The immeasurable impact of COVID-19 transformed the lives of all Canadians and the implications will stretch into 2021 and beyond. Genevieve Beauchemin looks back.
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Hospitals empty everywhere
Thats not true at all
Did you go to every hospital and see for yourself? Lol.
Pixie Madness did you!?
@Vic Henley Yes. Yes I did. Lol
Meanwhile compare death rates to the flu and normal death rates of 2018 and before and you’ll see no difference and this is all an over reaction that they will never admit to
They will when the corrupt politicians fueling this fire continue to get caught.
Deaths All Causes
2018 – 283,770
2019 – 287,460
2020 – 300,310
Claimed Covid Deaths – 15,606
@Mark Green let’s say those 15000 deaths (3/4 were old age homes) were all accurate, thats roughly 15000 out of 300000, should we shut down the other things causing the other 95% of fatalities too?
@mac d No. And they know that. Numbers alone don’t tell the whole story. The goal is to deceive, not inform.
Oh yeah. Do you love me?

What is the point of putting out these dumb comments all the time. Do you not have something else to do?
Reported for spam.
Top story ….Doug Ford lied.
Hey did you all see Wuhans news years ? Go look for yourself.
Can anyone actually prove covid exists?
They’ve been shoving it down our throats for over a year now. That’s the only proof you need.
Nope. It’s like the moon landings and ball earth.
Can u prove it doesn’t?
What a joke.
The fight was against the government. Not against covid. Covid was not serious enough to shutdown economy. Yes we don’t like deaths but increase was only minor. News channels not helping.
deaths account for less than 0.01% in Canada if you believe their numbers?
“News channels not helping” — nominated right here for the Understatement of the Year Award.
Correction: The immeasurable impact of THE GOVERNMENT’S DRACONIAN MEASURES & LOCKDOWNS RUINED the lives of all Canadians…
Yep, pretty much.
Wow how sad all I have to do is sit at home and I still feel the need to complain even though my life didnt change because of lockdown.
@Swag Gamer 6000 Sux to be you I guess huh
Thanks, you were six hours ahead of me and saved me from posting the exact same thing.
Didn’t affect me at all!! . I’ve been laying in bed in pain waiting to see a specialist since April 2019.
My grandpa has had a broken arm in 3 spots for 3 months here in North Bay! So I believe ya!
@ShizNick what? You mean not even set in a cast??
My doctor disappeared. Great!
Wrong. Mine wasnt.
Welcome to Chianda, please leave your critical thinking skills and any opinion that doesn’t match ours at the door and come on in. Sanitize your hands and have a seat while I fix you a cocktail
so you can loosen up and move around the country. What’s that? You don’t like cocktails. I’m afraid it’s not mandatory but I must insist. No sorry, that’s only an entrance but you can exit after this…
How come no one is dying from the flu ????

@Miguel Melchior Right genius. Haven’t even had the flu in 20 years WITHOUT MASKS, HAND SANITIZER OR DISTANCING, but okay. Don’t talk. Just shhh!

@Miguel Melchior you are the one that’s not too smart
All the mandates of masks and distancing is about control nothing to do with the virus
Do some real research
I was being sarcastic about the flu. ever since this “covid “ nobody talks or dies from the flu like every other years in the past “It’s flu season “
@Miguel Melchior This meme has to be one of the most risible yet. Those same countries — pace S. Korea, Japan, Taiwan, et al — regularly cited for their widespread use of masks even long before this “pandemic” came about, nevertheless suffer the same bouts of flu year in and year out, just as we do. I know that because I’ve spent quite a number of years living in E. Asia. If widespread use of masks really made a big impact on flu stats, it would be readily apparent in those countries, comparatively speaking — but that just isn’t the case.
@Dr. D. Evidence BULLSHITTER.
@Dr. D. Evidence it’s an airborne disease kitty
Marketing campaign of the century. “Flood the zone.”
bad hygiene canadians
what the hell are they trying to cover up here? what is really under this story?
this is all a joke and we will be sorry by the end of the year for letting this happen
Trudeau lied and the economy died
Where’s the flu