President Donald Trump reportedly discussed the idea of dropping nuclear weapons into hurricanes with staffers several times. The goal of the outside-the-box plan was to halt hurricanes' destruction over land. But would it work? Chris Cillizza investigates.
Scoop: Trump suggested nuking hurricanes to stop them from hitting U.S.
Sorry, Donald Trump, nuking a hurricane won't work
President Trump has made 12,019 false or misleading claims over 928 days
Why don't we try to destroy tropical cyclones by nuking them?
The Morning News from Wilmington, Delaware
Drop a Nuclear Bomb on a Hurricane? One Person Thought About It (Other than Trump)
Peaceful Nuclear Explosions Treaty (1976)
Donald Trump, Holding All The Cards The Tower! The Team! The Money! The Future!
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I was named "best dressed" in 7th grade. That, along with being CNN's editor at large and author of the daily "Point" newsletter are my proudest achievements. Look for me here every Tuesday and Thursday to find out what’s really going down in politics.
Writer: Chris Cillizza
The Point team: Leigh Munsil
Editor: Steven Sevilla
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Hey, Chris here — what do you think would be a good non-military use for nuclear weapons?
Then it’s going to suck for you when he is voted in for 4 more years since you have no one that can beat him.
@junebugg719 it’s like this: there aren’t any stupid questions only stupid people
Well, it’s clear the moronic Trumptard army is out filling Social Media with lies and hate. I, for one, wouldn’t be surprised if Trump does still have those thoughts that you can nuke a hurricane. He’s not the sharpest tool in the shed.
@morten larsen Apologies from Canada. Now let’s talk about Hans Island…
Here is how to use nukes
Jellyfish don’t pass gas, and they’re basically immortal. They have regenerative abilities that seem supernatural.
theylied1776 I want to nuke u
That’s just the immortal jellyfish
@Jimmybeck14 I see what’s going on here. I’m flattered but I’m not gay. But good luck to you.
Cows pass baaaad gas. AOC says so.
“We’re declaring a war on hurricanes, where we’ll battle an international axis of wind, made up of squalls, Typhoons, hurricanes, and Iran. We’ve formed a coalition of countries, including the U.S., Denmark, and Australia, and we’ll root out wind in whatever canyon or cave it’s hiding in. To do this, we’ll invade Chicago, where satellite photos have shown bent trees and people walking sideways. The FBI has also found a broken umbrella, which we presented to the U.N.. This causes us to believe that Chicago possesses centrifuges that spin fast enough to create hurricanes. You’re either with us or you’re with the hurricane.”
Trump watches too much TV

I’m sure he asked about UFOs. If they were real, he would have let that slip
out a long time ago.
Let’s be “real.” Do you really think anything that would be highly classified would be told to Trump? I believe, with almost 100% certainty based his previous handling of classified information, that “need to know” has been invoked more times in this presidency than any other. Any US secret that would provide financial gain for someone has probably been asked for. This applies to other things besides UFOs.
He saw that bad movie ‘Geostorm’ one night, because he gets all his ideas and people from watching TV.
He wouldn’t get clearance if he tried anyway
@Cindy Lloyd they’ve told him like 5 times …. he’s no memory
Although Trumpet Trumpsky has never been too restrained by reality. To him it’s a parallel universe where all the opponents live …
Was the band you were in really called Nuclear Hurricane? I kinda doubt it
An easy and effective way to spread radioactivity around.
stephan miles yes really.
@cyanleopard weather patterns are controlled by the Gulf Stream. The Gulf Stream is high and fast. If the Gulf Stream is causing a weather system, along with other ingredients, to produce a tropical storm or hurricane, the radiation will be sucked up into the Gulf Stream and distributed around the globe.PERIOD! Will it be a dangerous amount? That would depend on the size of the nuke. Either way yes, it will spread some nuclear waste into our atmosphere
@cyanleopard so you’re mentioning conspiracy theories. We’re not talking about Bigfoot here … we’re talking about a freaking nuclear weapon!
stephan miles wrong ones again. At most the winds generated by a hurricane are moving at a few hundred miles per hour. The winds generated by an nuclear blast is around 2000 miles per hour. No more material will go into the atmosphere then with any other nuclear detonation. Fallout from these bombs fall at a predictable pattern. I know the movies tell you things but the reality is this is not a movie.
