"Canada was taking advantage of us": Despite the new NAFTA deal coming into effect, U.S. President Trump says he will impose aluminum tariffs on Canadian producers.
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It is impossible to trust this administration.
@Джон гоночный Ya….the leader of the ‘Regressive Conservative Party of Canada’. Means nothing now or back then.
@ChromeMan04 trudeau put millions in his families pockets….he’s done.
@Dax the next election will be a conservative landslide.
@ChromeMan04 Trudeau took it off the map. He said Canada is a post nation state.
No kidding
Keep the border closed to non essential travel.
If whiny American cottagers dont like it, they can sell off their Canadian properties and stay in the States.
@Gregg Arsenault yes, canadian may not afford an cottage, but the american cant keep their home from fore closer.
@canadian lol.. maybe you cant afford em.. but i can.
@J W Yup. Put on the backward baseball cap, hop in the F150 and GTFOOD.
@Sovereign Pariah _”Canada just doubled its national debt”_ Hi, welcome to planet Earth; you’ve clearly just arrived. This is actually happening everywhere, not just in Canada. You see, we’re in the middle of this unprecedented global pandemic here where we’re struggling to keep businesses and workers afloat while they’re unproductive and, sadly, that requires borrowing because on this planet, money doesn’t grow on trees.
_”Canada needs American more than America needs Canada”_ And that’s why, Mr. Spaceman, we spent 8 years negotiating CETA with the European Union. It’s switching gears to where the action increasingly is.
@RJ L or lack of….
sometimes I find it hard to believe he’s not drunk
+Kathy Graham…He’s not drunk!…He’s just showing the early signs of dementia which usually follows with old age!
Not drunk, a little brain damaged maybe, but definitely not drunk.
@Can Conservative – yeah a track record of American deaths.
@Morpheus Fishburn Oh you’re one of those who blame Covid on Trump!… Ok I get it…. get back in your padded room please.
@SpeedStriker Actually, he’s drunk, stoned, AND mentally ill!
The rest of the world is laughing at you, even America’s allies.
@Liquid Falsate hahaha your 6 maybe 7 and I bet a russian troll. Your wanna be insults Are on par with what a kid in grade 2 could come up with. I think you should stop trying and realize your got owned and couldn’t come back to any of it. Getting tired of winning yet?
No. I don’t. Trump is not who your TV channels make you believe he is. But it seems you are so brainwashed that you can’t see it… sadly.
Anyway, your comment is laughable, so I’m now laughing… at you.
@Liquid Falsate open your eye, it is uncle chump state of america, not usa.
@Liquid Falsate again, open your eye, it is before and after uncle chump state of america.
@Liquid Falsate true!!!
Canadian aluminium industry should raise price by 25% for national security.
@Corrie Crazy I agree with you that prices go up. Do leftists suddenly understand basic economics? Or are you a rightist who doesn’t understand why things got so out of hand sending all the manufacturing overseas that something was bound to give? Add to that the USA [AND Canada] importing the entire world to live of its welfare system, and all of this was entirely predictable. It’s interesting to see a house of cards fall.
no, we’re opening mines and industry left and right here in america. we just opened a thenadium mine a couple days ago. which china didnt think we could do. now what were you saying?
@Jeremy G there is no American sourced aluminum. America imports 80% of its aluminum cause there isn’t enough in the country. Now those companies are going to be buying the same Canadian aluminum.. and paying a tariff on-top.
@Michael when you import 80% of your aluminum you don’t have a choice.
@Jeremy G Most likely American companies will just raise their prices to match what the Canadian product will now cost.
With allies like this who needs enemies.
that is pretty dumb. He has every right to protect his workers over those of other countries. I am Canadian, and saying that, too.
@swampratzozzle agree boss… liberals are a cancer
@Alex M He’s not out of office yet
@J Charles F Laframboise Alimentary.
swampratzozzle that doesn’t mean we can’t or shouldn’t retaliate
America is like the seagulls in finding Nemo…mine mine mine
underrated comment
Trump needs to get a life. Greedy MF.
Everyone is taking advantage of USA in trumps book.
