The Morning Joe panel discusses new battleground state polling showing Biden in the lead or Trump and Biden in a statistical tie, and if Trump will bring GOP voters 'home' on Election Day. Aired on 10/20/2020.
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Can Trump Bring Republicans Home In November? | Morning Joe | MSNBC
*_Imagine_* *signing a Covid19 waiver to attend Donald Trump’s Corona rally. Just to hear about how Covid19 is a hoax.*
Once again, *Can’t fix stupid but the hats make it easier to identify.*
@Art K What is this the twelfth blockbuster investigation or so? Fool me once shame on you, fool me 12 times I wear a MAGA hat.
@YouTube Moderator No, “They” are the people who don’t believe something until there is at least a little bit of evidence. The conspiracy theory nuts are on the other side.
It’s a pitty that stupidity is not more deadly.
Congratulations to Joe & everyone for running a successful campaign on COVID which will be no issue in six months. Now that we’re all going on welfare & gov forced healthcare that didn’t work before and a disaster Medicare system with massive tax hikes I want free whiskey and weed free too . , absolutely. Keep me sedated please while he completely ruins the USA
You Want To See Stupid Look In Your Mirror…Love The Democratic Dumb People…Trump In A LANDSLIDE.
Make America even better than great
This nation needs to be led by a decent leader with a strong Moral Compass, referring to a person’s ability to judge what is right and wrong and act accordingly. A Nation cannot be truly great without a Moral Compass and the Truth is a moral compass can only point you in the right direction; it can’t make you go there. A Nation needs to elect leaders who have a strong moral compass, Leaders who are honest, straightforward, and tough, with a love of justice and fair play. But, Most of all Empathy for those who are hurting or in pain”. None of which has been exhibited by Trump in any way, form, deed or action. America, remember these days we now living and come November Vote. Vote to remove him from office before he causes even greater damage to this nation by his Venomous Rhetoric and Actions or Lack of Action as it relates to the Covid-19 Pandemic
You have to be a sellout or a special kind of stupid to vote BIDEN after its now proven he sold his VP seat and america to China and the Ukraine..the hard drive is proven real and not dissinfo. Dni Has come out and said so…hunter biden signed the receipt for it..and his lawyers tried to get it back!! BIDEN IS COMPROMISED BY CHINA.. CNN. IS GUARDING A COMPROMISED CANDIDATE
Jeffrey Dahmer Only thing Trump can lead well is a bunch of Chloraid drinking brainwashed racists.
never cantrell Russian bot much?
Trump Is The Man To Bring That Home…Biden Will Take Away Your Freedom And Raise Everyones Taxes.
Looking at one single poll is dangerous and reductive – there are a gazillion polls right now! Watch the averages, they are far more accurate!
They cover several polls. This one video is just two.
Democrats are finished! Mars will be completely terraformed before the loony left gets back in power!
“Behind in Polls, Republicans See a Silver Lining in Voter Registrations” according to the NYT – maybe the Red states (under Republican leadership) will let their members vote 10 or more times for a single voter?
One out of every five people in the world infected with covid is an American.
Two out of every five Americans think Trump’s doing a good job! SAD!
@Elena Latici It truly is terrifying ! I don’t know what to do if he wins another term. Half my family supports Trump and it breaks my heart
@T C moron
@Jeffrey Dahmer asshat troll
@Danny ..Agreed….but Trump is also UNDER-REPORTING the Covid DEATHS, because of his EXECUTIVE ORDER to NOT COUNT anybody who dies from Covid who isn’t in a Hospital or Care Facility…the ACTUAL American DEATH COUNT is estimated to be 280,000 according to the CDC…
Chances are most of the red States will turn blue and few blue will turn red. Red is fed up with his lies. Republicans themselves will support the blue…they felt too shameful to be associated with this madman.
@Sabrina Jenkins No good choice here, Sabrina. Opening up entails risk. However, staying shut down indefinitely until a 100% effective vaccine is available to everyone is not a viable option.
@esj8341 I’ll take the guy who says distance, wear a mask and wash your hands over an old bully who says it’s a hoax and we’re rounding the corner… for months.
@Sabrina Jenkins Trump didn’t wear a mask enough so you’ll take higher taxes, court-packing, redirecting money for police, ending school choice, late term abortion, and ending oil gas coal, and nuclear jobs. Sounds reasonable.
@esj8341 sounds line you’re living under a rock and delving into 6 to many conspiracy theories. While you’re at it, check out trump’s 2021 budget. Hes already defunding police. Welcome to the real world.
@Sabrina Jenkins You’d be right if you consider the 75 programs Trump proposed as cutting part of law enforcement. Personally, I’d be glad to see the money spent on programs such as Clinton’s Community Oriented Policing Services go to other more useful areas such as putting more actual cops on the streets.
do not trust polls vote trump out.
I hate how the polls are so close. Anywhere else in the world would be a landslide for Biden of epic proportions. America has alot of nuts living there.
dont matter who loses cou’ff is a goin killin’ this winter
@Dave Blue Yes, so do bookies in London.
@Rob Gates Ha, bet on Biden baby! I’m sure the odds are pretty close for Vegas and London.
If by taking them home you mean Russia, then I’m ok with that. Lol
Now that we have Hunters laptop mafia Joe Biden is going to be president of cell block five!
“Behind in Polls, Republicans See a Silver Lining in Voter Registrations” according to the NYT – maybe the Red states (under Republican leadership) will let their members vote 10 or more times for a single voter?
Trump really gives no answers. Does that help?
Bunker Joe thinks he can hide until Hunter Biden is Epsteined and people will forgive him for selling out to China!
Jeffrey Dahmer Paid troller?
Do not look at the polls, get out and vote.
The Polls Are Fake…Trump Already Has Won.
I did. I voted for Trump.
I worked at Atascadero State Hospital for the Criminally Insane; just say’n. Jeffery was there before going to prison. I’m sorry you lost your friend. Don’t forget to
; it is your RIGHT! Perhaps not for Jeffery; I don’t think he is up for the job.
May the Universe take pity on us ALL
Right. I got mine cast.
20% of the republicans will either stay home or switch their vote this year.
@Tim Vala well hopefully Democrats Governor Cuomo does not send the infected to your house like he did to the care homes.
@Dave I’m not an American thank the Lord and believe me I would not go to America if I was offered millions. It just seems to be one BIG stuff up.
@Dave Trump is hated around the world, i would not support a criminal, lying PoS like him, and the whole world is laughing at the USA right now, banana republic, worse than a 3rd world country under Trumpturd.
Rosaline Lowe; I have my facts together. That’s why I’ll be making Donald Trump your president…again.
Diana Hulstine; No. I will not.
If tRUMP’s enraged now, wait until he loses. Hopefully he’ll have a babysitter to keep him in check between his loss and inauguration.
@tRumpet troll Killer lol
@紅魚歿殺 Or whatever ethnicity you’re pretending to be LMAO
The Chief of US Capitol Police will give him a bankie if he fusses past noon on January 20
@drew pedersen Hi~50Cent Army
China is the trash that must disappear forever on Earth!
He couldn’t even protect himself from getting covid. America needs to vote blue & run that clown and his entire circus out of office.
He is not selfish like Biden,He don’t care about protecting himself..all he care the American people.
we’re voting them out as you write
@Mark Henry he only 3 years older than the Orange Twizzlefuck!
@Paul hopper He believed in science when he had it. He’s killing ppl on purpose.
I think when Trump loses he’ll continue going around the country having these self serving rallies until he forced into a mental hospital…
an ambulance and guys in white coats…..he’ll look at them think they are KKK
Oh, no doubt. We’ll be dealing with him and his followers until the day he dies and the cult no longer has their leader. But he’ll have to self fund his rallies or take donations from his followers. And most respectable venues won’t be interested so they’ll likely be confined to smaller, out of the way places in Trump friendly areas. And he’ll probably have to create his own social media platform or move to an obscure one on the fringes since Twitter is likely to kick him off for good at the first excuse once he’s out of office.
Trump will win hands down.
Until he fizzles out like Sarah palin did..
Come on PEOPLE fix this We need to clean the WH.And WATCH so Trump won’t be able to CHEAT.
How did he cheat?
Biden is beholden to China ! Look at the emails decide for yourself
voted for Trump today
@Mike Fazzini you poor fool. Now that actually is fake news.
@Craig M Fact check it snow flake
Good Luck joe biden

