Seven people were killed at plant nurseries near Half Moon Bay, Calif., shortly after a gunman went on a shooting rampage in Monterey Park.
One day after meeting with victims' families mourning a shooting rampage in Southern California, Governor Gavin Newsom traveled to the Northern California community of Half Moon Bay, where two shootings left seven people dead.
The suspected shooter is in custody and will be arraigned Wednesday in connection with the attacks at plant nurseries 30 miles south of San Francisco. The San Mateo County Sheriff’s Office said four people were found dead at the Mountain Mushroom Farm, where the suspect worked, and a fifth was taken to a hospital with life-threatening injuries. Three bodies were found at a second scene – a farm where the suspect used to work – a short time later.
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#gavinnewsom #california #massshooting
California has some of the most draconian and asinine restrictions on the books
How ’bout those homeless on your streets big guy?
Whatabout your mom’s basement you’re living in there, buddy?
@Alex Lifeson Such unasailable logic from typical libtard.
Oh no, they’re using assault pistols now.
Blame the criminals. Don’t blame the 2A supporters!
Only in america do they give the homeless drug instead of help!!
This guy is clueless-and he wants to be president -Dear God .
“What the hell is going on?”
Yeah, idk these are your cities that are in your state so ask yourself that.
Liar corrupted hadn’t done nothing for this State
California too easy on criminal
What the hell is going on? A state with some of the strictest gun laws has the most mass shootings in the USA, that’s what’s going on.
We recalled this dude twice then they hid the candidate running against him in 2022. Nothing we as Californians can do about it either.
2A was meant for this very reason
I am not a huge fan but he is right that this only happens here. That’s a fact.
@Vicki S what happens here?
@Teleios The amount of gun violence and mass shootings are the highest in US.
The only way to have examples of guns failing in America is to have more crime that perpetuates guns failing in America.
What’s going on??? Plz man it’s California, where do I even start???..The Pitts of HELL would be a good one..I mean that in ALL seriousness too..I AM NOT JOKING

1) Pistols, not “assault weapons” were used.
2) Some of them were home made, meaning no law would have stopped them.
3) California has the most expansive and restrictive gun laws in America.
4) None of these crimes were racially motivated.
5) Gun control simply does not stop violence.
You the Democrats caused us this
“What the hell is going on” Is what most of the people in your state think every day when they look around thier communities
I live in CA and my biggest issue is lack of affordable housing.
Keep talking pretty boy, freedom grabber.
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This is what happens when there are no consequences for killing another person wither it a single person or a mass shooting event
Funny how California has some of the strictest gun laws too