Call for 120 Days Layoff to be Extended | Traffic Control Anger | TVJ Midday News – Nov 19 2021

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Call for 120 Days Layoff to be Extended | Traffic Control Anger | TVJ Midday News


  1. If the signs are gone, put new signs so people can know not to park in a particular spot. Cant be telling people a sign was there and people tear it down. Not everyone who commute is from the area and knows where to park.Smh. Money you guys hustling off people.
    Stepen shaw have an answer for everything. Him lie yuh see.
    Maybe if mystic mountains wasn’t so expensive more locals would go. $900 dollars for 1 red stripe beer, $250 for water. Not to mention to fee to do the activities.

  2. Driving to May Pen is another’s like a big unplanned community. Whenever I’m going there I take the regular taxi because finding places to park is just not possible.

  3. How can they charge people if there’s no NO PARKING SIGN?
    PUT THE SIGNS OUT OF LAW BREAKERS REACH. PUT MORE THAN ONE & also have the persons clamping make sure SIGNS are visible.

  4. The other day, the same minister was talking about outsourcing test that people who come to the hospital need, because the government don’t have money to buy or repair , so they will use private facilities. I said no to that, because that would only open the door for corruption. Like what is happening to the Cornwall Regional Hospital. Delays, financial over run, sloppy job and lots of people getting rich off the theft. No one is going to prison, so you will always have theft in government business. AFRICA UNITY

  5. If your vehicle clamp where is no parking sign it’s illegal Jamaica stop being so wicked to the people do the right thing!!

  6. They need a 10 floor parking garage in most Jamaica towns maypen old harbour etc plus over head road to easy traffic

  7. How can it be that you political criminals have no signs erected and you clamping poor people vehicles….that’s a criminal act by the rich against the poor for if there is an absence of signs then there should be no criminal charge or clamping

  8. Maypen is a mess if you’re not careful you will also loose your bumps because of the poor condition of the road.

  9. If you’re not careful you will loose your bumpers because of the poor condition of the road, maypen is a mess!

  10. The Good Book would say! ” What seems right to a man is the way of destruction” let them continue treating people bad, their reward is coming. Man may have SAY on earth here toward poor people, but my GOD have the Final SAY.

  11. More layoff time has nothing to do with the inability to operate the business, but the availability of time to impose unlawful mandates, that is the hidden motive. He who has eyes to see and ears to hear.

    1. Exactly! That is what they want. The most vaxxed countries are all seeing spikes. This thing is sheer evil but God a God and no evil will go unpunished.

  12. That’s all some pow pow good for…clamping with no sign around..smh..some of these pow pow are already reaping what they sowed..God is not sleeping.

  13. To sack Tappa it would hurt the players would not have any drive now with new Manager kill the uplifting mood also in camp PATRIOTISM

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