New battleground polling has Joe Biden in the lead in key states, but how much stock should we put in the numbers? The Morning Joe panel discusses. Aired on 10/30/2020.
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Can Biden Trust A Six-Point Lead In Florida? | Morning Joe | MSNBC
These polls should be banned, stop making them news, they just drive us more crazy. Have you seen what Micheal Moore has had to say?
Michael Moore doesn’t know this time. One moment he’s saying that Trump could still win, the other he’s saying that it could be a Biden landslide.
I guess if we want a dictatorship polls could be banned
@J G Thank you for a common sense comment.
Media networks (Secretly) love Trumps, he sells column inches & boost ratings and advertising revenues.
These Media moguls are the rich elites who loves their stocks and TAX cuts..wouldn’t put it past them to do another HRC, reporting BIDEN is a 90% certain to win in a landslide.. then He SNEAKS a WIN….
we know what happened.. 4 years of crazy CHAOS…..
He will forever linked in history as the DO NOTHING PANDEMIC President 2020.
@mizzypoo He has to go — a dangerous and corrupt orange clown; i am fairly affluent and many of my friends hate him but will vote for him because of some of his policies. I think saving democracy is more important than paying same taxes as I did 4 years ago
I wouldn’t trust a fifty point lead in Florida. GO VOTE
That’s not the point of polling.
These polls are political pacifiers for smooth brained liberals. It’s just delaying the inevitable, remember 2016?
@John C You didn’t understand what I said. The independent voters are the ones really determine who will win this election.
@William H Music 2020 FBI is investigating Rudy Giuliani on how he got this from Russians.
Amen to that!!!
This constant watching of polls is terrible for democracy. Just vote. And count all votes. I work for a company that handles shareholder voting. Votes that are postmarked prior to the deadline are counted when they are received after the annual shareholders meeting. It is sad that there are maneuvers to suppress voting. Count them. Whoever gets the most wins. Sometimes simplicity is profound. This is truly a sad time for a sad, declining country.
@JennyO. LuvsFLA A constitutional republic is a type of democracy you dolt
@JennyO. LuvsFLA Tell US all please what is the difference???
Our entire Voting process is overly complex thus absurd. This is the best we can do? Regardless Vote JOE to restore honor, dignity, and intelligence to the People’s House!
TRUMP 2020
@Daniel Clawson We’ll find out soon. Hope not. He and his family have always been trash. NYC has always known that he and his family are seedy as the Gottis and Larry Flint.
These polls cannot be trusted. I’ll believe this nightmare is over the day Biden sworn in, not before. PLEASE VOTE!
@Gino Jones Why dear….are you high?
@Rick Sandoval Um… Too late dude. What is with Trumpies and not knowing anything?
@Orson Carte good boy
The only nightmare is Biden the zombie socialist trying to take over and ruin our country.
Hopefully everyone has already voted if not there’s still time get out and vote.
@Bon Paoi Wtf does that video have to do with anything?
True, up until Nov 3. It doesn’t really matter how you vote, early, in person, by mail, or drop off a mail in ballot, they all count the same. If you were going to vote by mail and haven’t done it yet, that doesn’t mean you can’t vote in person.
Voting in an election is a skill, not a random intuition. And like any skill, it needs to be taught systematically to people. Letting the citizenry vote without an education is as irresponsible.
– Socrates
So True. Very good quote from a very wise man.
Please these polls are not accurate. Don’t believe them.. The most accurate poll is your ballot in the drop off box, or at the county clerk’s office. DON’T MAIL YOUR BALLOT!
Miami Dade turnout low!
People get out and vote! Now!
Yes, get out and vote
and his Republican enablers
I voted along with my best friend and my boyfriend straight blue ticket in FL! Hold on, Change is coming!!! Keep Faith!!!
The range of this election is 290 for Trump to a blow out for Biden ! TRUMP CAN STILL WIN! Get out and VOTE! I already have.
Thank you Godfather.
The Republikkkans vote most in person on 3.Nov. !!!!!!!!!
A 5 point lead now is NOTHING !!!
GO VOTE !!!!!!!!!!
Biden ahead 5 points in Fake News, he has it in the bag! On Nov4, all Fake News fools pls upload new crying videos here Fake News, Fake Polls, Fake followers, all Fools again!
@紅魚歿殺 It’s very hard to understand what you are saying but all of America saw Trump on television boasting about his love letter from Kim Jong-un but did it lead to the removal of even one nuclear missile? NO! Trump’s foreign policy is a disaster. The leaders of the world mock Trump (there is a video) and the disdain and distrust of America continue to grows.
Vote JOE to save America!
TRUMP 2020!!!!!!!!
@William H Music 2020 I agree, the libs will not win…the polls are puffed up by your own pollsters…
I don’t care if he’s up 100%. Don’t let this be like scary movies where the girl runs over the monster once. Reverse and go forward as much as you can until your tired and at full speed. Finish the job!!! Don’t let off the gas. VOTE IN PERSON OR DROP OFF YOUR BALLOT IN PERSON.
@theworldaccordingtome WRONG. TROLL.
@Troy Flores So many trolls!
@nofy bn what? The economy is booming. Yesterday’s report. GDP up 33.1% in just the 3rd quarter. 8 years of obama/Biden GDP up only 2%
You are unhinged. Polls are accurate. Relax and take a day off.
Don’t worry about the polls.
Show up and vote.
Dont worry about these news RATS, the landslide is coming for a bigger repeat of the 2016

