Bimbo Canada is replacing its plastic bread clips across the country with recycled cardboard tags that are compostable.
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Maybe the plastic bags will be next
Make more card board, Plant more trees and we can get rid of plastic
They are planning on doubling the use of plastics over the next decade or so…
@Freeda Peeple Who is “they” ?
@Derek The plastics industry, of course. Who else would I be talking about?
Historic Achievement. !!
Well after a few uses, the plastic ones break & don’t hold up to reuse so these definitely won’t to using it.
* insert “it’s something” meme here *
Breed more cows and chickens so I can afford to eat something besides ramen noodles.
Now what are the poor guitar players supposed to use?
Found a way in to the current political carbon monies give away
You don’t have to upload this twice.