Cardiologist and epidemiologist Dr. Christopher Labos discusses the latest Omicron subvariant and if it will become the dominant strain of COVID.
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Get your 10th “safe & effective” booster, y’all!
@Combat Epistemologist Awesome! Go get your daily booster!
@Combat Epistemologist sounds like you are slowly coming to the realization that safe and effective is a marketing term and has nothing to do with the medical reality.
@Jim Trainor remember when these viruses were made to stop the spread which would stop variants?
@Combat Epistemologist <---- Clearly has not looked at the latest ISS extended report out of Italy, which shows those who received the "vaccines" have a HIGHER per capita rate of infection than those who had no doses.
@Combat Epistemologist yes, so effective we’re on wave 358 of covid.
lol yup
Guess what’s causing all of the teenage boy athetes to drop dead.
Climate change!
Over 1500 and counting.
769 athletes in the EU .
Search 769 collapsed.
And news anchors .
Dropping on live TV .
@Combat Epistemologist Crawl back under your rock.
Prepare for SADS
I thought maskerbating in public was illegal
Canada has had 3 years to prepare our healthcare system and its worse since 2020. CANADA IS BROKEN
800,000 new immigrants flooding our cities, is putting the strain on hospitals and our infrastructure. Organized collapse by government!!!
Yup. The worst part is, its been broken deliberately.
@Blue Oval Life Someone looking to make money and what better way then healthcare
Is that like slang for the European virus?
Please increase in hygiene in Publik.
It’s easy, stay home if you’re vulnerable. Just as easy to determine as “should I go out for a walk at 1am around Jane & Finch”
Are they seriously doing this again
*dejected sigh* yes
How’s Jessica Robb? Is she okay?
Did they catch her before she hit the ground? Lol
This satire is Kracken me up, haven’t laughed so hard in awhile.
So they’re Covid variants after hockey
teams now?!
Canada is not even prepared for nothing especially ns
Up to date and out to lunch!
When they came for the truckers I did nothing, because I wasn’t a trucker
I’m Waiting for the Karen variant to come before I actually get scared.
Hopefully this will be the last hump of the pandemic pattern. Those factors though make the hump. I like the wait and see strategy.
This is the worst HEPA filter salesman in the history of HEPA filter salesmen