After the remains of children were found at a residential school in Kamloops, calls are growing in some communities to cancel Canada Day festivities.
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how do these sociopaths get power?
You have voters to thank for that
Because most Canadians aren’t willing to do anything to stop them.
@Rohit Basi should he be a convenience store cashier like yourself Rohite?
@Rohit Basi 3-4 hour shifts a week
Your vote duuhh
Get over it already . Ask the irish, Ukrainians, Scottish and everyone else about genocide. Enough already.
We don’t know if it genocide or not. Why is this article saying unmarked graves and other articles are saying a mass grave? There is still an active investigation so we will know the truth eventually.
thats true but that is them , why copy them?
Maybe I should apologize for all the pillaging and murder my Viking ancestors did?!
No be proud of it.
This has nothing to do with Canada’s great history. I’m celebrating Canada
twice as hard this year.
@Kat. Lety Literally NO ONE is trying to stop you from doing that.
…It has everything to do with Canada’s history…
@GapYear yep
@GapYear so what?
@GapYear Happy Canada Day!!!!
This has to be a joke.
This whole country has become a f n joke.
@Sam G since 2015
@Sam G Justin Trudeau saw how Canada is portrayed on South Park and decided to emulate it in real life
The distraction story getting put back in full gear.
ppl should be happy canada exists and we should be a peaceful country not destroying it
This is why the Americans will never pay reparations. You pay once and it’s never enough. Shameful
Yes you follow American!
You give them an inch they’ll take a mile.
@Mr Fisher 100% see it with my own eyes everyday with the foster care system
Agreed. Paying the Dane-Geld is a foolish notion with no end to it.
Stop pandering, its time to get back to the life we all miss dearly. Enjoy your Canada Day long weekend everyone!
Canadians do not want to cancel Canada day. Stop with the cancel culture.
@kavinh10 Like trump
@Harry Cooper very well said
@MrTheclevercat taking a break from colonial celebration while 1st nations greive is respectful.
@Leslie Your virtue signaling is showing.
@Harry Cooper
No… national day of celebration for winning the war.
you DON’T CANCEL CANADA DAY..we learn the TRUTH and make sure this NEVER HAPPENS AGAIN…thats what we do..
Exactly Toni learn the truth, discuss it and then celebrate our great country. Happy Canada Day Toni
Happy Canada day!
Spot on
But toni…..Don’t ya know that cancelling is how things are done now?
@Sniffy Pants sadly that’s how this sh*% society works now
Calls to cancel Canada Day have not been growing

I find it interesting when they say calls for canceling Canada day is growing it’s also a few that apparently decides what the rest have to do
4 fat marxist lesbians calls have been growing.
only in the minds of the mentally deranged
I will celebrate Canada Day regardless.
Very brave!
If lefties hate Canada so much; perhaps Congo would be better. Despite travel warnings and it’s grotesque reputation, it’s very friendly
Honduras would love to have them!
North Korea
It’s about respecting a large number of our founding peoples who are grieving have respect please
Ok enough. It’s enough. We’re not canceling Canada day.
How many kids still play “ Cowboys and Indians”?
I did when I was a boy and I always wanted to be the Indian…….and I always won.
But please don’t cancel Canada Day because of the past.
Be proud of Kanata
And sometimes the cowboys and Indians traded with each other and helped each other out.
I grew up doing the same sort of things. But nowadays that’s called Rachel and they’ll take your court guns away but guns away
Kanata. A much better name. Thank you.
Canada *
How canceling Canada Day could educate our children the history? I do not mind to create a new holiday to recognize the past, but teaching our kids to be proud of their country is equally important.
@Jesus loves a Shovelhead meaning what exactly?
@juliette Irene Pretty self explanatory really….
@Jesus loves a Shovelhead Why is it great? What is so great about it?
@juliette Irene As I stated, it was a Case in point…….
@Jesus loves a Shovelhead If I say Corn Flakes are great and someone asks why, I can describe why I think they are great. I can say they are great because: they are nutritious, delicious and are part of a healthy, well balanced breakfast.
Things like that. Not just: “They are great because whatever”.
Try it out.
Why should I have to pay for my ancestors wrong doings? As far as I’m concerned this is all way beyond my time. Enjoy Canada Day everyone
The last residential school closed in 1996 and was still operating up until its closure. ‘Ancestors’ is pushing it.
@Lin Z. Why did his family run the schools or something?
@Lin Z. Thank you for putting that forward.. My thought exactly… This is very fresh.. No time like the present for change
Yes well that makes sense….we wouldn’t want to encourage any national sovereignty would we?
It’s considered xenophobic according to the propagandists.
I will be celebrating Canada day with a BBQ and family
A couple wingnuts that hate Canada do not constitute a growing call to cancel