Joining the cluster of chambers of commerce based at Brussels Enterprises Commerce and Industry (BECI) expands the scope of CCCE’s network. It widens its base, enabling it to operate effectively from the capital of the EU.
The 4th CARIFORUM-EU Business Forum, held in Frankfurt, Germany last September, identified the need for an independent, non-politically aligned, private sector body to provide market information and logistical support for business development in Europe.
As Anthony Bradshaw, Officer-in-Charge of the Caribbean Export Development Agency (Caribbean Export), said: “it will strengthen business networks and foster a closer trade and investment relationship between the Caribbean and the EU.”
The launch of CCCE is timely, and with the UK’s departure from the EU, the new Chamber in Brussels offers an alternative springboard to London, in particular for Caribbean Community (CARICOM)-based ventures, into a more diverse European market.
In the build-up to its official launch, the Chamber is reaching out to other regional and trade organizations and is planning to work with major public and private stakeholders on both sides of the Atlantic, who can build the partnerships needed to foster Euro-Caribbean trade and commerce.

About Caribbean Chamber of Commerce in Europe
The Brussels-based Caribbean Chamber of Commerce in Europe (CCCE) is a multilateral, nonprofit, business organization, registered as an AISBL (Association Internationale Sans But Lucrative) under Belgian corporate law. The CCCE created its program to promote trade and commerce between the more significant Caribbean and the UK/Europe and to attract European investment to strengthen the Caribbean economy. Going to be based in Brussels Enterprises Commerce and Industry (BECI) is its offices. For further information, visit