Canada extends border restrictions amid sky-high COVID-19 infection rate in the U.S.

The Canada-U.S. border closure has been extended until Sept. 21. Michel Boyer has the details.

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    1. A caravan of Dodge Caravans of Canadians heading back home. Southerners really don’t have Canada on their mind. lol

    2. @Robert Lee Ironically, Dodge Caravans are built in Windsor, Ontario. We’ve activated their homing signal… the drivers and passengers however will be rejected at the border.

    3. Just wait until the border conveniently opens up to let all the geezers go down south to Florida for the winter.

    1. xxdragan1969#2 So your above all the pain and suffering that will follow, we will all suffer from this Surprise.

    2. @AJ ‘NICE GUY’ HAWK minimum wage security workers are the worse! They get power trips ’cause they likely won’t be fired cause they are so cheap.

    1. @Terncote I’m not surprised you can’t control your emotions and can’t formulate a cohesive counter argument.

    2. @Terncote I wasn’t attempting to counter an argument. I was belittling those failing to do so. Maybe try to comprehend what you read; merely reading and not digesting the words is not enough.

    3. @Richard Marr I’m glad to tell you that the most right wing party is actually
      Similar to American Democrats so no fascists running our country anytime soon, so I guess all canadian parties are considered leftist

  1. So why are Americans allowed to go through BC as long as they say theyre going to Alaska? Many have been caught vacationing in Canada. What the hell?

    1. @can 422 they are supposed to have a time limit on how long they can stay in Canada before they arrive at the Alaska border. After it expires they better be out of Canada or face penalties

    2. It was just in the news. 5 approved border crossings remain open for the Alaska loophole. I thought the breakdown was 3 ports are in BC 1 AB and 1 Sask. In summary to answer your question is because through BC to Alaska is the shortest route to Alaska for America s from the western part. BC has 3 approved entries in the province hence why they are allowed.

    3. @Dean Nichollsyou are correct about the fines. The loophole still officially exists. It was just amended recently. There are 5 approved ports of entry open for the Alaska loophole.

    1. @AL Yes. There are flights, just as there is still crossing happening at the border. They are both the same thing. When you fly in, you’re technically crossing the border. The flights/crossings still exist for ‘essential travel’.

    1. @Zee Zee Really? Well, you should come to BC and see all of the Americans loafing around like nothing is even wrong. In fact, I have never noticed so many of them around these parts. They even buy things with American currency, and we are nowhere close to the border.

    2. @Zee Zee yeah maybe…but they don’t need to stay in Canada.
      I’m not talking about the everyday worker that has to make the commute I’m talking about the ones that come over here to get away from there country. Show some respect. We trying to stop this pandemic not keep it going!

    3. @l ll you mean to tell me that trump is a lier? that he didn’t get Mexico to pay for the wall?
      well… well that wall just got 10 feet higher.

    4. Zombie Jesus I understand that is falling down with a strong wind. With all that hot air coming out of Washington it will be a matter of weeks.

    5. Canada and Mexico must continue to have their borders closed with Uncle Sam.
      Now Uncle Sam is the country with the highest number of covid-19 patients in the world.
      You have to get away from them.

    1. The border authorities are issuing window tags for American vehicles going to Alaska “excuse” so our police can monitor their sightseeing excursions. My friend, an American but Canadian permanent resident went to California to check on ailing mother she was told to quarantine for 14 days upon return under threat of random House checks and a high fine. She obliged as not to jeopardize her permanent resident status.

    2. @Undesirable Loser I live in 5he falls as well, my husband works on Clifton hill. About half his patrons are American.

    3. I have only seen 2 licence plates from america since they closed the border and I live in a border town.

  2. Step back and think about how wild this is… One of the longest borders in he world is closed. Like…. What a time to be alive. History in the making. This kind of thing will be on a high school test one day!

    1. Nope your kids will be wondering around asking you about what all the mounds are from and you will tell the younger ones thats where they buried all the fascist and patriots 😉

    2. I would much rather go down in history as a survivor than a fatality in the casualties statistic, don’t complain keep the borders closed.

    1. Extend it to 2121 both ways. We don’t think about Canada much at all and wouldn’t miss it too much.

  3. I feel bad for all of the Americans actually taking this thing seriously and working hard to stamp it out, being dragged down these idiots that just pretend it’s not real.

    1. @Savior_ Protector If there’s more testing and also less positive cases at the same time, THAT’S a sign that things are headed in the right direction. Keep it up with the mental gymnastics, though.

    2. My boyfriend is Canadian and it’s been difficult not being able to see him since February. I’ve been doing my part to stay home and only leave for work and important errands. But other Americans can’t be bothered to do their part 😕

  4. The border isn’t really closed, air travel isn’t all that restricted… have you been watching the airport traffic from flights?
    Nobody is quarantining for 2 weeks… they fly in, get their bags, rent a car and go where ever they want to go.

  5. “Breaking News”… I really think in this context, breaking news would be if we allow the Americans in.

    1. @deplorably yours Canadians can still leave Canada, its just others can’t come in which I feel should stay that way for longer than a month

  6. silver lining : those professional pro-testors from abroad can’t drive up here and whiz in our cornflakes…

    1. @Nicholas O’Connell so I guess the border is not closed. What kind of questions did they ask you when you come across?

    2. @deplorably yours it’s a work related travel. I’ve only been going for the past two weeks but it seems pretty normal. They ask for id and who your with. You can show them your card

  7. Just so you know, the thumbnail for this video is not only insulting but it it is also illegal to fly another flag on the same pole as the Canadian flag. Law states that other countries flags should be on separate poles of equal height.

    1. David Shepherd and? Who is the bigger mess right now? Who is failing at controlling the cases? Who is the greater risk? USA 🇺🇸

    2. China has the pandemic under control due to the introduction of strict measures to combat the virus. Americans can’t even be bothered to wear masks. It’s not really ironic that borders are open between countries who have flattened their curve and closed to others who have no control over its spread.

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