Tiffany Guara details her family's 'gruelling' stay in a federal quarantine facility after returning to Canada from Egypt.
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Now imagine she was exposed to the real world…
Canadians are more spoiled than ever before
In the real world do you get taken against your will for complying and doing everything they’ve asked you to do?
The Multiverse is her Safe Space!
The world is such a cruel place.
Ask anyone that lived through Soviet rule. It is called history and it tends to repeat.
We are so f***d …
What a sin…. $ 10 off your next trip out. We promise!
Dont worry after you get the 10$ a day childcare with huge increases in prices everywhere you should be able to live better.
And the $500.00 per child..not including all other payments for having children. I don’t know anyone who ever got more than a few dollars for having a child and daycare was mostly paid out of pocket…Liberals give away too much money for having children. Conservatives will definitely take all that away!! Vote Conservative!
Wow lots of upset Karen’s in here.
Says Karen lol.
Oh did you think those abusive measures would only be used against the unvaxxed? Think again, when they can take someone’s rights away they can take your too! Mybe it’s time you showed some solidarity.
And yet you played their jabberwocky game. ..did you LEARN ANYTHING?
Just keep complying. It will all end soon.

Ah her name is Tiffany, i knew the “hot crazy matrix” would be right.
Barney would still hit!
They had clean water and flush toilets. Luxuries.
So did Soviet Russia.
I was waiting only 1 day for my test result in hotel and I was alone and it stiill was horrible.
Silly – you don’t follow the rules you should have flew to the USA and walked across at Roxham Road
Just watched a video about female soldiers in North Korea. I am sure they would feel sorry for you…
on one had i think these quarantine centres are ridiculous and also the travelers
Hearing her talk its literaly prison for the duration.
Well, if you are gonna travel and be potential Bio – Hazards, then I don’t feel sympathy for your quarantine conditions.
This pandemic is spread by travelers.
If you were from another country and you arrived here infected, I would almost consider it bio-terrorism.
This isn’t the Canada I remember
There’s herd immunity and herd mentality.. too many Canadians have the mentality of a herd.
How many of you are surprised by this? How many of you agree with the government doing this?