@cyanleopard you better check your weather information. The fact that the winds are higher in a nuclear blast has nothing at all to do with whether ends up in the atmosphere. Doesn’t make any difference whatsoever. It will still end up in the atmosphere due to the wind currents above the storm. Where do you think the the nuclear waste goes? Just down? Just sideways? everywhere, including up! Because of its high rate of speed it even goes through the atmosphere and into space! Lord have mercy!
From the great mind that brought us wind powered cancer and sweeping up forests….Nukenado
This is the same president that raised the question of building a spaceship and flying to the Sun at night? Lol
@lady 214324 picking on somebody for the color of their skin? You’re standing here defending it? The liberal party has no bounds for their hypocritical hubris.
@Rachel Ash yep your right he said that. If you like that, your gunna love this..
@jake hensley LMAO, so much snowflake and false-equivalency, I don;t know where to start. TRUMP WASN’T BORN WITH ORANGE SKIN, THAT WAS HIS CHOICE. Stop trying to claim racism just because it’s against the mouth-breathing lower life form that is the disease that is your beloved traitor. You don’t even know what “liberal” means, chumpanzee.
@tedtheturbot Yet another false-equivalency by an uneducated knuckle-dragging MAGATard hypocrite. You said NOTHING about Trump’s constant racism, so don’t get to pretend you care about racial equality now. Everyone knows you use racial slurs when nobody is looking, soyboy. You had no problem being racist against Obama. That’s what you love Trump for, is his racism, and that’s why you still support him.
@jake hensley For someone who had no issues with being racist toward Obama with absolutely no restraint, you are awfully mouthy when it comes to dog-whistling racism as you see fit, even where it doesn’t exist. Care to comment, or are you smart enough to know when you are in over your head and that I will squash you like rumors of IQ45’s alleged “patriotism”?
Darling, is the wind blowing? I would like to watch the TV.

Why would a person that doesn’t believe in Climate Change and Global Warming, believe in Nuclear fallout?
Dont be fooled by the talking heads unless they show actual proof which they never do
@Patriot Spearhead Yeah, Donnie and his admin makes so many baseless claims it’s ridiculous.
Got proof he said that?
You’re a racist, I don’t have any proof your a racist, but you are one, prove to me that you aren’t a racist
Why would a person who believe so much climate change oh, that he went out and bought a 15 million dollar mansion on an island?
@KoRayven like “America is the greatest country in the world?” #Trump2020
Yes this is 1 thing I support Trump on., he can Nuke a hurricane over his Florida Properties.
You’re cool with murdering millions of Its’ neighbors and destroying the environememnt??
@Christopher Sabionski Trump is..
the question ‘can he nuke a hurricane?’ needs to be ‘should he . . ?’
Trumplethinskin’s presidency in 10 words or less – “If I do *”this”* I wonder what will happen”
S Abhishek
Why does that make it any less moronic?
@James McCabe Oh yeah also Donald Trump never said this. It’s all fake news.
I am affraid it’s only “if I do this” …
@James McCabe Ever wondered why there is no video or audio recording of Donald Trump saying such things??? But there is only text.
S Abhishek
It didn’t happen because Trump said so? The guy that has lied 12,000 times told you that?
Well, buddy. It did happen because it was in a National Security Council memo. It’s documented
Once again, he is debunked.
lol That thumbnail is click bait!! We all know the Chosen has bigger hands then that!! Sad
I can’t give him complete credit for this one. I CAN say, it was a dumb idea then, and it’s a dumb idea now.
The simple solution is to disrupt the circular flow of the hurricane’s concentrated energy. We have weather weapons. If the hurricane is blowing one way and it requires the wind to continue…disrupt the flow of the wind.
Yessss. Radioactive Great Whites… Sounds like a new Netflix movie…
Trump doesn’t own this, credible Scientist’s do.
You can nuke anything as long as you use your imagination, even nuking your own imaginations is possible.
Let’s wait until the hurricane is over Mar a lago. Hopefully he will be golfing like usual.