Calls For Arrest After Georgia Jogger’s Shooting | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Newly-released video appears to show Georgia man, Ahmaud Arbery, 25, shot while jogging in February. Lawyers for Arbery's family are calling for arrests. Rev. Al Sharpton joins the discussion.` Aired 5/7/2020.
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Calls For Arrest After Georgia Jogger's Shooting | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Calls For Arrest After Georgia Jogger's Shooting | Morning Joe | MSNBC


    1. DONNAI1210 don’t forget thats this is a intimidation tactic against minorities for our vote on November elections . Same as 2016 but now they got more louder cuz they scare

    2. Chequetta Shaw, you are right those killers had a distorted reality. It’s sad that racism like this still happens, my condolences to the family. In my opinion the police that didn’t do the arrest should go to jail also. No excuses for murder.

    1. Whoever recorded this was chasing him also.You can see his body motion leaning over to get his weapon.When the video becomes straight again you can hear the cocking of the weapon.

    2. JR ALEXANDER It’s kinda crazy how much Ahmaud Arbery sounds like “Armed Robbery”.

    3. So this “jogger” is literally on film trespassing on construction sites, and then this good boy “jogger” literally charges in physically attacking the armed men. Thug down, nothing of value lost. Innocent.

  1. He was clearly jogging. WTF!?!? Why are we just hearing about this nationally…!? God this country is disgusting & shameful.

    1. @Brio diz Chicago some shut down
      May to Date

      Shot & Killed: 20

      Shot & Wounded: 83

      Total Shot: 103

      Total Homicides: 20

    2. @Brio diz Year to Date
      Shot & Killed: 163

      Shot & Wounded: 713

      Total Shot: 876

      Total Homicides: 181

    3. @Brio diz Last Week’s Totals (5/3 – 5/9)
      Shot & Killed: 14

      Shot & Wounded: 56

      Total Shot: 70

      Total Homicides: 14

    1. @Ricky : I really believe that karma exists, but it takes much longer. We all come here to learn.

    2. My heart is broken for his Mother and family. Especially on Mother’s day, she will be in my prayers. I am so sorry.

  2. How is anybody breaking in homes when we have been in our homes because of the virus.

    1. @Dino Flagella
      Dummy you have no clue what your talking about. There are 911 tapes & video of him breaking in a house

    2. The homes that are being broke in..are the ones that people leave…to go out…they have been home for weeks…

    3. NBF1865 no such video of him breaking into a home exists. He was filmed at a construction site, but he did nothing there. He did not take anything or damage the property.

  3. It looks to me like they had seen him jogging and so they got ahead of him and were waiting for him as he came by. This was an intentional attack! They laid in wait to murder this man and should be in prison for the rest of their lives! It’s just so sad and unnecessary. My condolences to his family.

    1. I mean the guy in the back of the truck like he’s scouting for his prey. Like hunting for game. Crazy country.

    2. zaltmanbleroze. Exactly. And as far as I can tell, the 911 call from the dad in the truck does not match the video clip of the same moment. I think maybe the dad made the call AFTER the shooting to make it sound like they weren’t planning to shoot the jogger, when actually that’s exactly what they planned to do.

    3. Noah Einstein read the actual police report. Also the police report when I brought a handgun to a basketball game in 2013 and the police report when he stole a TV from a store violating his probation in 2018. He was a 3 strike criminal. They a lot more to this then most people realize but don’t care to look they just have blinders on. I to thought this was crazy they shot him but after researching the FACTS I’ve come to a different conclusion. FYI he was 10 miles from his home so he wasn’t just “out for a jog” like these race baiters want you to believe.

  4. They were truly acting like they were hunting down a wild animal period, Privileged is and can be extremely deadly and very dangerous ! 🤔

    1. Brio diz Most white people aren’t racist though it’s the minority group of racist whites that ruin their reputation. I grew up with white folk in my neighborhood (I’m Cuban) and I can assure you that Cubans, Black folk, white folk, they’re all equally just as racist. It’s an acquired mentality passed down from their parents. White people are NOT inherently racist, that is hypocritical thinking and actually racist of you to stereotype all white people. They had nothing to do with the past, and most are genuine people. It goes both ways, don’t lower yourself down to their level because then you’re no better than the racist whites.

    2. @Boba Fett the racist ones make all the important decisions and the non racist whites some how agree and always find clever way to back up the bad ones. Theres my beef.

    3. @Boba Fett never said white people are inherently racist( gave that impression unintentionally) and I do know many none whites are racist and they don’t even pretend to have an issue with their racism. You’re telling me not to lower myself to the level of the racists, my reason is to survive, the jungle they made the world to be, i have to think like them to know them.


  5. The gun wielding men should go to jail. They chased him down and killed him. Disgusting

    1. And the old man’s an ex copper ¿? Think of the fun he’s had during his ‘career’ !

  6. If he had been white he could’ve rushed a government building wearing a mask and carrying a semi-automatic weapon and he still wouldn’t’ve been shot.

    1. @Rusty Shackleford Your logic is very disturbing. You don’t care about a black man being murdered because people don’t care about white men being murdered? You sir are a racist. I can tell by your comment that you vote Republican, voted for Trump and consider yourself a Christian.

    2. @Rusty Shackleford I can’t believe i am replying twice to a racist but could you supply ‘one’ video of a white man being ‘lynched’?

    3. Fossil Fuel Rules Criminal? Didn’t steal anything, and no he did not have a hammer (nothing was recovered), so what crime did he commit? Trespassing isn’t a felony so their “citizens arrest” was illegal since they would have had to witnessed it and it would have to be a felony. I think those two armed inbreds were the actual criminals trying to trap and corner a man.

