Sarnia Mayor Mike Bradley discusses calls from Canadian border cities to do away with PCR test requirements for cross-border travel.
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But I thought the vaccines cure everything? Why the PCR test

For the money nothing else
Shake down.
@Jumbo Me it’s called following the science. Where have you been?
@puredjskaraoke it’s only about money if it wasn’t then why not charge what the test costs
@Jumbo Me you think science is cheap? Doctors and scientists work for free? Sorry, following the science costs money, don’t like it then don’t travel during a pandemic. It’s pretty simple. I don’t need a bunch of anti science travellers spreading covid coming back from their vacations
“Return to normal”. Yeah right, this guy obviously doesnt get out much.
2 weeks to flatten the curve folks….
Yup but sadly idiots refuse to follow rules and continue to spread the virus hence why we are in the situation we are now
Lmfao they decided months ago they werent using thw PCR test as of the new year
way to grab some more money. No such thing as New Normal
Makes ZERO sense for day travelers or one day travelers. They can get tested in Canada, then travel across the border and on return, they can use the same test to get back in. LOL Whats the point? Waste of money
Waste of money? How dare you deny the companies doing those PCRs tests that revenue!
@Primmakin Sofis
I absolutely will not travel until the test is eliminated
Most discriminatory bunch of NACI collaboerators
Rapid testing would be okay but we shouldn’t do away with testing entirely for the sake of public safety
They want to insert something into your brain with those PCR tests I’m telling you.
They literally scratch your eyeball with those swabs.
Trudummy and his joke government make a sensible decision, NOT
Get rid of this stupidity already….Let the traffic Flow and Roll…