@Can Conservative He donated his salary because its pocket change for him and idiots, like you, would praise him for that.
@Can Conservative yeah… another helium story, because he just happened to enjoy “being a president”
…wake the fk up
@Phillip w Name a President that donated his entire salary to Charity.
@Can Conservative so your conservative is clean?????
@Wonder Bread you mean no one is buying.
Too bad those 160,000 dead victims of yours aren’t still around earning a living an contributing to your gnp. You will have to import more immigrants to replace them
Dave Grenfell um….he doesn’t like immigrants
Coronavirus invented by trump huh – TDS is real
Denisee Boucher I know
yes with legal immigrants
With friends like this, who needs enemies.
Obi-Wan Kenobi I think the English may beg to differ.
They are not our friends
FitnessByMatt and this is a gift of friendship? No thanks!
Jim Dent so 75 years later we should be still be bowing to that POS and “America”?
This is a tariff that Americans will have to pay, how is that helping America
@Josh D America is a net importer of Aluminum. America can’t compete with Canada on the cost of producing aluminum because processing bauxite into aluminum requires huge amounts of electricity. British Columbia and Quebec have plenty of cheap hydro electricity. The cheapest in North America. Much of this hydro power is exported to America. Maybe its time to rethink this once friendly relationship. Canada is a national security threat? Keep back stabbing your closest friends and allies. Its time to get rid of your orange stain.
@Cobalt drillbit I am aware, also I’m not american
@Josh D I know. But does Trump realize that?
Their whole government is ran by a bunch of idiots who would take more time for this kind of stuff in stead of Covid 19.
@Juicyblunts But we did, so your knee jerk whining about Trudeau was dead wrong….must be a day that ends in y.
Why have a trade agreement with America when you can never rely on their promises?
Trump sorta has a history of not following the law. This is no surprise. Canada should just walk away from the new NAFTA agreement on top of laying tariffs against American products.
Because America is gonna stay forever, Trump is not
A long overdue discussion point.
Why does he hate Canada so much? But likes Russia?
You morons still believe the Russia narrative after all this time? Stop watching MSM before your brains leak out your ears.
Cause Russia has a alpha Male leader
it is all caught in the camera while he was in moscow.
Trumps wife was gaga over Trudeau so Trump hates him. Donald is so insecure, he in turn hates Canada.
He came out backwards thats why
Honestly who paints themselves orange, then lies saying it’s a tan. 3 more months. Wait up america
LikeWise Trump We’re still not gonna open the border!!!!!
@Roy’s World theres 2 vids right up there ^^
@Roy’s World hello fat and pasty canadacant. is that trudeau in those 2 vids? a simple yes or no if you can muster that much
@Roy’s World you do not see the TWO videos i posted in my comment is this correct?
@Jeff Lee No, I do not see TWO videos in your comments!
All tariffs do is raise prices for American consumers, period.
how so?
@MechTech01 Because tariffs are a tax added on your side of the border to Canadian products to make American goods more competitive in price, but that cost is added to the price of goods that would need to buy anyway like aluminum, hence, you pay more.
@blackittysamuraiyou just proved yourself wrong. canada pays the tariff only if we sell to the usa. if our product is more expensive the americans will buy american products. not ours. they dont lose, we do.
@MechTech01 We might sell a little less (to them) but they need lots of aluminum and they will buy at the higher price. Trump sells this as if other countries are “paying” but in fact Americans are paying more for something that they would buy in any event.
This is there leader well USA weak up ! A leader of country talking like that of is Allies , the worst president in history
He just said that “America should not be led by fools”, guess Trump is going to resign!

@ENCRYPT3DBR0K3R not by a long shot.
ENCRYPT3DBR0K3R I’m Canadian and I think he is stupid
Haha Trudeau will be gone soon watch
But at least he is a million times better than trump
@ENCRYPT3DBR0K3R Yup I’m also Canadian and I agree! He’s so corrupt!
In all fairness. Trump doesn’t lie all the time. Sometimes he keeps his mouth shut n lets someone else lie for him.
Jim Newman you are so right! I burst out laughing!
This is so stupid we should be working with Canada.