  7. It’s not self-defense when you jump out of your car.. the car was already a barrier to being attacked & by leaving it one loses all believability of “self-defense”

    1. My point.. is that you are generally safe inside of a locked car. So, if you claim that there was a credible fear for your life.. leaving the vehicle would be the last thing to do.

      End of story.

    2. No. It’s self-defense because Arbery tried to grab his weapon and was striking him. He died because he attacked someone. It was very stupid.

  8. This retired police officer was probably committing these same “crimes” before he retired, and the county supported this behavior. These men need to be arrested, and the police department needs to be investigated!! If the shooters were African American , Latino, or Middle Eastern, they would have been arrested by now. However, the past dictates they would have been gunned down by the police without having their day in court. EQUAL RIGHTS FOR ALL AND EQUAL JUSTICE FOR ALL!!

    1. It’s the exact same thing as the Trevon Martin case only this time there are more armed lunatics involved! I can only hope that this won’t end the same way. I thought the same thing about the ex-cop & his department. They sound more like a organized crime organization than a police department. The sad truth is that too many departments in this country are more concerned with protecting each other than the people who pay their salaries! A murder is a murder and until they’re all prosecuted and convicted equally, regardless of the offender’s job/race/socioeconomic status, this nation will not deserve to call itself a land of freedom and equal justice under the law…

    2. @ComedyIs Medicine
      Asians are getting beaten up more often now with the covid pandemic going on

  9. That was a murder. Why no arrests. He was a black guy, no other reason. Middle of the day.

  10. This is the “great” America Trump brought back. Shame on anyone that thinks this is ok

    1. This happened during the Obama administration too. The WS are just out in larger numbers because they see themselves in Trump.

    2. @Josh Edmonds I can give 45 credit for a continuing to grow the economy. However, he’s tell a bold faced lie everytime he says the economy was a mess when he took office. Plus the right blames quite a bit on Obama. Both parties are guilty. Most don’t realize the parties are different sides of the same corporate loving coin.

    3. Many of you never took or know common and basic Sociology and it shows. Surprised if most of you have a high school diploma as well

  11. Color of your skin will never change, Racist will never change.I am Sominalian, American Born in Texas,I guess they will Target me next.My Grandparents told me about the past, I don’t want to relive the 50s or 60s. We all need a Future.

    1. Jason what more proof do you need a black man jogging down the road two white men got out of the car and shot him.

    2. Texas has stand your ground laws and concealed weapons license, so you’d be smart not to commit crimes here or you will probably be shot.

  12. This is disgusting. He was simply jogging. The whole police department should be investigated. And these assassins are being protected by the police department. Hate crime at it’s worst. Welcome to the United States of Hate and Violence!

    1. @Beverly PopeJohnson no, there isn’t. If that is the case. But, too often it is not.
      The press loves to stir the mud with their half reportage by portraying many situations that cast aspersion to fit their narratives. We need to hear the entire story, not just what they want to tell.
      Almost every one of them – Brown, Grey, Garner, Brawley, OJ, Duke students, Covington Kids, and the like were later found to be the complete opposite of what the lying media put out.

    2. Hispanics have their own issues and injustices. Are you advocating for your own? I never understood why Hispanics rally for blacks when they don’t support you.

    3. Where are you getting that biased untrue opinion? Both communities (Blacks, Afro-Americans, Hispanics, Latinos) have and have always had more than one problematic issues in common than what you think. For example, we both suffer discrimination because of the color of our skin, the social and economic disadvantages/inequalities that we confront are the same. Should I go on?

    4. @DIVISIONINCISION Where are you coming from? That’s one of the most ignorant biased opinion I’ve ever read. We (Blacks, Latinos, Afro-Americans, Hispanics) have had the same problematic issues this pandemic has either exacerbated or highlighted them for this “society” to really see take notice. For example, the blatant discrimination against the color of our skin, our severe disadvantages to good health care, quality education, better jobs. Should I go on? Please check out the facts before you give laughable opinions. But, please be sure to be safe and stay safe.

    5. @Mei Chong there was 4 people. The father & son, the person who made the video and the jogger that was killed. What can friends and family add to what happened on that street at that moment?

    1. Video shows self defense. You don’t grab someone’s weapon and think you won’t get shot. In Texas this is a “stand your ground” case.

    2. @Kristoph Ty Because the “victim” stopped running straight and turned to confront the man holding the shotgun. Watch the video.

  13. This happened 3 months ago. WTH. Why are they not charged. The whole world can see what happened.

    1. You right the whole world is watching… however they like us will just watch. We will have achieved nothing in the end.

    2. media chooses when to release this stuff when they need to cover up for something else. In this case there is a big annexation going on in Isn’t Real that they don’t want people to know about. They have stories like this lined up for use when they need them.

    1. @Davey Cooper, he in essence asked me a question about my identity, I answered.

      Ya, you broke down my every word with great precision.

      I’m now a broken man.

      You’re good at this, you must have a lot of practice.

    2. @John Coleman No need to ever apologize for being Irish. We all understand your genetic short comings. At least you’re not French. 😉

    1. You better proclaim your Nationality @
      to be recognized by the government in which you live and by the Nations of the World…come together for comfort and empathy as this has the potential to get even worst, before it gets better…

  14. They grabbed their guns and chased him down when he was just jogging this was a lynching…

    1. No it wasn’t—it was a killing by shotgun. What you are doing now with your propaganda is a lynching.

    2. Yes its sad that even in 2020 we have animals for police officers that hunt people like they are deer. If we had no cell phones this would be case closed the father and mother would be told their son was the bad guy, robber, theif and had to be put down. They may even have a parade for the police in fighting crime and keeping the city safe. But those pesky cell phones caught up to the killers. Wonder who took the footage and why they waited so long. Glad they did but it caused needless extra suffering from his family. Geeze does it really take a person 2 months to do the right thing these days?

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