@QUID-PRO-QUO J0E Quite a rant of lies and Putin inspired propaganda!
You do not have to swallow all the lies they feed you as you suckle at the teat of Fox News. You obviously have access to the internet so TRUTH is only a few keystrokes away.
You should try to find the TRUTH, it will lead you back to REALITY.
Best of luck !
Stay safe !
@M Neugent You are as delusional as Trump! His great economy where are you reading that?
Here are some FACTS for you; – – – the USA GDP growth from 2008 (last year of Bush presidency) to June 30th of this year:
Date USA GDP growth (%)
Jun 30, 2020 -8.64%
Dec 31, 2019 4.01%
Dec 31, 2018 4.87%
Dec 31, 2017 4.76%
Dec 31, 2016 3.56%
Dec 31, 2015 2.96%
Dec 31, 2014 4.49%
Dec 31, 2013 4.43%
Dec 31, 2012 3.56%
Dec 31, 2011 3.65%
Dec 31, 2010 4.19%
Dec 31, 2009 0.47%
Dec 31, 2008 -0.83%
And some additional information for you:
In Obama’s first 4 years of pulling us out of the recession the debt increased by $4.829 trillion dollars and in Obama’s second 4 years the debt increased by $3.659 as he was very conscious of the debt and was interested in not increasing it unnecessarily. Then enter Trump, and during a booming economy when he should have been paying down the debt (he did promise to pay down the debt) he instead, prior COVID-19, was on track to adding $5.088 trillion to the debt; – – – that is he was inflating the GDP numbers by spending the USA into debt.
Note: With the first COVID-19 rescue package you can make that $7.288 trillion added to the debt during Trump’s 3 1/2 years. – – – And if we make it out of his 4 years without him having increased the national debt by more than $10 trillion it will be amazing.
Trump has through his mishandling of the COVID-19 pandemic and his mishandling of the US budget destroyed the economy and if he is re-elected will drive the USA further into debt; – – – fulfilling Putin’s dream, as Putin remembers how/why the USSR collapsed.
I could also show you US Census report information that would also put the lie to Trump’s and your claim about how much help he has provided the poor and people of color (actually the data shows that Obama did more), but this comment is already long enough and I know you Trump acolytes have very short attention spans.
As I wrote to “theworldaccordingtome”:
You do not have to swallow the lies they feed you as you suckle at the teat of Fox News, You obviously have the internet and can find the TRUTH if you look for it.
Try looking for the TRUTH! REALITY will welcome you with open arms!
Stay safe, don’t attend any of Trumpy’s super spreader rallies.
TRUMP 2020
Do not trust the polls. There’s crap going on and you’ll get blindsided. Stay in the game!!!
@Don Townsend ..what about your Trump. …?
@Don Townsend A nonexistent diary maybe, like invalidated emails?
What about Trump and Ivanka?
Never have seen so much cheating and lies in my life!John Biden, crook! Stay in basment! Democratic party socialist evil!
Why? Polls are backed up by media. Are you claiming they are lying to us? You sound unhinged.
Also don’t trust the USPS. Drop off ballots in ballot boxes in person.
Seems like Joe understands that FL is a totally corrupt state where the GOP rigged almost every election of consequence.
You interpreted it correctly!
It’s always the same two counties that can’t count votes. Palm Beach and Miami Dade, the biggest Democrat counties in the state. I predict it will happen again.
@B K How good at counting is Cook County in Illinois? They count democrats and their dogs who have been dead for ten years.
@Max Riley You mean facts such as calling someone an ex felon? That alone shows your brilliance. You don’t know what you’re talking about.
Joe is very versed on anything rigged
Polls are just a snapshot and they have a large margin of error.
Yes, that’s what everyone seems to forget; they are a guide of what is trending
No vote blue and do it strong let’s take America back.
Vote JOE because lives depend on it.
This could go EITHER way! Get out and VOTE!
@mick mick Bot much?
Just Voted Biden/Harris. New Democrat in Texas.
@mikeincalifornia Trump is very popular in his home state of New York where he’s lived all his life they don’t want him anymore

@M Neugent

Your vote matters, if it didn’t why would some people keep trying to take it away
-John Lewis
Yes indeed
@Aman T I heed the word from John Lewis! I’ve already voted for Joe Biden by mail in ballot 2 weeks ago Tuesday night Las Vegas NV October 13 2020!
Vote JOE for America!
Polls look good, but go out and VOTE HIM OUT IN NUMBERS TOO BIG TO BE “LABELED” RIGGED by the current occupant!!!!!!
Polls are a deception. They can’t be trusted.
Democracy is the real deception
Vote to oust the crime family!!!
Don’t trust polls just go out and vote. Your entitlements like social security and Medicare are in the chopping block of Trump
@Ba Paoi do you believe that? that’s more gossip from the gossiper in chief. Trump is in the grip of Chinese for the one trillion he owes their bank.
Hi everyone
These polls cannot be trusted.
I’ll believe this nightmare is over the day Biden sworn in,
not before. PLEASE VOTE!
if biden is sworn in, the NIGHTMARE begins. america will fall, and the chinese take over.
Vote JOE Landslide!
Do not let Satan back in. Vote!
Trust the polls. Biden in the bag. Relax and go to a park instead of acting unhinged.
Don’t let anyone keep you from exercising your Constitutionally Guaranteed Right to Vote in Florida. Eary Vote until 10/31/20:
In-Person Absentee: When you get your ballot, fill it out carefully. Then put your ballot in the Inner Secrecy Envelope, and insert in the Outer Declaration Envelope, and sign it. Drop Off/deliver in-person at an Authorized County Registrar Office or Drop Box, BEFORE election day on Nov 3rd. If you Mailed your Ballot late, you can go to the polls and try to vote. If there’s an indication at the polling place that you’ve requested a Mail-in Ballot, you will be given a provisional ballot which won’t be counted if you’re Mail-in Ballot arrives in time to be counted. Voting location info by county: