The trucker-inspired protests in Canada continue. It's starting to worry officials on both sides of the border, who say blocking a key trade route between the US and Canada could lead to higher prices. #CNN #News
Canada’s truck blockade is causing supply chain concerns. Here’s why

Should see how much money US spend on replacing car batteries in households in the past few years. Sta.ta.ta.ta.tisticly speaking.
You can’t have rising inflation and record setting corporate profits at the same time. It’s not inflation, it’s price gouging.
@Thomas Prime Feel free to explain the claims you make. Also, price gouging or not, the fact still remains that inflation has been a constant for numerous decades and at the same time so has soaring corporate profits. Somebody within the system has to be getting fucked for this to happen, and that somebody is the middle class.
If money was backed by gold there would be no inflation this is what you get for fiat currency once again all these dumb people with their dumb comments need to educate themselves
Corporations are the only ones setting the prices. When they need to raise prices by $0.04 however the analyst gets paid to tell them it appears they “can get away with raising it by $0.28” they’ll do just that and let the blame fall wherever their TV is pointed.
@Critters There isn’t enough gold on earth to back all of the currency that exists globally.
@Admiralty86 Yes corporations set prices as high as they possibly can because they need to make as large of a profit as possible in order to not be outcompeted by other corporations. It’s built into the system and the system is fucked.
All of the costs that keep rising, meanwhile companies keep posting record high profits, but I’m sure those things aren’t connected at all.
@Bay My mom’s friend’s son died from covid. He was in his 20s and otherwise healthy. That’s not science fiction.
@Josh Greer Let’s focus on abortion, aids, diabetes if we care about saving lives.
We could also focus on suicides caused directly from mandates
@Bay If you want to minimize abortions then make contraception free and widely accessible, such as making IUDs completely free.
In first world countries aids barely kills anyone because there is medicine now that pretty much cures aids. Getting this medicine to third world countries is an issue however.
If you want to stop diabetes from ending lives then advocate for insulin to be made cheaper and for public healthcare.
Suicide was a massive issue before covid existed, and has become a massive issue because the economic structure we live within is failing us. Why would someone want to continue living if the best life they can possibly live is working 40 exhausting, torturous hours a week for less money then what would even cover the basic costs of living? Who tf wants to wake up 5/7 mornings and go do something for 8+ hours straight that they hate just so that they don’t starve to death?
@Josh Greer Also let’s get passports necessary for pedos/murderers/rapists to save lives … or brand them .. either way
@Bay I don’t know what you’re on about
We have plenty in the stores as long as you are willing to pay twice the price gouging that’ started with covid meat co. Now everyone has jumped on the wagon raising prices.
@Frank Castle aka The Punisher Cult? You see I irony here. Your user name says it all tuff guy.
Another person that doesn’t understand economics
It’s a domino effect, not a bandwagon.
@Fosko 74 Joe bidens 60% dissaproval might disagree
@Traci Schmidt They literally admitted to doing it. Read the fact check before they reversed themselves after backlash.
Yeah…I think that’s kinda the idea of a truckers blockade lol
This is probably fueled by someone who wants all freight companies to switch to AI semis.
I love Pepe!
@Deborah Freedman I support the Canadian Truckers. American Truckers may block to super bowl.
“That’s a good thing” Bernie Sanders
If wages aren’t up at the same level of inflation then it’s actually a loss in terms of purchasing power (on necessity goods, not luxury items)
We need to demand they battle it out in perpetuity. Inflation goes up, you are required to raise the wages. You want $100 for a gallon of milk, fine minimum wage must be a million dollars. Collapse the system if need be.
biden doesn’t care or know.
No, the CEO’s PROFIT MARGINS drive the cost. Many companies have a team of “experts” whose sole job is to increase annual profits of the company; and they usually concede to pay less to the front lines while increasing the price of their already overpriced goods and services…..
@u2mister1 My mom is a teacher and her retirement is down 10% and has been for quite some time. If something doesn’t change soon she stands to lose more than $20,000.
@Pat L Demand drives cost, not wages. Wages within the free market essentially only go up if the workers start not buying anything at all/dying. Corporations want the average person to only have enough money to buy their products but not enough money to be financially secure because that would lead to people having free time and too much time away from being a wage slave leads to critical thinking which isn’t good for corporations. In real life where the market isn’t completely free, wages go up when the people elect representatives who will enact legislation that raises their wages. Cost of living has continued to rise exponentially over the past 60-70 years and wages have basically remained stagnant because the electorate has been too stupid to elect people that actually represent their interests, instead choosing to elect people who work for the giant banks, wall street, and the corporate sector.
No concerns when the summer of love was having peacful protesting
Those were unemployed drug addicts. They contribute more to society.
City’s on fire looting killing . 20 people . 2 billion in damages from anti f ags blm turds … And cnn ? “Duuum it’s mostly peaceful ” . F u media we all despise you . (Except the few dozen commie perverts viewers you have left of course )
Nooo cause when you have zero integrity or standards like cnn …. They are only here to protect and cover up and hide for the failures and horrible things the insane leftist losers do… and then smear and try to help their side to call any one who doesn’t agree with their leaders as racist and blah blah blah … we all now know how pathetic and humiliating cnn is …. And that’s why no one Trusts or even watches them. they are pathetic
It was OK to shut streets down and burn down buildings during the 2020 race riots but this protest is unacceptable. The irony.
I am willing to go without and I do not have back up stuff. This is a good thing. Things need to change.
I just wrote almost the exact same thing on another thread. A commentator was complaining that the Super Bowl might be affected by this. It angered me because there are people who have lost their jobs and yes, even their lives because of an experimental jab. Who cares about the stupid Super Bowl. I hope it is a flop!!
I agree, things need to change and I am willing to suffer a bit so that hopefully things will change and these governments will stop acting like tyrants and start working for the people versus only lining their own pockets. How many of those politicians made millions from Big Pharma since the “jab” was introduced? Why isn’t there investigations into that?
God Bless!!
@God’s Child there’s formula shortage bc of this…. children will die. but you’re prolife right?
@God’s Child The super bowl pays a lot of wages. But sure those people should suffer because you are hypothetically considering it. Very brave.
*“Here’s why.”

