Dash-cam footage from a Tesla captured the moment a vehicle on a Los Angeles, California freeway ran over a tire that had fallen off a nearby pickup truck, launching the car into the air.
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#Crash #LosAngeles #CaughtonCamera
Didn’t think a tire could do to a car
A street defiled
“It is finished”.
What are the odds of this exact scenario
Tire had the audacity to hit the car again
What’s up with the flash of light?
Nothing like your classic Chevy truck driver
Hope no one was hurt
That is just crazy, hope the people in the car was ok.
it seems that the tire went to give him the coup de grace. devilish scene.
I wonder who installed those tires wheels on the truck I certainly doubt they were what was specified in the original design. I work in The aviation industry, we would have to get FA approval to install a wheel or tire that was not approved in the original design. I seriously doubt the people in the car came away without an injury looks absolutely horrific All because someone wanted to look cool with different styles tires and wheels.
One of the craziest crashes I’ve seen
Oh my! Glad the person was OK!
Hit ‘em with the Mario cart (red turtle)
That was nuckin’ futs!
Oh my goodness! There was nothing he could do either. That tire went under his car-he had to chance to avoid it. Geez so much damage! His car like fell apart! Ugh poor people. My thoughts are with them!
Esto pasa con los mecánico de hoy que cambien llanta por que piensan que las máquina de apretar llanta con compresión de aire creen que tú del tiempo tiene la misma presión de aire acuérdense que el compresor pierde aire Para más seguridad usen una cruceta y busquen sus manos para que no haga esto accidente porque despues no se quieren hacer cargo como este ejemplo
so scary!