A U.S. Capitol Police officer was killed and another injured after a man drove a car into a security barricade at the Capitol complex on Friday, acting Chief Yogananda Pittman said. Kasie Hunt joins Morning Joe to discuss. Aired on 04/05/2021.
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#CapitolPolice #YoganandaPittman #MSNBC
Capitol Police Reeling After Another Deadly Attack | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Forget politics, as you’ve come to see it, as a contest between Democrats and Republicans. Today the struggle is democracy versus oligarchy.
@HS okay, chief, everyone is lying, except the completely unregulated internet trolls who have told you what is really happening. Great argument there, good to see your tinfoil hat is doing its job.
@Gwendolyn Williams Simply when you send out ballots to everyone on outdated voter rolls fraud occurs whether the dimwitted press hides it or not. BTW dead people vote 90% DemonRat. Guess that’s why they call it the Soul of the Nation. Thanks for your Concern!
@louis grant Gotcha kinda like the Demons are the party of defund the police, burning buildings, homelessness, open borders, rising crime, Black children dying, killing babies, race baiting, cancel culture and identity politics! Thanks for your Concern!
Biden is creating more “Hate and Division” than Obama could ever imagine…
@Gwendolyn Williams you might want to check your facts and see who the wealthiest in Congress are and who gets the most corporate money. You might also want to look at who gives the most to charity. Only then will you know the truth about your corrupt democrat party. Won’t mention civil rights or jim crow. You couldn’t handle that truth.
Again we talk about mental health issues but again nothing will be done. Sad. So much help is needed.
@Carlos Carlos what’s the secret handshake then ?
@Carlos Carlos I call democrats crazy people and you got offended. That’s hilarious.
Then come up with a ridiculous lie to try and make me feel some kinda guilt because you think if you say your a Trump supporter I’d feel bad bout calling democrats the crazy ones. Sorry sweetheart don’t feel bad about stating a fact
@Carlos Carlos stupid
@Eagan Woodward Same thing.
Biden is creating more “Hate and Division” than Obama could ever imagine… !!!!
Prayers for the family and friends of such a brave American hero. Our community prays for peace in DC and we are grateful to see most of our fellow Americans join us in that prayer.

So sad, this is horrible. I can’t imagine his family, imagine going to work and you don’t get to go home,
@Lumby1 how do you calculate what is dangerous or not? How do you calculate what is a dangerous job? By what metric are you using? How did you calculate it? And etc. If you just read some buzzfeed article where it jist lists the jobs, you cant trust that cause there is no methodology or well, anything shown
@Anonymous Person I would imagine by the numbers of workers killed or injured on the job, per year, how else? If you want me to teach you search methods, you’ll have to pay me, I don’t work for free. Some background in statistics would be helpful, and a whole lot of reading.
@Anonymous Person nice attempt to change the subject, thanks for admitting you can’t defend the actions of the drumpf supporters at the capitol.
@Big Boomer so anyone right of Mao Zedong is now far right
Biden has created more “Hate and Division” than Obama could ever imagine…
If this can happen 2 times in such a short period it can happen a 3rd time. Even a domestic terrorist attack is very possible
This I think was from Friday the scene they showed was fridays
“Is everyone Trump guy simply ignorant” says the guy who doesn’t realize this is the only recent attack being repeated.
@Jonathan Devereaux and it wasn’t even a Trump supporter. He was a member of the Nation of Islam.
Yeah will see the domestic terrorist attacks from BLM soon
After the way ALL LEO’s have been treated in the past year plus ,I think they have some thinking to do. Decisions to be made by all. Choose wisely.
Yeah, some of them should find new careers. Others should be promoted.
I remember knocking on the door, and visiting the great Senators Pell.
Visiting the capital of California we had to go through a metal detector. Shouldn’t that be the norm?
It is.
This guy ran over a Police Officer with a car.
Patrick Kenyon I know. They were speaking in generalities I felt.
“Terrorist attack at capital has authorities worried” there fixed the title
@Kenny Brooks “to be a Terrorist you have to have a political motive”
What about Islamic jihadists? Purely religious.
@mike briganti And this has to do with what happened at the Capitol how? Follow the bouncing ball.
@mike briganti Yeah maybe we cried but at least we didn’t riot when “our president” lost the election and say dems “stole” it
@Screaming Pencil Noah greens definitely wrote anti gov sentiment. He wrote it on his facebuk and instigram 2 hours before the attack.Most definitely political. To say the least. And his actions is a textbook of domestic terrerizmn
This is going to get worse before it gets better. Cheaters are facing a Karma backlash.
How many attacks/deaths per how much time is needed to go from “one-off” attacks and clear and present danger? (I am wondering, and I think their is no substantive answer, just when people decided enough is enough. I expect no answers. Just think about it.)
18 years is a long time to be on the Capitol police force
Didn’t this occur last Friday? I thought this story here, was yet another horrible attack.
Exactly! Why are they just now posting this?
This is just horrible, and my heart and prayers go out to both ppl and there families for there huge losses.God Bless you all!
Reminder: On March 10, 2021, Mitch McConnell tweeted that Capitol security is “overdone” and “over-reacting”.
It was the cost that bothered him not security.
@Lynda Crosfill Or it could simply be that Moscow Mitch is a garbage human being.
So very sad!! When will this crazy happening stop!!
When they start sending the ones guilty to jail instead of just rounding them up it will keep happening until they start seeing consequences for there actions
When your government start’s telling the truth and working for the people
When channels MSNBC Fox and CNN stop promoting hate and division.
They don’t need more funding they need less responsibility and immunity from wrong doing.
Sad…please be strong,to the families of the dead officer (RIP) and also wishing a speedy recovery for the other officer that is injured during the incident. T_T
So sorry
it’s heart braking.
Debra Fileta
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