I think we can figure that one out ourselves, don’t you think?*
@S W
CNN knows why. They just don’t want to tell you the truth.
The government had truckers pick their poison. Shot lose freedom or protest/quit and destroy economy lose freedom. Lose lose situation. But they don’t know, they’re only stuck on mandates without. Government doesn’t care about mandates anymore. They use it as a weapon
Truckers are fighting against more than mandates. They’re fighting for our freedoms.
@Mary Lamb re read what I said. Either way we lose our freedom.
Get the shot = loss of freedom.
Protest/not doing their job = killing the economy loss of freedom. Either way we’re doomed.
If the truckers don’t do their job then the economy goes
. Why do you think went for the stubborn truckers? For this reason. It doesn’t make sense to mandate truckers they alone all day. But what I said above does make sense
“Democracy” in the ÇA and US models don’t mean a population can vote in something illegal.
Educate yourself the United States is not a democracy we are a constitutional republic
The population doesn’t make the laws
THEIR Democracy is not a Democracy, it is lawless Anarcho-Tyranny. Call it what it is
US is a republic, not a full democracy
@Dislike Button Could you make that sound a little more insane?!
How dare these plebs revolt, it’s revolting.
Give ’em hell,
Boycott these big companies when you don’t need what they sell teach them all a lesson !!!!
boycott biden.
Hold the Line!

This American stands with the Canadian truckers.
I will gladly eat canned beans and top ramen for the next for months
I stand with the truckers!
@Cellar Door no. the tp shortage was due to hoarding. very different.
@Cellar Door I didn’t say that. The economy did start breaking down in 2020 with covid but mostly just in blue states that had lockdowns. most states never locked down and are thriving.
Which the supply chain couldn’t keep up with….like talking to a partisan chair
“ the economy breaking down started when Biden took office” – you literally a post ago….
Now you’re arguing with yourself
Jeez, imagine ruining people’s lives and then being surprised that they’re upset about it
Decades of artificially inflating stocks and property is catching up to the rest of the market? Imagine that. This is intentionally being done, and could be resolved very simply. Sacrifice a few billion in profits, and invest in the business, not dividends. The inflation would stop almost immediately.