Members of a House Committee investigating the January 6, 2021 attack say it was part of a seven-part plan to overturn the election. Here's what we know.
RELATED: January 6 hearing includes testimony from Ivanka Trump, Bill Barr | USA TODAY
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#january6 #trump #congress
The Flag the Stand the Reason, The Man ( By Steven F. Gooden )
No trifle stripe doest grace this Cloth
Each Band, each strand by blood, no froth
Whilst noblest battles do rage and grow
We stay the course for this we know
No cost for cause tis too much too pay
When freedom cries this too we pray
That men will rise, risk life & Limb
For, Family, Country but most for HIM
It’s He who formed us by His Design
So for His Purpose keep this in Mind
All men, no matter how poor or rich
Great or not were equally stitched
Made in His Image, both mind and Soul
To perform His will for the good of the Whole
Kneel not for tyranny, in hate or Jest
Stand up rather, for 2 feet are best
Stand up give Thanks for those who cant
Those who’ve died to give voice to rant
Ever thankful for your rights by blood
Thus Use it wisely for this they stood
They stood and fell that we might rise
Tis Now our turn, our fight to realize
Freedom’s cost tis always born in strife
It’s price is life and Sacrifice
Remember and pause for all those before
They were first with less, did more
This Flag we salute, this idea we cling
It’s for this idea we stand and sing
For No trifle stripe doest grace this Cloth
Each Band, each strand from blood, not froth
Whilst noblest battles do rage and grow
We stay the course for this we know
No cost for cause tis too much too pay
We answer freedom’s cry and say
We all will rise, and risk life & Limb
For our Family, our Country but most of all for HIM
but most FOR HIM!
– Steven F. Gooden
Let’s see the like to dislike ratio
Your tax dollars, hard at work.
Yes. Bengazhi!!!!!!
Yes, I remember what a discount the hearings on Benghazi was!
@Ronald Giroux I agree! I think she did some shady stuff with her emails, but the spectacle it became was a complete waste of our money!
Could you have had at least one committee member who didn’t previously vote to impeach? At least pretend you were trying to be fair and impartial.
That bunch of old trolls is not capable of being honest or impartial.
They could have but apparently Republicans blocked having an Independent Commission for investigation so they must be fine with their current committee.
@Otakumichibi Naw yer just talkin demon tongue dont want any of this satanic “info” in mah comment section
They knew what was coming…they knew what had occurred, now we are seeing it…
Love that they’re just being trashed even more for this bogus waste of money.
Where TF is the prime time special about how we are going to lower fuel cost and inflation? I don’t give a $hit about J6 when I’m paying $75 extra a week on just fuel.
Just buy a 50,000 dollar electric vehicle dude
Just buy a 50,000 dollar electric vehicle dude
@mrfreewayboy i have to get the $2000 charging station installed at my house first
Where TF is the prime time special about how we are going to lower fuel cost and inflation? I don’t give a $hit about J6 when I’m paying $75 extra a week on just fuel.
@meroinheroin says the person who thinks putting a sign on their front yard is sufficient for their cause.
I don’t care, I just care enough to watch and whine about gas price…Go buy another red hat.
It’s all a distraction
Intimidate electors to change their vote. Is that like intimidating Supreme Court Justices to change their vote?
No… asking the legislators to do their job.
PA State Supreme Court has already ruled that the mail in ballots were against state constitution.
@jennti Years ago
Yeah probably. I’m sure there are slight legal distinctions between them based on the details about each. Both are pretty fucked up and dangerous ways to voice your opinion. That goes for any type of riot too.
I missed it. What did Ray Epps have to say when they interviewed him?
Do you want to buy my tandem bike off Craigslist?
In other news, “Witch hunts are now trending again.”
Please give me my tax dollars back so I can just go burn it myself. I’d rather do that then to watch other people do it. This is pure torture and negligence.
Nomanclatura so full of Guile, so now we have their great Show Trial.
Strange, everything someone said was going to happen is happening.
Words matter, this is Merriam Webster’s definition of insurrection verbatim: “The act of revolting against civil authority” in other words what blm and antifa did for 8 consecutive months in 2020.
@Otakumichibi shhhh if you actually apply legal rules to this it doesn’t support his argument very cleanly! Why would you bring that up?!
@Otakumichibi Yeah I thought so. That wasn’t so hard at all!
@G L Well, as they said, “words matter”. Can’t start denying that, especially in the matter of law/real life context.
If only we could still see the dislike to like ratio. If one has to censor truth, one is not only the bad guy, one is the lowest of the bad guys. One is the weak bad guy.
@Surj138 There’s not really any evidence for that to be YouTube’s motive considering how they profit from controversial videos.
As is more likely and less biased take, it has to do with complaints from private companies and advertising which they do care about. As companies trying to actually sell you something care way more about likes and dislikes on YouTube.
Why on EARTH do people care about the (dis)like ratio??? Do you not realize there are bots that can flood vids with ups or downs? Are people actually forming opinions on the “goodness” or “badness” of vids, or even the “truth” of vids, based on up/down votes?!?
Is thinking for oneself SOO out of fashion?
@Aeroldoth3 Buddy they’re trying to justify anything to hold onto the false perception of their reality. It’s incredibly depressing that so many people are this upset over having to take some accountability.
@Aeroldoth3 some people just prefer transparency over censorship, apparently
Not exactly shocking stuff for anyone not in a coma the last 2 years.
In a country where majority of people have guns, no guns were brought to the so called
While there are a LOT of guns, most Americans do not actually own one. Also guns aren’t required for an Insurrection to be considered “armed” and dangerous nor was everyone searched at the time of the event.
@Trout Slayer ¯_(ツ)_/¯
We don’t need any biased news organization to explain anything, that’s not your job.