With coronavirus cases recently on the rise in California, Gov. Gavin Newsom ordered all counties to close many indoor activities, including dining inside restaurants.
Besides eateries, Newsom said indoor wineries, tasting rooms, movie theaters, family entertainment centers, zoos, and museums should close now. Those that can should offer outdoor areas of service. Bars must close all operations.
Newsom said there have been increases in the rate of positive cases and instances of community transmission.
"We're seeing an increase in the spread of the virus," the governor said. "That's why it's incumbent upon all us to recognize soberly that Covid-19 is not going away any time soon."
Thirty of the 58 counties that are on the state's monitoring list will need to close fitness centers, places of worship, offices for non-critical sectors, personal care services, hair salons and barbershops, and indoor malls under the new order.
CNN's Nick Watt reports.
#Coronavirus #CNN #News
Maybe we will get right the second time around, but I doubt it. No sense of community and country here.
You got people that don’t want to wear a mask because they think it violates their civil rights
This is the real issue. People can blame politicians all they want (and some of it is fair), many people simply do not want to be bothered with wearing a mask and others outright reject it. The government tried to frame this thing as a war at first (“the invisible enemy”), but even that couldn’t get everyone behind a common cause. People are simply going to do what they want. Now, several months after the fact, it’s way too late for any unifying message on COVID because of extreme partisan polarization on the issue.
0:45 “if you don’t wear the mask you won’t get the photo from you’re ride.. that’s part of the enforcement”
WHAT THE….WAS THAT ABOUT, CNN forgot that they said Disney was closed..
When schools are open, it would be the beginning of collaps of this country.
The reopening of schools in 22 European countries has not led to any significant increase in coronavirus infections among children, parents or staff, according to a meeting of EU education ministers.
Please tell me these idiot comments are from bots. Please….
No it won’t because after November 3rd all this will go away so we are safe!
@BTS yes they are aware as we as parents are educating them on how people may be spreading the virus but kids are kids man. I have older and smaller kids and I watch my 6 year touch things that I consider not completely sanitary they aren’t going to walk around with their hands on the sides of them nor are they going to remember to wash their hands frequently lol they are KIDS. I have yet to see a kid that age with impeccable hand washing without a parent reminding them to do so and if there is it’s a very small percentage. And I do agree as of right now adults are the cause but wait until they open schools up you’ll rescind your comment
@daddy fatsacks79 Most kids aren’t. Strict behavior and punishment is in need at times to make sure kids behave.
So quick to shut down yet the senate continues to collect their large paychecks. Senate needs to be voted out of office with people who are not out of touch with reality.
Speaking Truths
It’s all political
One side says something
The other side says the opposite
They even change opinions to suit the situation
Politicians are disgusting
People need to put the faith in the something
other than Pelosi Biden or Trump
You Americans live in one of the greatest countries in history
You are losing it by destroying
All of you not just one side
That’s the truth
Why the senate?… What about congress… OH I know why you chose the senate. You sly devil you…
Google CNN Live
I’m lucky I just got my haircut and eye surgery on time ……..I’m good for now, but this is not good rather very bad until election this is gonna be (:
Watching the US coronavirus response is like watching the plane hit the second tower, in slow motion.
@Brian Nave …. Most of the countries in the world have been using HCQ and Remdessivir from the beginning. There is no cure for covid-19. So, those countries naturally went for a cocktail of available antivirals. Here in USA, the Democrats were opposing those drugs just because Trump recommended using them. It is Resistance at any cost for these Democrats. Murderous Democrats caused the death of at least 100,000 covid patients who could have been saved.
Brian Nave You found a couple of sites that say Hydro works, and dozens upon dozens of other countries and institutes say it doesn’t. Bravo for cherry picking sources.
@Wentian Chan ….. Ftard! HCQ was used in literally every country outside USA as soon as a patient tested covid positive. That’s why some of the most populated countries and several third world countries with a poor healthcare system still managed to have much much smaller mortality rate than USA and the liberal Europe.
I like your observation.
If you think the us is bad look at Brazil and China
Worst part is that California has had mandatory masks for months now. Is it not working? Everywhere I go I see people in masks.
Giving the indication that masks are doing nothing except forcing people to be compliant.
Everyone is wearing their masks in businesses but not at private gatherings. So even though nobody is catching covid to any significant degree in places of businesses, this is all they can come up with. You might as well have some elementary school kids running the state, you would get a similar result.
Exactly. LA sheep have been wearing them since before King Newsom commanded them. Id say 99% have been doing it since day one. And theyre not doing anything to stop “positive” test results. I literally just got kicked out of a local cafe for not wearing a face diaper. They rather attack the people trying to support them, than the agencies and government thats trying to tank them. I wish they would redirect that rage to those who are ensuring their destruction and not people who are literally trying to keep them afloat. They have really done on a number on us this time.
To everyone in this comment section, pay no attention to he troll, they’ll eventually return to their bridge
Damn i was just starting to pay my loan. Guess I won’t be making any payments now
Dj Khalid right now: Another one
Why irish accent on a national news…
This guy is delusional. California doesn’t have tracing policy at all. My friends have tested positive for COVID, none of their friends were tested, none. They allow people to protest, at the expense of small businesses.