Born in America or an immigrant, if you vote for Trump you do not love America. It’s just that simple.
“Behind in Polls, Republicans See a Silver Lining in Voter Registrations” according to the NYT – maybe the Red states (under Republican leadership) will let their members vote 10 or more times for a single voter?
Trump 2020
Fauci had to get vocal surgery bc thePoor mans throat went out incessantly warning us n educating us&Trump says fauci is a disaster YET used Fauci in a recent campaign commercial!smh.illKeepSaying it:ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS IS A new president

That is what he does.Uses People.But now he has help.The GOP.
Best comment ever

Oooooh yeah All America wants for Christmas
is a new president
You nailed it
STILL, forget the polls. VOTE!!!!
Vote Joe / Kamala Landslide!
“Behind in Polls, Republicans See a Silver Lining in Voter Registrations” according to the NYT – maybe the Red states (under Republican leadership) will let their members vote 10 or more times for a single voter?
Insanity has become the new normal in conservative America.
Thank you we need this truth.ok
“Behind in Polls, Republicans See a Silver Lining in Voter Registrations” according to the NYT – maybe the Red states (under Republican leadership) will let their members vote 10 or more times for a single voter?
You have to be a sellout or a special kind of stupid to vote BIDEN after its now proven he sold his VP seat and america to China and the Ukraine..the hard drive is proven real and not dissinfo. Dni Has come out and said so…hunter biden signed the receipt for it..and his lawyers tried to get it back!! BIDEN IS COMPROMISED BY CHINA.. CNN. IS GUARDING A COMPROMISED CANDIDATE
It’s like their version of “Orange is the new Black.”
Always was. They just used to be better at hiding it.
“Republicans coming home”, their home is america,, they should vote for Biden that actually cares about all of us!!!
People over Party! Vote Blue!!!
You have to be a sellout or a special kind of stupid to vote BIDEN after its now proven he sold his VP seat and america to China and the Ukraine..the hard drive is proven real and not dissinfo. Dni Has come out and said so…hunter biden signed the receipt for it..and his lawyers tried to get it back!! BIDEN IS COMPROMISED BY CHINA.. CNN. IS GUARDING A COMPROMISED CANDIDATE
We’re voting Trump!
Biden / Harris 2020
Don’t forget to sign your ballot envelopes

Don’t forget to date it either

Dated, signed, sealed, delivered yesterday. Solid blue ticket.