Federal officials announce Canada will be lifting travel restrictions for fully vaccinated citizens and permanent residents as of July 5th.
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so.. uncle Joe called little Justy and said.. open up— yes sir!
Gman76 Where is your proof of that?
@Pickled Sausages all the planes and boats broke?
@bryan roach Too bad you have NO proof of that.
Musta been just after nap time and a bottle of apple juice. Lots of nappy time for grampa joe these days
“Show me zee papers!”
how have government civil servants been flying around all this time when they only got saline shots? power fiends.
Might as well cancel Rememberance Day, the government seems to have forgotten
Dramatic much? Snowflakes
@ZGreatBrandino I bet they w
Anything to force ppl to make themselves be a part of their experiment
Nobody is forcing you, we are just taking your rights away because of choices YOU made.
Dont complain.
@Cary Francis The IQ is high in this one.
@Cary Francis u trying to be funny ?
@Dyslxeic about as much as the mutt in his pfp
“Monitor positivity rates at the border”. How long has that been going on?
Im ashamed to live in canada these days. More specifically ontario.
I’m more ashamed of our “men”
@Philmore_butts Ameriberta is way worse.
@Sparkles999 Rose pretty ashamed of you to be honest
Yeah. Terrible place trying to stop the vulnerable from dying a horrible death.
@Holiday Road The vulnerable all took their shots. So what’s the problem?!
Yes, fascism is a word.
Im in the tertitory of my landlord
Two weeks to flatten the curve.?
Where did you get that from?
@Max Weinbach March, 2020
@BlueNgreen new direction from new information. What new information was presented to change from the initial projection?
@Primmakin Sofis did you pose the question “none”? And then proceed to answer that it isn’t “none”?
What about after April 2020? Information stopped? Stayed the same?
@Max Weinbach The information was already present in early April of 2020 that the panic around COVID was not supported by the data.
The powers-that-be promoted panic anyway.
What about WHO approved vaccines?
Grow up
@Wargutz 40k
Sounds like discrimination to me
Looks like someone’s afraid of needles
@Ashleagh Potter needles? This is not just needles.
@Ashleagh Potter looks like someone is afraid of the sniffles
No country wants antivaxxers coming in and spreading Covid to their own antivaxxers.
@Mark Green Not everyone can take the vaccines…the reasons being unknown. This is plain discrimination.
Where are our “men?”
Wearing masks during sex.
@LucVNO up the a**
I thought feminist are trying to remove men from society hehe.
Lockdown again by Labour Day?
More than likely. Anything to push vaccines into kids…. No way
I say sooner
I can’t wait for the onslaught of lawsuits that will come from this.
You’re a lawyer?
@Max Weinbach Brother is…
@Max Weinbach Nuremberg Trials 2021: A team of over 1,000 lawyers and over 10,000 medical experts led by Dr. Fuellmich. Can’t wait!
@VR lol, the claim has to be submitted based on merits. However the argument is they are not trying to gain scientific knowledge, they are trying to prevent a spread of a disease. Lol.
MrKeven486 – Maybe you should do a little basic research on the powers the Govt of Canada has over it’s citizens when they invoke the “Quarantine Act” or similar measures before you waste all your money hiring lawyers.
Going to Mexico…
Can we go Home yet heading back home to Los Angeles anf and overseas need to get out of here
That’s makes no sense,
What about travellers from Canada leaving country? Is this for air travel or land border as land border said July 21
Everyone stay home and stay safe…while our Prime Minister vacations around the world…Heil Justin!!!