Caitlyn Jenner announced her bid in the race to become the next Governor of California, in an era where more celebrities are seeking public office.
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Lmfao the mind melt never ends.
I pray this is a joke… Cause if not, and it happens. I’m moving and staying out of Cali.
@Kai Harris We have enough nutcases in Toronto and Vancouver already.
It goes against my religion. Lol
@69Mach I CJ did move there for 2 years. Loved it (minus the weather though). Lol
@Kai Harris no dont move to canada
You actually STILL live in California?
Now I clearly understand why Rogan is in texas now…
ANd yeah we are? So what?
@Bizzig TTV if you don’t vote for him
Rogan is 3.33 inches tall
@ANd getting real tired of enabling you psychos.
@ANd Trans-Siberian Orchestra try to top that
Well that screwball will be a shoe in that messed up state.
no more messed up than say, georgia.
@labelfree904 georgia is perfectly fine
@Jebaited That’s hilarious.
All I can think when I see her is how she killed someone, presumably from dangerous driving.
@Lan Astaslem lol
Bruce killed someone, Caitlin has a clean abstract, yea baby!!
@Ian McTimoney
Lol. Dunigan
he not she!!!
It couldn’t manage a state?
electrolytes, its what plants crave.
What is America coming to. What a shame!!
Buckle up buckaroos!
Mouhahahah i thought of the same thing. Mouhahahah
this is like an episode of futurama
This is an episode of the hills have eyes.
More like South Park. South Park almost predicted this.
Is Mr Garrison the campaign manager? You had the Terminator, get ready for the Transformer.
Transformers male atheletes in disguise
lmao omg im dead
We are officially in planet HELL.
sooo someone whos aleady not stable is gunna run for a not stable state…. makes sense
Have you ever heard of the Republican party or their supporters. Not one stable person among them. As it is, they are sharing a limited number of brain cells
@Kris That is a fairly biased remark, there are clearly many quite intelligent and informed(arguably more so than Democrats) Republican voters.
Just to inform you, I think the OP was referring to the fact that she is transgender, not that she is apparently a “Republican”.
Today governor, tomorrow President. Can’t stop laughing.
Hahajahah are you serioius… i thought i saw everything…
It’s okay, his terrible track record, notably the accidental death will come out. Plus, frauding his wife for decades can’t fair well in the integrity department.
hahahhahhahaha..fer fack sakes….hahahahahhhaa..