Over 200 people have been rescued from areas surrounding Madera County, north of Fresno, California, as the Creek Fire reaches 36,000 acres and continues to grow.
California wildfire causes hundreds to flee as Creek Fire spreads

Over 200 people have been rescued from areas surrounding Madera County, north of Fresno, California, as the Creek Fire reaches 36,000 acres and continues to grow.
Hope all people ok there , respect to US nation.
saeed basabain watch out a US predator drone might be hovering over your head and hunting you.
I live in Africa
@Jamac Soo Kuday us drones go after epople that want to kill other people. Saeed doesnt sound like he wants all infidels to die…so… im pretty sure he is safe
@Coronavirus your right
@Reality Check Get back in your breadline comrade.
Trump for prison immediately!
Huge thank you to the emergency services!

Carlos Dominguez Same
@Madame Defarge HELL YEAH!!! When I was in jail I would have loved to been able to perform a duty to my country like this! I would have jumped out of an airplane as a smoke jumper if they would have let me out of that hell hole of a prison system. I’d rather die by fire than at the hands of some inmates. I had to sit and wait 3 days watching azzholes honing afro pics into shanks sitting there while waiting to be stabbed.
At least I could have built some self respect for myself which is what prisoners need to become better people
You want the truth? Here it is….
Sitting in that fire is safer than sitting in prison. Helping people and the community is good for those prisoners. This is the embodiment of proper rehabilitation at work. Do your own homework.. -_-
Trump told you libtards to cut fire breaks but you didn’t listen when he said they need to rake. CNN 24/7 fake news for uneducated libtards who have no clue. Brainwashed by liberal institutions/MSM. Pathetic but hilarious !
Everyone who religiously watched the Communist News Network hates emergency services….until it’s their homes and towns in fire. Clowns
Amy I was using extreme sarcasm
Climate Change: “I’m still here.”
@pixie hill Shut it troll
Al Gore: “I’m still here….making money off of climate change”.
@Patrick Patrick OMG still? Move on loser
Fires were set by Antifa arsonists. You were saying?
The Creek Fire is not in Northern California. It is in the middle of California.
@ITSNOT MYFAULT people in Fresno identify much more as being part of NorCal….
@carmine leon wrong…anything north of fresno County is nor cal
@Scott D where dude its been absolutely no storms rolling through the sierras….someone set this fire
Plutonium Ray the salt miner lmao. Either fucking way, it’s a completely different California as it is down here in Fontana
@shooter7a and Elisabeth Warren said she is an indian. Did it make it TRUE???? Silly child, there’s people out there who identify as a bunny rabbit, a 35 year old man says he is a 5 mouth old baby, people say LOTS OF DUMB STUFF.
It seems things aren’t getting any better. We the people of Nepal are deeply shattered by various calamity and COVID related issues. Let’s pray together for betterment .
Marty Celestialteapot Omg CNN is chalk full of morons in these comment sections.
Did you really base your argument off a fact checking site. (Snopes)
Do you not realize that’s like saying I heard it on the news so it must be true. You should have done some fact checking on the validity of these fact checking sites.
Congratulations you’ve earned yourself a dunce cap.
51% approval rating for Trump…Racist Biden has no chance !!!
@Ren Ghandehari-Tian thank you, i hope you will also be safe
Here we go again ! It’ll be 100°+ today as it was yesterday. My car dashboard read 118°. I pray for protection of all of our first responders.
@John Saylor I thought God,family and country,gun rights,thoughts and prayers and Idolizing Trump your Messiah were a Republican thing.
@Dan Knauss At least We are not the followers of your false Messiah and follow him blindly. At this point I think he’s the Antichrist.
@martha acosta you’re not making any sense martha.
@Helen T — THANK YOU
so much for not entering into a “tennis match” w/differing opinions. God Bless you sister. You’ve stated your position & kept it moving. Do you see the _vitriolic_ TIT for TAT? Never understood the “unhealthy dialog” , BUT to each their own ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Disgustingly proud of you
for California 

