What are the latest polling numbers showing us about Joe Biden's chances of winning in South Carolina? Steve Kornacki heads to the big board to break it all down. Aired on 02/27/20.
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Can Biden Bounce Back Against A Surging Sanders In South Carolina? TITLE | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
Don’t count your chicken’s before they hatch media! I don’t put my trust into polls!
I agree I think these polls over sampled older voters.
No Steve! What may have contributed to Biden’s supposed rise (he always under performs the polls and Bernie over performs) is your corporate masters constant fear mongering and spreading of lies about Bernie… I like you, you are a numbers guy. But people like Mathews, Williams, Wallace and evening once liked O’Donnell are corporate shells!!
Nathan Kelly Right. Oh wait? I thought Trump was an “existential” threat. Oh, and also the only way Sanders doesn’t win is if there’s a brokered convention and they take the nomination away from him when he’ll be up significantly in the actual vote. And this will destroy the party… it will disintegrate. So on second thought, try again. Your theory is
You mean jewish shills. They all are, including sanders. They all kiss the Wall in israhell
Truth Brotha it’s not a theory. They’d rather lose to trump than have sanders get the nomination. Because itd be 1972 all over again. When democrats go too far insane lefty, they lose badly. 1972
@Truth Brotha
IF the Dorky Numbskulled Criminals (“DNC”) pulls their crap against Bernie, YET AGAIN, they’re truly no better than the ReThuggs they CLAIM to oppose, and would *deserve* to Crash and Burn themselves!
Wow…. after 32 years Biden might win ONE primary! FINALLY…
( and this is the guy who is going to mobilize the base??
@Roland Perteev Na, better if Biden loses SC drops out and is never relevant again. Plus if Sanders wins SC this race is pretty much over barring extreme DNC shenanigans.
You obviously haven’t heard the Corn Pop story. Very inspiring.
Just watch what happens tomorrow, Biden is the one they fear…think about it…stop don’t get crazy and think about it….BIDEN 2020….
@Hank Rogers I love you to & the trailer park you came from lol
@Victoria Grayson hahahahahahahaha!!!!
Who needs the rest of America when you’ve got South Carolina.
Biden has tried 3 times to be President. He’s never received more than 3% of the National vote. Besides, I thought he was running for the Senate…..
@Fern the plant Neither does voting Republican who always tries to make it harder for black people to vote. Something makes the Republicans nervous for them to do that. Enjoy your trailer park.
@Olive Ch-E businesses prey on exploiting their employees. Scare tactics. No sick days. No sick leave. Low wages. No job security. Fire at will states need to be dealt with.
@naeonixion Oh give me a break. Unions are breeding grounds for lazy entitled people.
Yes if the DNC and the Media backstab Bernie some more. Starting to wonder why the Democrats call themselves the democrats, they don’t seem to like democracy.
1 year old account? How legit! Stfu
@Olive Ch-E but your account is one years old aswell lol..
Olive Ch-E what does that have to do with anything…
They like democracy and the free market. Bernie wants to nationalize half the economy and proposes things he has no idea the cost of.
Biden is always the front-runner in this guys poll, ill bet my house Bernie beats him in South Carolina
@Hank Rogers well sayd

@Mike Obrien

@Vaping Tech Jay vape and fact check, Independent, Senator Bernie Sanders is a Independent…at 78 years old taken down the establishment, yeah, right….
@Victoria Grayson Have faith. Just look at Bernie’s life work. And fact check Bernie does run as an independent in his home state of Vermont. But is running for President as a Democrat nominee. Because as you can see in every state he’s won. A majority of Democrat’s love Bernie. Just look at every state he’s won. He’ll clean house. The media hates Bernie. I was watching old debates such as Clinton,Obama & as far back as I can remember they all say the same thing.. jobs & climate change, raising minimum wage. And there gonna fight against the wealthy. But the MAJOR reason the Media fears Bernie because when you look at Bernie’s history. He will do what he says. He’s not all talk. Bernie’s a fighter. So watch this 78 year old fight until his dying breath. I’m in my early 40’s & all my life I’ve been waited for someone like Bernie. Because I see what he see’s the Rich taking everything & leaving the rest of us to fight for scraps. This is America. The people will decide
MSDNC desperately pushing Biden…..this is funny. Let’s see what happens
Make Hillary Run Again!
pete gerard they’re actually gonna bring in Michelle as vp instead of waiting for 2024. Because they know if they let Bernie win, party’s done.
