Canada is the first and so far, only G7 country to draw vaccines from a global initiative for developing nations.
#COVID19 #COVAX #WHO #Canada
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Canada is now a developing nation…. wow Turdeau has successfully made Canada into a have not country!
Time to vote Trudeau out… need to take out the trash herre
Developing nations are better. They’re going up we’ll meet them on our way down.
I hadn’t realised that Canada was a third world country!
We are certainly well on our way given the unsustainable debt and continued liberal spending spree. This country is broke.
The decline into that status started …oh lets say about 5yrs. ago.
With carpets
Open ur eyes
That’s Trudeaus’ goal.
Unbelievably offensive. This guy needs to go.
Trump is out. Time for Trudeau as well
agree 100%
All those contracts the Liberals signed for vaccines aren’t worth the paper they were written on. What a joke. I hope they get humiliated in the next election like Kathleen Wynne.
Trudeau finally succeeded in turning Canada into a third world country.
This guy is just slime. jail him already
I so enjoy how Michelle Rempel triggers Fakedeau every time she asks him a question

So do I! Ha ha!
Clowns in charge results in a circus.
Really low ,lam ashamed taking from the more needy.
I guess we would qualify as a poor country considering the spending habits of this guy. Does this mean we’re officially broke now? What an embarrassment.
Ten months later I’m gonna cover all my bases hope no one saw me sleeping at the wheel.What a failure.
Larry Curly and Moe at the helm
Its happening lol
Whenever Trudeau is called on to answer for his incompetence, he replies in a condescending arrogant way that never contains solutions or truth and his latest annoying habit is to accuse any of his opponents of playing political games.
Unbelievable and increasingly frustrating. Our prime minister is a spoiled brat with little connection to the real issues of this country. Please fellow Canadians, don’t vote for this insult to our country again.
Off to the Med. Bank
I refuse the dose taken from someone who could not afford it.
Public officials and enablers need to be held personally responsible for decisions made…
I miss Harper…
Culd you imagine the OUTRAGE, if Trump did the same thing Trudeau is now doing.
Hypocrisy at the highest level..