A California teenager, reported missing three years ago, was found sleeping outside of a Utah gas station.
RELATED: Two missing Idaho children are just beginning of strange story
A California teenager who was reported missing three years ago was found this month sleeping outside of a Utah gas station, police said.
Sheriff's deputies encountered Connerjack Oswalt, 19, in the Park City area on April 9 after someone called in a report of a man sleeping outside a gas station, said Lt. Andrew Wright of the Summitt County Sheriff's Office.
When deputies arrived, they scanned Oswalt's fingerprints and found an arrest warrant for someone with a similar name that was issued out of Nevada in February, Wright said, and more research led them to a missing person's poster for Oswalt in the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children database.
Deputies contacted authorities in Clearlake, California, where Oswalt was reported missing, and tracked down Oswalt's mother in Idaho Falls, Wright said, leading to their reunification in Utah.
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#Utah #California #MissingPerson
It will be interesting to hear why he ran away in the first place. Many families try to “tough love” mental disabilities or even basic problems out of their children as if they are robots.
This is heartbreaking
Well someone was taking care of him. He didn’t last 3 years without help Thats for sure
Wow thank God he was found alive.
I hope he didn’t experience any physical harm while missing for all those years.
I pray that he is able to bond and reconnect with his family.
I wonder how long was he gone before he was reported missing?
Did he just wonder off? Prior to this incident does he leave yet normally come back?
I’m just so happy that he was found alive. I can’t imagine what the not knowing was doing to their family.

Highly doubt he was missing. He probably wanted to get away and be on his own.
Can’t do that at 16 my dude. He’s 19 now though so fuxk it.
@Ian Garcia I did it, it can be done
Okay!So any word on my kidnapped children!!
I don’t read code!So direct communication would be necessary!
Can you elaborate?
When did they go missing?
The question is why did he run away?
Maybe he went looking for Joseph Smith?
Well, you have to ask how great his home life was to make sleeping outside in another state for three years seem better by comparison?
He’s austistic. He very well couldn’t not even know what country he’s in. But yeah. He also might have dipped on his abusive family lol
Other possibility is his family abandoned him, never expecting to hear from him again…
He’s white, he’ll be aight
@Mark Bragg Bragg on, Mark. Condolences to the poor, Missing little white boy who now has even more of a chance and leg up due to his now infamous story. Likely will go on to become police chief and have his white kids run away. Your kids likely would’ve broken into the place and ransacked it, being your obvious low level of character shown by your prejudice and racism.
@Pacey Baumgardner aren’t you just an edgy little teenager. I’m sure you’re probably 35 years old, just not mentally.
@Nick Thompson Nick, go run away. You wouldn’t be missed either like this little white boy wasn’t, and it hurts. That’s why you had to but in to stand up for your boy Mark.
@Pacey Baumgardner I’m sorry you don’t have a dad.
There’s more to this. I seriously think the parents were involved in his disappearance.
Was this in the media when he went missing?
@Brittany Cope not that I know of. Look at the other videos and I think you’ll agree that the parents didn’t look happy when they found out he was alive. They totally looked bewildered and surprised.
@U.S. Militia maybe they took him somewhere & just left him abandoned
@STEEL SCRAP Kingdom you might be exactly right. I have an autistic son and sometimes I can’t get any type of words from him at all. He might not want to explain what happened. Makes me mad and sad as hell the way some treat autistic children.
See this weird narrative is forming with this particular case.. I have more questions. Why did he leave home in the first place? And why are they just showing the same footage when where’s the footage him at home?
You found the Runaway. Congratulations. Hopefully they don’t lose him again.
alien abduction
The coming of the Great King is at hand. Live your lives for Jesus Christ, NOT for worldly entertainment. Make prayer your habitual habits, because a prayerless Christian is a powerless Christian. God calls us to live a Holy, Righteous, Faithful, Truthful, Obedience and Perfect Life everyone. It is NOT about religion, It is about a relationship with Jesus Christ. Have a genuine repentance and be born again, you have a relationship with your Heavenly Father by repenting of all of your sins, reading the bible and Praying everyday. This world and all the things that are in this world will soon disappear, be destroyed. Depart from worldliness and Focus on Jesus Christ, Rapture is imminent. Flee from the wrath to come. This WORLD is TEMPORARY, HEAVEN is PERMANENT
Sounds like he knew about California’s demise before the rest of us. Good for him…
I wouldn’t identify myself either with a name like connorjack
Mental health is not given the attention it needs in our society today. We need to do better.