CTV's Joyce Napier weighs in on Biden's decision to scrap the Keystone XL pipeline and what that means for Canada.
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Thumbs down sounds normal for Canada
But you got five up ! One of them is myn !
It means I maybe shouldn’t go to school to be a welder
I’ve been a welder in the oilfield for 20 years…. do something else.
You can weld elsewhere then the patch bud. pays the same in boats and bridges and the job is alot more secure and your not treated like a criminal all the time
Literally dying profession robots are taking over the entire profession as we speak
There are still plenty of things to weld. Our planet would be in a lot better shape if we stop relying on fossil fuels so heavily
Why would you want to be a welder for this work? Maybe get ahead of the game and get in to renewables or green building. That market won’t stop growing. Just in the early stages.
Cant wait to see Justin dance around the issue….
He’ll be dancing in gitmo soon
I hope this is the catalyst for annexation
Bhangra dancing with some shoe polish…..
He does have a degree in dance..
Politics is as silly as it seems , no accountibility SSDD
Trudeau won’t be making a statement about this because he can’t restrain his smile yet.
Trudeau, “(Takes a sip from water box) um ah….”
Brandon Tymkow yep! Immm…ummmm.ummm.ummm. So the Canadian Biden lovers can eat their words now.
Who didn’t know this was gonna happen??
There’s definitely not a happy ending to all this nonsense. And we thought 2020 was a bad year. Just wait…… oh sorry. It’s already happening.

Virtue signaler meet virtue signaler.
Trump gave the green light for Keystone but it never went to operation during his ruling!
Because it was challenged in court by greentards
You wanted Joe,… you got Jojo…. careful what you wish for
Is this a jojo reference?
….more, didn’t want the bloated orange buffoon…..
and this is just the beginning!
yeah, where are all you Biden supporters now ey?
Right here dude. I applaud this move. GO BIDEN!!!
Do we get to have 575 genders tho? Who cares about economy, the budget will balance itself and you middle class will balance it
Imigration and driving taxi seems to be a huge industry go canada go , 3 wives and 10 kids every 5 years what a great payday , can you imagine the secret savings ohh laa la
It would be “stand by” not “standby” unless your waiting for an opening on a flight or something.
Yeah trump gave it the green light because hes the only recent president with any sense which is why all the idiots what him gone
Joe Biden says yes to poverty.
Also yes to hotdogs
Seriously. What did you expect?
Democrats are significantly more protectionist than Republicans.
I find it ironic considering sockboy had canceled Northern Gateway.
Well, they complained about Trumps policies, brace ourselves for Biden tsunami.
Trudeau is happy to have his buddies to the south do his dirty work…he’ll play the victim but actually get exactly what he wants…
great point