a rally. That is somewhat understandable. He’ll, I can even understand people who broke down doors and windows only to regret their actions after the fact. But, you. You are defending what they did after having plenty of time to reassess what took place.
@B Bodziak I’m not defending them. They are being prosecuted. Nobody has raised bail money and told them to keep fighting as Democrats did throughout the summer when people were dying and their communities were being destroyed. There was violence last week and violent protests this weekend that shut down roads, targeted the police and the Federal Courthouse in Portland was set on fire again. Protesters were arrested and released without charge. Some more then once. Guns and knives were confiscated. Federal charges for felony assault on officers were dropped once Biden won. Worry about that violence because they don’t have to worry about consequences.
And don’t leave out the Congressmen that were also involved!
Consecutive without the possibility of parole.
I say max security for life. They’re traitors.
and consecutive sentences for rump with GA sentences. bye for life
Who is going to pardon you now, Roger Stone?
I would like to see Stone attached to the tree in Deliverance
“where is the lawn now Drew”
He won’t need it. Listen to her she knows nothing.
Tucker Carlson
Stone is even more of a psychopath than Dump.
@keith2092 well your not the smartest if you was maybe some facts not some bs from your made up crime .
@D j mahaney We await better English after the completion of your G.E.D.
@keith2092 the only cult is you morons on the left. You whine about everything men can have periods men in women’s sports thats not us thinking that . That is you on the left some I would say your more of a cult then Jim Jones.
@keith2092 like I say you have nothing maybe higher taxes from the stooge you owed in . Still waiting on some facts. But since you have crap your Grammer is bad omg get a life .
@D j mahaney “Men can have periods. Men in Womens’ sports?” Where’d that come from?
You’re kinda funny. You’re way too young to remember the East German Womens Bobsled teams from the 60’s.
It’s curious that there was a deliberate three hour delay to respond to desperate calls from capital police to the national guard for assistance in containing insurrection attempts by an unruly mob. It was in this same 3 hour delay that trump was missing in action from participating in the insurrection as he had promised the crowd he would join with them as he incited them to act. Go figure!
@druu jenkins “It is also curious how empty your life is without the Orangeman being around to be your boogieman”
We are watching a video about Trump, keeping up with the news. What do you want people to be talking about?
“I have better things with my life to be concerned about…”
Yet, here you are, on a video about Trump, in the comment section, arguing your points about what happened.
@No brand The United States Capitol Police (USCP) is overseen by the Capitol Police Board and has Congressional oversight by appropriations and authorizing committees from the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate.
Panels that oversee USCP are the House and Senate committees on Appropriations, the Subcommittee on the Legislative Branch; the Committee on House Administration and the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration.
Pelosi isn’t part of any of these committees, nor do these committees directly instruct the USCP as Republicans say. They investigate the subjects within the Committee’s legislative jurisdiction. I hope this information helps you!
@No brand oh just give it up. Conservatives are such cowards. Can’t take any responsibility for their or their lots actions. Pelosi doesn’t tell the national guard what to do. You can keep pushing, in true conservative fashion, that big lie but every one knows it’s a lie. Trump supporters attempted a coup. That’s what happened. Deny it all you want but there it is.
@druu jenkins remember you’re dealing with a crowd that’ll defend a thug w skittles and not a window breaker. All punishable by death till it’s not
@Susan Teeter I agree. She was an INSURRECTIONIST
Don’t care how long it takes.Yes, it is taking valuable time/ resources from pressing issues critical to the nation. Getting to The ROOT of all the EVIL that befell innocent Americans will hasten the healing. LET JUSTICE and the RULE of LAW PREVAIL.
They all need to go to jail — dear, sweet, old grandmas included!
@cotye maisonet
@cotye maisonet and yet Trump quietly got the vaccine in December.
@Tricia C Donald and Melania Trump were secretly vaccinated in late January, not December. It was shortly before leaving the WH.
@Simon White – Our number one concern at this point should be the urgent need for more testing before lining up for something that’s not had any time to back up the disturbingly premature claims of safety & protection.
@Pizza Rolls Do.t worry. Even though Republicans hate it, there is a lot of money in the bill for covid in prisons. Granny will be OK.
All the flights, the airport security camera footage, the picture ID scanned and photographed. There are going to be so many more people getting investigated. They might even catch the bomber.
The reward is $100,000 last time I checked….
And cell phone pings!
Enjoy the show
The fools all filmed themselves, very helpful to the police and FBI.
Stone will probably get some new felony charges.
I hope so.
Maybe he and Trump can share a cell

Oh god yeah. Stone isn’t getting away so easy.
That’s the thing that I don’t understand: While Trump is evil and dumb, Stone is evil and smart. He must have known that this riot would not lead to anything, and that it would be fully investigated; and no one will pardon him this time. So what was he thinking?
@Rick Simon If stone was smart, he’d know that at some point in his miserable life, he’s gonna be in stir. Knowing this (if he is indeed smart), he proceeds to get a full back tattoo of nixon. Knowing it’d be what the cellblock bubba is going to see every day. He’s dumb just like drumpf.
Anyone with a 1/2 a brain knows trump was involved! Duh
@Adrienne Allen you’re just a silly turd trumpanzee…
@Kevin I don’t know if you were meaning to be mean or not but that was actually kind of funny
Ah ha so that’s it.
The trumpists don’t have even half a brain! Duh
@Jesse LeBlanc nah, trumpists haven’t got brains so it’s hard to go down by half.
That is definitely dictator…I mean country leader material lol
January 6 is what we end up with when the Roger Stones and his Ilk aren’t confronted 40 years ago.
An inevitable conclusion.
That’s the absolute truth
What’s that saying -“nothing cleans like a new broom”
Just what we need when we need it- a new AG to indict the Trump attempt at a coup of the government and the dark money behind it. Love it!!!
Lucy, Gods protection is on Trump. God blesses those who bless Israel. Did you know Israel is the apple of Gods eye?
Trump lost…it’s obvious God hasn’t blessed him…you’re welcome
@Drew Vanheistel what?
Thank God Merrick Garland is Attorney General! Elections matter!
Ironic that if Merrick Garland was a SCOTUS Justice he wouldn’t be able to prosecute all of these. Senate stonewalling and double standards matter too!
Roger Stone is an evil, cartoonish character.
@Mike Jones exactly
@Sam Wiley Imagine Donald Trump has a Tattoo of Roger Stone with his back tat of Nixon in the same spot Roger stone has the tat of Nixon’s face. Can only imagine if that was a true conundrum.
@Poe Stis gee, now I’m even more depressed. After 45’s election, I told my husband I was more scared of who was going to be appointed by him, influencing his decisions. Had no idea how right I was.
He really is a cartoon
He reminds me of the evil cartoon man in “Who Framed Roger Rabbit?” The DIP!! man.
Oh yes. Take as long as it takes. Get them all. Al traitors must get arrested
Especially those that took part in and covered up 9/11.
Especially those within the government in the Congress and the Senate that helped these seditionist When they finally have everybody arrested I hope they get justice but without any mercy maximum sentence the most severe punishment punishment possible possible Make an example out of them for the citizens of the United States and for the world that anybody that attacks our government like this will in essence ruin their lives and be shunned and outcast in our society.
Roger Stone is a character straight out of the Marvel comic books. Surrounded by henchmen and organizing an attack on Washington officials.
Get that crook, Stone. He was pardoned by the Traitor but he’s returning the favour by getting involved in the Insurrection. Lock him up LONGER, maximum 20 years.