Candidate who praised QAnon conspiracy defeats Trump-backed lawmaker

Lauren Boebert, who praised a QAnon conspiracy, defeated Rep. Scott Tipton in the Republican primary election for Colorado’s 3rd Congressional District.

#CNN #News


    1. Mscar 760
      But the inter-generational cycle of poverty and Social mobility across generations are ten times worse in the US than in Europe …
      So, your theory seems to be wrong.
      What’s actually happening is that without a minimum wage, crooked employers can easily exploit people who have no choice, which allows a much harder Social Dumping.
      If you can’t exploit people, it’s much harder to enact Social Dumping and keep the wages low.
      It seems you’re not really versed in Economics, are you ?

    2. Jay1 Live shows up to be on his phone and post racist divisive posts… not worth a penny from us at all…

    3. It would change NOTHING. It as if Americans don’t understand that 98% of the people you got in the senate and congres are millionaires. They could not care less for the wage they get for that work as through being in the senate and congress they can make a lot more money peddling influence to various companies and interests.

  1. I’m sure her victory has nothing to do with her young tight body and symmetrical features

    1. @Lance Mcdonald I noticed that you couldn`t back up your wild accusations with logic or sense. What`s wrong weirdo….are you DUMB?

    2. Ocasio-Cortez4prez2022 You are just making up studies that don’t exist. There are a small minority of all voters who let physical attractiveness effect their vote it isn’t anything particular that liberal women do.

    3. She is extremely attractive until she starts talking a bunch of QAnonsense. Then it is like, back away slowly…

    1. @brian gardner You do realize Trump used to hang with the clintons also and donate lots of money to the clintons also.🤔

    2. @Idk uncertainty id luv to comment,,, but everyone of them censored….does it make you wonder what your little mind couldnt handle???

    1. @Ledder Havit
      So you think this ALL came from a newspaper? Maybe they made it up? Like it couldn’t have been LEAKED to a paper? Why are seemingly trying to take up for Putin? Just can’t believe that Chump’s secret gay lover Vladimir (allegedly! Lol) would ever do something so evil, hateful, and…well,…sinister? Delusion, thy name is Ledder Havit!

    1. @Indi Pillai I don’t get that I thought the democratic party were the original kkk members???

    2. @Leonard Longoria
      The poorest uneducated racists and traitors come from shithole redstates that collect half their budgets from blue donor states, welfare magats?

    3. She is their answer to AOC. Young, pretty, and even more extreme than her predecessor. I hope she loses.

    1. Only if you are a moron and believe the absolute nonsense that the q puts out, otherwise there is no split between rational people.

    2. @Thrasymachus Monk Yep, people like to forget that fact and just chant “party of Lincoln” that’s like I saying Superman could never become an evil villain… oh wait. People are so blinded by their party affiliations, blinded by faith, and refuse to accept that they could be on the wrong side of history for once. Heck, Russia once thought of Putin as their hero and someone to do well for the people. Look what happened there.

    3. Since the arrival of Fox propaganda we have lost the ability to find the truth 🤬😢

    4. @Michael Baldwin I can see what you say is true, simply by reading the comments in this one post. Talk about tinfoil hat wearing loonies. Good Lord, America needs to give out free mental health care and medication and it needs to make sure the f*ckers take their meds.

    1. love the polls….Biden is winning by a landslide. lol How many people (especially on the Right) are taking any polls…or taking them seriously. Funny sht. I almost want to take a poll once and awhile but just be full of sht….because the Powerful Media sucks, sucks bad these last couple years.

    2. @Delage Eric not any particular strong black woman? Just “a strong black woman”, that’s all you care about? Decide what identity boxes you want to check first, THEN find the person accordingly, and you don’t see a problem with that?

    3. big as the take away guns was in the 90s…. nothing can beat defund police now…….it will be 2030s before a demorat wins again…….

    1. @Peter Bills
      WRONG! It concluded that they “could not exonerate Trump” but could not indict due to an absurd DOJ policy that a sitting president cannot be indicted. The Mueller Report cited 10 incidents that coud be considered as either collusion or obstruction.
      Stop watching Fox dummy!

  2. if you look good – you can go far – even when you run on lies. WHAT A TIME TO BE ALIVE!!!

    1. Daniela dos Santos Silva, pls don’t make everything about you. Trump “looks good” in that his crap brand is glitter and gold to impress. His appeal to his base is superficial, with no intellectual gravitas or substance.

    2. @Samuel Allen when a woman’s achievement is linked to her looks and a man’s isnt we call it sexism

    3. Daniela dos Santos Silva you can call it that, but if you’re denying the fact that looks do not help, for both men and women, you’re lying to yourself. It’s not about male or female – it’s about being deemed “attractive” in our modern society. If you want to make it a male/female thing that’s fine, but you’re missing the point.

  3. Maybe this is how the people are saying enough to those making a lifetime career in congress!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. It’s actually very useful to plot on a graph where people stand with their policies. It is a good data point for seeing how our culture is shifting. It doesn’t always make sense, like how being fiscally conservative is a trait on the Right yet Republicans have passed record deficits under Trump and that was even before the coronavirus hit. But I suppose you could use that drift as another data point to show the results of an incompetent leader hijacking a party.

    1. To the people who don’t know that phrase was on JFK’s Bell on his boat, JFK grave is a Q MJ faked his own death and went into secret service protection along with JFK JR. Hopefully Isaac kappy as well and Kurt Cobain to bring the satanic cult down.

  4. It’s like choosing between the devil and Satan. Damn this country is totally messed up.

    1. Ocasio-Cortez4prez2022 the dude is basically saying we are choosing between 2 different sides of the same evil coin. But yeah everything else you said was accurate.

    2. @Ocasio-Cortez4prez2022 that’s pretty much what I meant ,it is not a real choice, they both supported Trump.

    3. Kasel what’s Obama got to do with trump destroying the environment, caging children, allowing 125,00+ Americans to die which numbers still rising. I could go on but my hands would get tired from typing.

    4. I think the voters see her as their answer to AOC. Young, pretty, and politically extreme versus a grizzled, old veteran who remembers what being Republican meant before Trump hijacked the party.

    5. Thrasymachus Monk This country was only doing better under trump. They’re conservatives, be grateful we’re not in the totalitarian state that the dems want us in. Small government is good! It gives power to the people. Don’t be stupid, just think about logically, then you can bi*ch and whine like an emotional doll

    1. Nah, They’re just laughing at Qtards like the rest. I remember when John McCain was under house arrest an George Soros was arrested ad Dulles Airport and sent to Gitmo…🤣🤣🤣 good times #nothingEverHappens

    2. @JD182 Thats what they always say. It’s been that way since 10/2017. ..🤣 any day now!!! big news next week!! 🤣 it’s always next week…

    1. @Reichert Zetopan oh yeah you mean the pizza joint owned by a guy who constantly posts pedophilia posts? Who some how managed to be named on the 50 most influential in DC tho has no claim to politics? That guy?

    2. more like thousands and thousands 🤣🤣🤣 It looks MUCH different INSIDE the echo chamber…. ….

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