The Academy Awards – once premium viewing for tens of millions of people – is in danger of slipping into irrelevancy. CNN's Frank Pallotta speaks with Variety's Tim Gray about what the Academy can do to fix the awards show. #CNN #News
Can anything fix the Oscars?

The Oscars should be for the industry only; stop televising them. It’s no longer special to see stars, we see them all the time via social media.
@Happy life
“we see them all the time via social media.” or their homemade porn videos.
Well they can televise them just not pander or care so much about the general audience…the Oscar or for the artists…of people wanna watch they can but its not for them and they should be more straightforward about that
I agree 100%!
this is it. the Oscar allure has been subverted by social media.
@Bimbom So has most of our nation.
Hollywood needs to acknowledge that society has moved on. Most people are so glued to their phones (and casting that to the TV), that the Oscars will probably get more traction with 30 second bytes on social media platforms like Twitter and Tik-Tok, with its interviews, etc, heading for YouTube and similar platforms where viewers generally have a longer attention span. Maybe consider VR-casting, as this would have the edge of being novel, currently? It’s something I can see sports casters getting into at some point, so why not the glitz and glamour of ‘being there’ in VR?
Going out on a limb here, but perhaps viewers don’t want to hear spoiled Hollywood elite tell them how to vote…on-screen and off-screen. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
@Laura Jackson No question! Movies are great, and there will always be a place for ‘Movie Night’ out with friends & family. The trend is still down, however, when it comes to the draw movie theatres used to have.
@Ty Garner It’ll happen at some point. Some young executive is possibly reading this comment right now, and thinking the same thing. I just hope they think to throw a few gratitude coins my way for coming up with the idea once they’ve made a career from it
@Pedro The Mexican True that.
well said
I used to be an annual viewer of the Oscars. But it’s more obvious than ever that awards and nominations are obtained substantially through studio campaigning. Sort of takes the tarnish off of the awards for me.
I think the reason most people stopped watching is because the Oscars have become too woke and political. They really need to stop it with all this woke and political crap and maybe then I will start watching again.
@Bree EXACTLY. Was waiting to read this take. As with most shows and entertainment that has tried to promote ‘woke’ culture, ratings and popularity go down the tubes. People are just tired of seeing rich celebrities virtue signal about their flavor-of-the-day tree hugging political agendas.
It is astonishing to me that professional entertainers put together a boring non-entertaining Oscars show that I don’t want to watch.
Well, it’s just a big circle jerk. They’re always boring if you’re just watching.
The main problem with the Oscars is that no one ever knows why a nominee won or even how you get the nominees and so I don’t care.
I’ll care if there is a transparent, phased process that’s open to all and progresses to a shortlist via an established criteria and known qualified judges.
I agree with the first part…if you listen to industry insiders you understand why such and such movie won an award… there’s a technical aspect that the general public is unaware of so the winners seem random and people cant connect to the content…they should have a website or SOMETHING explaining how imaginative or difficult the tasks were…wether it be the subtlies in an actors performance or the logistics of what a director had to do
Would never happen. And that’s because the process in picking winners is 100% about politics and money. I can’t even tell you how many times the best picture winner was simply not as good as other movies nominated for the same award.
The public doesn’t care anymore bc it’s clear that the people that vote for these films are VERY out of touch with the public.
@Roberta Andersone what does that have to do with anything
People don’t want to sit and watch 2 hour movies anymore because it’s boring. There’s a ton of other stuff to see now. Today, ordinary people can make their own movies about almost any subject they want now, as long as it’s approved and not censored by the ultra rich. The Harvey Weinstein scandal exposing the “Biz’s” dirty open secret just made it10 times worse.
fukin A
@Roberta Andersone yes
I think the reason most people stopped watching is because the Oscars have become too woke and political. They really need to stop it with all this woke and political crap and maybe then I will start watching again.
Show runs to long, ppl have so much acces to the stars that the mystique is gone, also let’s be real alot of the films that get nominated aren’t the blockbusters
Good points.
What ruined it for me is a few years ago, I found out how “fixed” these awards are. I found out that the big shots and who pays the most money wins these awards. They are not based on the fan’s votes like, I thought they were!
To put into perspective the Emmy’s had game of thrones season 8 as the GOT season with the most noms. That was by far the worst season
Naw Bro they were never voted on by fans…its for people in the industry to recognize each other ..its basically what you have in any industry…the vacuum salesman conventions where they give the best salesman awards out…its something that people were interested in but its for filmakers by filmaking people
I can’t remember the last time I sat down and watched the Oscars, maybe the late 1990s.
When you constantly talk about a persons gender or Color and not there talent. If Hollywood would realize, they act no different than people in the 1950’s and prior.
My wife and I have watched the Oscars since the 1970s. It’s been practically a holiday for us. But the thing has been getting worse and worse over the past 10 years. Now it’s all about “diversity” and political agendas. Last year was the last straw. I will not be watching this year. I doubt I’ll ever watch them again. The awards are mostly a bad joke told by hypocrites.
I think the reason most people stopped watching is because the Oscars have become too woke and political. They really need to stop it with all this woke and political crap and maybe then I will start watching again.
Haven’t watched this political show in years.
1. People watch less tv
2. Hollywood doesn’t promote dramas like they used to.
3. Action, Horror & Comedies are the most popular genres at the box office. Movies in those genres rarely have a chance to win an oscar.
4. Most of the Oscar voters are older. They tend to dislike popular movies.
5. The movies that win at the oscars seem to be specifically made just to win an oscar. A lot of people hate that.
Very thoughtful and solid points.
Going out on a limb here, but perhaps viewers don’t want to hear spoiled Hollywood elite tell them how to vote…on-screen and off-screen. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
It’s the professional pretenders giving themselves pats on the back in an industry that hates creativity, originality and many people’s lives end in tragic downward spirals yet love to lecture everyone else on right and wrong.
Hasn’t been about the best or top of the game for years. It’s about ticking the boxes.
No one wants to be preached at by rich people. Pretty easy to understand. Ricky Gervais at the Golden Globes a few years ago was the only awards show worth watching.
I think the reason most people stopped watching is because the Oscars have become too woke and political. They really need to stop it with all this woke and political crap and maybe then I will start watching again.
When the Oscars were first shown on tv it showed people a world into Hollywood that was never seen before. All the glamour of people that were admired on the big screen were now in your living room. It was a evening people waited for, famous people, songs/ dances we rarely saw as well as fabulous sets. Now we see such things all the time and can bring up our favourite people and movie scenes anytime. They are outdated with this old format. It needs to be tighter with less of everything. At this point, it’s easier to wait til morning and read who won what the next day.

Yep its for the industry to recognize itself….the outside public can still be spectators of they want to be the interest naturally wony be there for as many people
Can anything fix the Oscars?
Short answer: No.
Long answer: Nooooo.
There’s a disconnect between most well-made movies versus most watched movies… people shouldn’t care so much about Oscar viewership…its for the artists to recognize each other…they just need better representation with their judges and less politics…I mean if they explained to people why movies were selected and won itd be better for the casual fan
The fact they insulted thier audiences by calling them Nazis has nothing to do with it?
I think the reason most people stopped watching is because the Oscars have become too woke and political. They really need to stop it with all this woke and political crap and maybe then I will start watching again.