Capitol rioter gets over 7 years in prison for Jan. 6 participation | USA TODAY

Texas militia member Guy Wesley Reffitt has been sentenced to over seven years in prison for his role in the January 6th riots at the Capitol.

RELATED: January 6 hearing highlights chaos in White House during Capitol riots

The sentencing comes after a federal court jury in March delivered guilty verdicts on five criminal counts, including obstruction, against Guy Wesley Reffitt in the first jury trial to emerge from the government's far-reaching investigation of the attack.

In an eleventh-hour attempt at an apology, Reffitt, dressed in an orange jumpsuit, stepped before a courtroom podium and offered a rambling, expletive-filled statement.

"I really do hate what I did," he told U.S. District Judge Dabney Friedrich. "My mouth is my biggest enemy." Before announcing the sentence, Friedrich described the former oil field worker's unusual expression of remorse as "awfully late."

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#CapitolRiot #January6 #Militia

Capitol rioter gets over 7 years in prison for Jan. 6 participation | USA TODAY


    1. @GanjaHiWalker yes you can, and you don’t need a ccw to do so either, 2A supercedes all unconstitutional gun laws

    2. @FULL ALBUMS, CONCERTS & MOVIES Trump offered natl guard to cities during the riots, to the capital before Jan 6, told the protesters to protest peacefully.
      So why is it about him on the jan 6 committee?

  1. He should’ve known that if you’re not a member of government you can go to jail for breaking the law.

  2. The system needs reset, top down, every institution needs rechecked and balanced. There needs to be term limits, or set up like jury duty.
    To many people or families take over and overstay their welcome. No more lobbying or special interest, that’s been abused to much. Better education and infrastructure, more attention on our issues. Transparency in everything, we should see what our taxes do. Every bill should be released to the public in a forum or something everyone who wants to can read.
    A watch dog group the reports everything to the public. Dissolve useless agencies and groups. Like alphabet police and make epa do more than just fine people or dissolve them.
    We need to get 4 Chan to trick them all into walking out of office.

    Most of the people are stupid, but some aren’t. The Chinese will get some to try and instal communism. The government will get some to try and instal authoritarian. And then there’s Americans who just want our system to be running right. So a reset.

    1. Terms of service for the Supreme Court justices. Currently, it’s unbalanced and far from supreme. Forever is ridiculous. Same for members of Congress.

    2. Some people like their representatives so they serve for a long time as it should be. You want term limits, well that’s called voting ever two years.

    3. @Alexander Bingham Why have labels just vote for the person you support. That’s what I do as an Independent.

    1. @James Madison Because that has Always been their policy since they were formed in July 26, 1908, you low brow conspiracy theorist 😀

    2. @Bjorn Stahle If they weren’t involved in inciting violence, then why not deny these accusations? When you refuse to answer such basic direct questions, that confirms they were but can’t talk about it because it’s classified. You are not the brightest crayon in the box are you? 😂

  3. Funny thing happened on the way the way to forum…….they forgot to close the Capitol building to all visitors on the website! If they were let in and allowed to roam the halls WITH Capitol police with them….then they are guests, supervised of course. Now if ANY of them assaulted people, destroyed property then they need to face the judge. If not then you need to let them go. If this was an insurrection as they claim it was the WORST one ever!!! You all need to relax as I am sure that most will be won on appeal as they have NOT arrested nor charged EVERYONE that was inside that day. I do have one question…… did htey get the main doors open when they have a cyber lock that only the Sgt. at arms squad has the combination to? Hmmmmmm

  4. I am appalled at the corruption and injustice of the country I THOUGHT I lived in! Complete disappointment!!

    1. @Alexander Bingham He was charged with obstructing Congress and carrying a firearm in gun free zone. Not exactly a terrorist

    2. @Cindy Anderson all I can say is NEXT! I hope justice continues to “run down like water” on all who decided that insurrection was the best course of action on January 6, 2022. We are a country of laws and NO ONE is above them! He will now possibly spend seven years of his life locked up behind a calculated lie and attempt to overthrow our government. It wasn’t his mouth that presented as his biggest enemy; I submit that it was his inability to discern right from wrong! Again, NEXT!!!

  5. So was he one of the people whom the Capital police opened the doors for and encouraged to walk in? This is sickening. The criminal who threatened to kill a Supreme Court Judge does no time, along with the criminal who tried to kill a campaigning congressional candidate. We’re fed up this this!!!

    1. @Bark Barkaslot Okay Cupcake, now get off the internet and do your homework, you have school tomorrow. Pay attention in Math and Science class.

    2. @Orange Monster yeah, you’re mad!!! 😂😂kid, I make more money in a month than you do in two years 😂😂😂 I think it’s time to rotate the tires on your house 😂😂😂 I bet your family tree is a wreath

    3. @Orange Monster you keep moving those goalposts 😂😂😂 you’re a very simple man. Cope harder, we are winning 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  6. so how about the security that unlocked the magnetic doors, opened gates, opened doors, or escorted the buffalo guy into the grand chambers?

  7. “That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, *it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it,* and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.”

    1. You alter it by electing new representatives (the election was fair), passing new laws, amending the constitution, etc. You do that before you abolish it to support an autocratic, un-democratic man who would do anything and sacrifice anyone to stay in power.

    1. @Fire Quackers It appears the firearm wasn’t on his person but found in his vehicle after his arrest.

    2. @Fire Quackers he didn’t enter the building if he entered the building with a gun yeah I can see 7 years. Otherwise he’s open carrying which is a right.

  8. So someone is getting 7 years in prison for the day that police let people into the Capitol? OUR CAPITOL? his prosecutor needs thrown in prison for life

    1. @Raynizzle Destroyer dude again, if people looted or committed arson or vandalism, they should be charged.
      The same goes for the people that tried to rise against our nation by storming the Capitol building.

  9. What happened to the ‘summer of love’…. love to see that they’ve been bailed out and living life without a care

  10. *’March to the Capitol and protest peacefully’* —words that are actually well within the confines of the Constitution…where in there does it/did he say attack and breach the building??? 🤷🏼‍♂️😄

    1. @Finn what he actually said and what they actually did are two different things entirely… I think it’s time we get the narrative correct don’t you???

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