@Spencer Anderson Yo I think this is kind of the definition of a bad-faith argument. There’s plenty of folks I disagree with (doesn’t matter which way) but to say that like approximately half the country hates the country seems pretty reductive and not realistic.
You guys are begging for tyranny. YOU be the one who cannot leave your home for two weeks EVERY TIME your cell phone was within 6 FT of someone with a COLD, complete idiots.
Debbie Bopperman What????
Debbie Bopperman casinos still open
@Blue Sky As are Liquor and Weed stores and Homeless encampments EVERYWHERE in Commifornia. Stand up for your rights, people, they are counting drug overdoses as “Covid” .
His mistake: emphasizing “indoor operations”, people will just gather outside of businesses.
Well, they must be idiots to not understand a single indication.
people will do what they want regardless of these edicts. its only hurting those businesses and wont do much to stop the spread
It’s harder to spread outside
@Gregory Raymond Apparently you can only get covid in a business. That’s this week. A couple weeks ago you could only get it at the beaches.
The first lockdowns were meaningless. This guy is a failure
No hes not, he’s doing exactly what his masters tell him. This is part of the plan to act like he tried letting us re-open and then we had to lock down again to ensure whatever few small business that survived are sure to come down with this next lock down. Its a communist coup at play. Nevermind that a governor has NO right or power to do this, its the idiots who comply and let these worthless politicians destroy their entire lives work. But I can’t only blame Gavin so much, compliance or resistance is up to us..
The only failure was to allow the countys to pressure him into ending the lockdowns too early based on Trumps opening orders.
Lots of new cases of this “deadly virus” and still almost no one dying from it.
The testing rate goes up, and the positive tests goes up BUT the death rate remains static.Why is that ?
You need to watch other news channels.
In America 40 in 100,000 infected die.
The average in Europe is 6 in 100,000.
Basically America is doing something wrong.
the death rate is going up…
It’s time for everyone just to get it and move on cant hide forever
Then go get it.
@Scott Davis sign me up I probably already had it everyone is going to get eventually hospitals are empty news keeps saying it’s so bad but no one is dying.
There’s no reason not to take precautions and avoid it but functional society must always go on until most everyone is dead. It’s just time to thin the herd, you are right. Maybe it will be me, you or any of us but lets get on with it.
In more positive news, the other day a girl said she likes me
@HighAltitudeMMA Nice doing MMA bruh!
Admiral Smelling Now, THATS not going to make him feel very good!!!!!
You da man
Prob. Your mom.
We’re going to keep falling in this loop hole of re-opening-shutting down until the they find the cure.
We don’t need a cure for a virus that has a 0.01% Death Rate. People just need to live their life, go out and catch the virus.
WTF are you talking about dude, a cure for Corona Virus anti bodies? Corona viruses have been around for decades, its one of the causes of the common cold. We have all had it at some point, and most of us carry anti bodies since we’ve all been exposed at some point. The tests pick up an ANY corona virus anti body, and by the numbers theyre all harmless, benign if most never even show symptoms. We are PRISONERS because of mass stupidity and ignorance and letting the government literally take over us
Coronavirus is like a woman that’s mad and walk out of the room..and then walks back in saying..”And another thing”!

In short, a Karen asking to the speak to the manager.
Noose man. If you do not repent. You will be judged severely by the almighty God for the harm that you have caused. God knows you’re playing games with with people because you know many of them don’t support you. God knows you are seeking to hurt people because they are not bowing down to your lawless orders..Jesus Christ not you is going to have the last word. the Almighty God will move in might against you. Wcked oppressor. Declaring to people not to worship the living God. God has had enough of you noose man. Turn from your wicked ways… liar. You are on the slippery road that leads to destruction. Nobody who knows better believes you. Which is why you are trying to manipulate and bully people to bow down to you. You have no authority. You destroy with your lies. You are a propagandist… nothing more. The Lord rebuke you perverter of all that’s good.
Mayor: “We have to control these numbers. These numbers are … um … out of control.”
Me: Am I watching South Park again?
@Carlos Staten shut up
@Brandon Merritt Amen
@Carlos Staten I agree with you and I live in the states. We are very much divided, it’s sad. And most of us though do agree schools should not reopen. Where I’m at in Illinois in our district they are giving parents the option of full time remote learning OR in person school 5 hours per day. I personally am choosing remote learning. My nursing program is doing all online this semester as well.
Noose man. If you do not repent. You will be judged severely by the almighty God for the harm that you have caused. God knows you’re playing games with with people because you know many of them don’t support you. God knows you are seeking to hurt people because they are not bowing down to your lawless orders..Jesus Christ not you is going to have the last word. the Almighty God will move in might against you. Wcked oppressor. Declaring to people not to worship the living God. God has had enough of you noose man. Turn from your wicked ways… liar. You are on the slippery road that leads to destruction. Nobody who knows better believes you. Which is why you are trying to manipulate and bully people to bow down to you. You have no authority. You destroy with your lies. You are a propagandist… nothing more. The Lord rebuke you perverter of all that’s good.
@Carlos Staten Hey Carlos. If you think you’re SOOO bright, and you can not see that the numbers are absolutely padded and the books are cooked, you are not so sharp after all.
i.e. you watch CNN and think it’s “news” HAHAHAHAHAHA