@Helen T That’s all a show. Just wait until they are elected. You will find out real quick what have freedom stripped away from you is like. Biden is a puppet and he will be used as such. To be honest this is the last thing people should be talking about anyways. There’s natural disasters and peoples lives are in danger, and you want to bring politics up. That’s really despicable.
@Tessmage Tessera Liberal Parasite culture ignited the fires to argue climate change narrative. Vote for Trump and let’s put a stop to the self destructive activities of the corrupt liberal party.
@California lol ahahahahah I’m laughing at you not with you
@John Saylor didnt ask
@California hilarious to find out fires started by democrat nut jobs. Turns out dimms will do anything for climate change lmao
Some of the smoke has made it as far north as Canyonville Oregon, I wish it would rain
down there.
@Elkslayer survival skills are essential especially with what is going on. People are desperate now and it’s only going to get worse. Can I come and live with you then you can teach me survival skills.
51% approval rating for Trump…Racist Biden has no chance !!!
@Edward Emmick Thank you. There are too many people speaking without knowing California’s geography. Many of the places catching hell by these fires often represent the more conservative small towns that are inland.
@Dylan Carr Some of these areas were not prone to forest fires before.
Why would you go camping when the entire state is on fire?
@Elkslayer Keep educating those you love and hope you keep loving those that are in your life my grandparents are no longer with me id love to tell them how much I love them today. thanks for the comment I hope you stay well and call those you love today and tell them how much you love them even if they already no it.
@Samuel A That was very kind- I wish you the same
Older people are the best people to learn from.
My family says I have a old soul because the way I love old people I guess..
The story’s they tell are amazing and make you feel reallllly lucky.
I wish to share all I have learned from them thru my kids and grand kids.
I have 6 grandkids now (one of those six is in heaven) and I thank the lord for having the time to build memories for them.

I actually created my Youtube channel so they can show their kids how crazy I was.
I will share with you one of my videos that they should show at my funeral..
Here is a really funny one with my youngest granddaughter when I was teaching her how to boil a deer head..
You may not wish to watch if you get grossed out easy…
Typical democrats
@Yamato Tomato You had wrote:”Typical democrats-
I am guessing to the original comments of : “Why would you go camping when the entire state is on fire?
My response: You are 100% correct that Typical Democrats would not go camping and start a fire in extreme fire conditions- Yes that is typical of those Darn Democrats thinking of others again.
Kind of the same as those pesky Democrats wearing a mask to help lessen the chance of someone else getting the virus from them..
Democrats need to stop worrying about others and be self centered like Republicans
Praying for everyone getting out safe, also for the poor animals in the area!!!
Me too
Animals have been fleeing natural fires since God has been setting them…if they dont flee they die but most times the Animals are smart enough to smell and see it coming. Natural selection to the old and diseased
Instead of asking for a trillion dollars recovery budget why not led the feds in and take over. I guess california governor doesnt want the president to take credit
It seems things aren’t getting any better. We the people of Nepal are deeply shattered by various calamity and COVID related issues. Let’s pray together for betterment . !

I just seen the exact same comment by a different account. Wtf is this bs?
Wow you are brilliant.. Copying exactly same comment for likes n sympathy.. And ofcourse with fake account loser
I don’t think I would be camping in California with all the dryness and Wildfires they’ve been having.
California is full of stupid meatheads that have zero campfire skills.
Annnnnnnnd the fact that they should be inside and not in a camp ground around others lol
Dude… Its only California
@Ameen Younis meth heads dont camp they set fires
I live in Madera, my cars covered in ash every morning and my lungs have been tight for months as well as many people I know, especially with it being 108 degrees today and having to wear masks for my delivery job. It’s like hell.
I’m in Salem Oregon, and I know the feeling. Monday is going to be terrible.
Mostly peaceful fire
How is it peaceful fire? Many comments I read says the same but I’m lost plz tell me???
The entire sky is grey and ashy. It’s turning sunlight an orangish color.
A gender reveal party caused this? Congrats! It’s a wildfire !
These massive fires produce more carbon emissions in a single day then the other 49 states combined produce in a year.
CNN: “Fiery but mostly peaceful”
Fire is violent be it against people or nature. Cover all fires seriously.
” Fiery but mostly peaceful forest fires protest”
You must hate America. Sad
And disgusting. Glad you live in Russia !
@Jan Davis if you still voting blue you aint in california
@Yamato Tomato Good Lord you are stupid. Typical cult member

@Jan Davis I live in the UK, I love Americans, Well Aslong as they aren’t idiot demonrats, how’s it being constantly triggered

“Mostly peaceful forest fire”