@Truth Brotha Then Trump will CRUSH that old fool! Trump 4EVA! Keep crying snowflakes!
Biden would be winning if Mayor Pete and Klobuchar was were not splitting the vote with him. When you add up the center left votes vs the far left’s votes, the center left has the most votes.
A K I would love to see Biden versus Trump. That’d be a comedy show worth going to. Biden would be trying to figure out what city he’s in, while Trump zings him with insults. “Isn’t Sleepy Joe the worst debater ever? He’s even more useless than when he was Vice-President. Sad. Really sad. I feel bad for him.”
I can’t wait to see the meltdown by the mainstream media on Tuesday. Go Bernie!
@Luis Torres no thanks. If you look at the Scandinavian countries they pay up to 50% of their income for healthcare. So if you want to live in a cardboard box you can go right ahead. Personally don’t want to wreak havoc on other people’s lives like that.
@Nunya Bizness I didn’t know they lived in cardboard boxes, lol. You’re hilarious!
@Luis Torres once again you proving that your critical thinking skills are subpar. Scandinavian countries have a healthier lifestyle than the United States. Which is why they can afford 50% of their income to Health Care. So go ahead and enjoy your 5th hamburger the day. And the funny thing is if by some miracle that Bernie was to win, he’ll never be able to implement his policies. So enjoy voting for a two-time loser
@Luis Torres Capitalism is based upon competition and it creates winners and losers. You don’t like competition do you? You don’t like smart people being rewarded for making wise decisions and dumb people being punished (financially) for making bad decisions. You hate personal responsibility because you are not smart enough to compete. Socialism is for losers. You’re like a fat person in a running race complaining the race is unfair.
Biden gaining back a small amount of ground from his 51% support in earlier polls is Bernie losing ground, lmao.
Lol let’s not look at the National polls .
Just look at the one of the most Conservative states in the country
Why does it matter? Is Bernie running for the Senate too? LOL
Your dying from corona because of Trump.
@elroy the great – I think your Trump worship has broke your brain.
@Fintan Your worship of socialism proves you have no self respect.
This much coverage was not even given after he won 3 states
@CMP 64
No one was speaking to you. If you dont like my reply to someone whom comes at me first and speaks false facts then accuses me of ignorance, then dont look at my reply.
@drew c how did he give you false facts? He did win the popular vote just not enough delegates. So people can say he won the popular vote which is accurate
He did not win 3 states. He won 3 *out of 3* states.
2016: Why trust the peasantry when the DNC and MSNBC know best? 2020: Why trust the peasantry when the DNC and MSNBC know best?
Uh…. Let”s see…
1. The “peasantry” has every right to choose our leaders.
2. The Dork Numbskulled Criminals (“DNC”) have *ZERO rights* to choose our leaders, nor to NULLIFY OUR votes for the candidate of
O U R choice – in this case, one BERNIE SANDERS!
Perhaps special tutors can slowly RECITE this to that bunch of ethically-challenged bas*ards?
Considering the stupidity of the majority of mankind, a popular choice is more likely to be foolish than sensible.
You Biden pundits!
Sanders will win in super Tuesday, and there is nothing you can do about it.
Poll is a lie they are basically making them up at this point.
Hey remember when Hillary was leading in the polls to
They are oversampling african american voters over 65….
What you’re neglecting to mention, is that Biden NEEDS SC. Bernie can likely finish 3rd or 4th and still be in the lead, Nationwide. Desperation, is a bad look MSNBC.
Biden was already favored to win SC so I don’t understand what the hype is all about. Bernie won the first three states and if Biden wins SC, he’s all of a sudden a front-runner. Pathetic.
Bernie Sanders actually got arrested while protesting against segregation, and he marched with Dr. Martin Luther King. Which other Democratic candidate has demonstrated this kind of integrity and authenticity when it comes to showing solidarity with the African American community?
Daniel Ponce I hate that we’re so obsessed with race in this country, it’s sick
@jwivan28 i know how come white ppl got all the head starts over Native Americans, Latinos, Blacks, and Asians. It’s so sick that all of this political and economical power has been concentrated towards the whites. 100 % agree with you
Biden needs to just go away already.
He sounds like he’s looking forward to getting back to playing golf…