Call records highlighted in the House Intelligence Committee's report of the evidence it has collected in the impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump show a history of phone calls between the president's personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, and the Office of Management and Budget. Aired on 12/3/19.
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Call Logs Between Rudy Giuliani, Budget Office Revealed In Impeachment Report | Katy Tur | MSNBC
No Santa for trump or Rudy then! I hope the people attending the Queen’s dinner are watching on their mobiles!

But Cat, the rest of us will have the

Can’t wait for this alternative reality sh**show to be gone!
Make them pay for illegal phone calls!
catalinacurio I hope they counted the silverware when the trumps left.
if so, can you lock trumputin and his corrupt entourage in a nice dark dank dungeon and lose the key? pretty please with sugar on top?
This don’t look good.
Big Blue … How to get that message to the deplorables
Ed S – looks good from here
Yup, making phone calls is suspicious.
They claim the Dems had it all typed up.
Rudy, watch out for those buses…
especially the ones with an angry orange driver…
Especially when he’s making those PHONE CALLS. Waaaaa! Melting…
The wheels on the bus go thump thump thump…
That’s a very good question. Why on earth would a civilian like Rudy be in contact with the Office of Management and Budget? Hmmmm. And the plot sickens. OOPS…I meant thickens.
David J ……………. This can’t be explained, or explained away, as anything other than a full blown criminal conspiracy ( the ‘drug deal’ ) . The fact that it was done in secret, while being ostensibly ‘out in the open’ is even more outrageous . Shows the extreme chutzpah of these criminal clowns .
And,why would the OMB be calling Rudy..
David J …….. One could also opine: The Sickies plottin’ .
Swollen with gangrene…
Sickens is correct.
Rudy’s brain retired but his mouth keeps working.
Rudy is patient zero of the Walking Dead.
Crystal Giddens. Congratulations your lack of education and intelligence has finally paid off. You’ve just won the most mindlessly asinine comment award
. But with your minute intellect I’m sure that you can do better. annnnd go.
Or just call it hoax or fake news
Rudy is senile. He needs adult supervision from a caregiver.
keeps -working- flapping
Once again, the Republicans will be left with the impossible task of defending the indefensible. Once again, the Republicans will whine endlessly about how “unfair” it is that Trump got caught, and how unfair the Constitution is for providing impeachment as the sole method of punishing a sitting president.
@Dearly Diane Didn’t the Republicans deny he made calls?
Everybody makes phone calls. It’s undeniable! Impeach!
@DR Clements Where did you come up with that? Pence could pardon him for everything federally criminal. He won’t step down. The Senate gop will protect him. They do not represent you.
@bc1969214 Or campaign money…dinner… a nice tweet from trump…
@bc1969214 My guess is that JUDY will butt dial another Ruski for a couple hundred million to pay for some GOP good old boy payola for some favors.
The Three -Amigos- Stooges, *Quid, Pro, and Quo.*
Frank Winkhorst ..

That is an insult to The Three Stooges, The Three Stooges were great nothing like these people you’re trying to associate them with.
You win.
That’s brilliant!
Can’t wait to see Rudy flip.
@John Balnis I doubt you got the spelling wrong, you got it right .
@D B Yep. Recall how Trump stated he would always “defend the warriors” when he intervened in the Navy Seal case , then 2 days later referred to Giuliani as a “warrior”.
Nothing overt there, right?
@rtorres81rc Unfortunately not with “Roy Cohn” as AG.
Well it won’t do any good because Trump barely knows him, probably never heard of the guy.
Like a pancake on an IHOP griddle at 3AM on Saturday morning.
Throw away the key…
@Tony Williams Right! All I’ve seen are really OLD white ppl wearing those shirts and always see the same faces in clips because the majority of them are getting paid to sit at the rallies in the camera shots and interviews. You’d think they would at least try to change it up. Not once have I seen any black ppl give an interview.
And Last…Pickup the soap

Delete!!! Delete!!!! Delete!!! LOL
Lol, I’m pretty sure all the MAGA cult members are going to say this is fake news.
@rtorres81rc Rudy protected by who? Trump. Until hes not.
Meuller needs no protection, nothing illegal. Barr might be reprehensible but so far not implicated in anything. Bush was actully convicted in international court for war crimes. As a former Potus, highly unlikely anything to ever happen to him.
@Crystal Giddens People dont like to hear about the “molton steel”. One of several things not adequately explained. wtc 7, pentagon, etc. Thinking Trump is there for anything other than self aggrandizement is niave though.
I really don’t care what an insipid hat wearer with holes in their underwear thinks I am so over the opinions of liars.
The Trumpanzees won’t get their kids to read any of this to them.
@JMK There’s no way im going to try to break apart all of that but from the couple of parts I remember after scanning thru I’ll say this. All of your information about the economy being so great and breaking records left & right is absolutely misleading to say the least. Great fort who? For the many business executives who made out like fat rats due to not having to pay their fair share of taxes? For the average person the economy is not great. MANY, live barely covering their expenses and by paycheck to paycheck, not able to afford a sudden emergency costing $400. Besides, if we’re being honest, all of the economic indicators that Trump loves to brag about isn’t due to anything he did or put into place. It’s stlll from the success of the Obama Admin carrying over from his time in office with something like the 120th month in a row of doing better than the last. He loves taking credit for other people’s work he had nothing to do with! Go ask farmers in the midwest if they think the economy is great. Many of whom are in jeopardy of losing their farms & houses despite being in their families for generations. Who, as a result of his ridiculous trade war, has cost them huge contracts here and abroad, due to having to charge more to compensate tariffs which led to customers now buying from Canada & other places. They’ll never get those contracts back and will devastate them financially to the point of bankruptcy, despite Trump’s bribe to them in the form of bailout money, which also wasted billions of tax payer dollars. Only thing he is good at is losing&bleeding money, undoing all of the good work Obama did trying to rectify the balloon spending by the last Republican in office. His racist war on immigrants also costs the US untold millions by not arresting criminals/ drug dealers but hard working people, WITH JOBS, who pay a lot of money in taxes but are not entitled to get any of it back as a result of not being citizens. You take that on top of all of the lost income the US doesn’t receive anymore due to sooooo many corporations not having to pay anything in taxes and you begin to understand why he’s bankrupted at least 5-7 different businesses.
JMK I hate trump because he’s a liar.

lookout for them windmills 

The GOP will use the same cunning plan they used with the Mueller Report: they won’t read it.
Dearly Diane
Phone calls while driving Are not an impeachable offense. Obstruction is. It’s in the constitution.
@JMK Proof?
Or are you talking about Republicans asking every question about what the report wasn’t about?
Jon 66, If he had an obstruction while driving and making phone calls I say he is done. Impeach!
@Marcus W Marcus: Funny you should mention the plague. One Of Trump’s diseases, foul mouth desease or foul mouth fever, seams to be contagious. His use of slurs, nick names, nasty labels, superlatives, lies, all good to cover up ignorance, turns out to be contagious. FOX NEWS people, and those who answer with comments, have been infected by it badly, and we Dems. must be careful , not to contract this fever, too. It is deadly. So long Marcus. Have a good night.
Willful ignorance can take you only but so far. Then the truth come raining down like bricks and Wile E coyote umbrella it’s not going to be able to protect you lol

Just proof again that this fake president is running the White House just the way he runs his business into the ground. The people that voted for him should be ashamed of themselves for not doing their homework he’s a businessman with how many bankruptcies hello.
Toward Treatise he is not helping the economy!!!!!!!! He is killing it! Jobs report is a lie! Farmers being paid billions in support (socialism) 24-54 yr olds have jobs paying less than 18k a yr and 3/4 are college educated with student loans! Look it up and stop watching fake Fox News
@Toward Treatise You don’t have a clue.
Spiciemoma35 I think you just argued socialism is killing the economy with farmers aid and student loans. Or you’re arguing against it? Or you’re admitting Trump understands socialism can help in certain situations? I like socialism, almost exclusively at the state level where it belongs according the constitution democrats all of a sudden care about, and is less likely to be abused than the path of authoritarian control the democrats cheer with federal policy dominating state policy and globalist policy dominating federal policy that undermines the separation of powers that set humanity free to start with.
Does Rudy even have security clearance for all this??
Kushner was in on this..his clearance was suspended.
liberty Ann Good Question.?
liberty Ann Exactly. Defend this Rudy..
In short America is being run by Fox News and Rudy
@Marc Mendoza No, I doubt it.
@Josh Potatoes Ironically, you are deflecting as we speak.
State run media, a corrupt crime boss, and his unhinged attorney, Mr. Peanut. God help us all.
IMPEACH this POTUS hes a traitor to all of Americans.
And ALL allies ( often FORMER allies ) ………………
Is there not ONE single GOP minion that understands that this is dangerous?
Nunes is also included in the report and called G the lawyer and others. Expulsion from the United States Congress. … Article I, Section 5 of the United States Constitution provides that “Each House [of Congress] may determine the Rules of its proceedings, punish its members for disorderly behavior, and, with the concurrence of two-thirds, expel a member.
The ones who actually understand are complicit.
Yes, but they quit and elected not to run again.
Also, what is Nunes doing in numerous phone calls with Giuliani? He has a lot of questions to answer.
He should have kept his mouth shut with all the “The Democrats..”, Literally heard that at least 20 times, Play stupid games win stupid prizes now he got cornered even on Fox and dodged the question twice.
we the people and what is left of the functioning government have become ricky ricardo, and trump and loony rudy (really, the whole gop) have become lucy and ethel. the only difference is that this is real life and the schemes are and have been putting our national security and indeed the world at risk. i am tired of hoping that we find out the truth in time or can ameliorate the damage caused by lucy and ethel, of being constantly at the brink of one disaster after another. nunes is fred. this is nothing less than the safety of the world we are talking about here.
What gets me is, Nunes sat at the impeachment hearings, and he didn’t say a word about his involvement! He started everyday saying the impeachment hearings are a circus! Come to find out, he’s one of the clowns! Nunes is sitting on the wrong side of the bench!!
Traitor Trump’s entire Administration is just one big criminal enterprise.
@Dearly Diane Yeah, it’s called examining the evidence and drawing obvious inferences. If you’re unable to do that, maybe YOU should contact your doctor.
fishhead, I am pretty sure it’s called differently but please check with your doctor. We do not give diagnosis online.
@Alphatest Omega I remember seeing the repeats in the 70s and early 80s
Obama gave billions, CASH, “of your tax dollars” to our enemy Iran plus committed 99 other acts of treason against America and no one said a word…
Ya think ?
“I’ve never even heard of the White House.” That’s going to be Trump’s defense, eventually.
His claim will be Rudy was making the calls to them without his knowledge.
Or Rudy, or Mick, or Gordon, or Pompeo, or pence…