Trump campaign senior adviser Jason Miller defended President Donald Trump's actions following his positive coronavirus diagnosis, including leaving Walter Reed medical center for a photo-op visit to his supporters outside. #CNN #News
Cabrera fires back at Trump adviser defending Trump’s Walter Reed outing

I don’t understand what the problem is with the president going on a ride waving to his fans. I don’t like the guy but honestly I don’t give a tooterinmypoopoo what he does.
This is accurate
I love how she says “let me finish please”, 2 minutes after cutting him off. hypocrite CNN hack.
tRumpfs hoax. He’s afraid to debate Biden again. Biden is over 60%, tRumpfs tanking un the low 30’s.

did u see the polls in 2016? lol
Mark Twain quote” it is easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled “
That is good. I know Mark Twain had a lit of quotes, didn’t know that one but Its so true.
So quarantine for a few days and he’s good to go smh wasn’t even 14 days
He’s not put in public shaking hands with anyone. He was in a car. Wearing a mask, with his agents wearing a mask.
He’s in a car.
Just like when he ordered those security forces to attack the protestors for his church stunt.
Monty Python and the Holy Grail; “I’m not dying, I’m getting better, I feel fine!” Send Sir Lancelot, he can kill CORONA-19!
The Truth is like Salt. People want to taste a little, but too much Makes Everyone sick…
Anyone claiming he hasn’t downplayed the virus is a lying submissive coward
Why wouldn’t he? Check the death rate numbers from the CDC, it’s laughable.
So appalled by the behaviour of the America president and his team.
Taking temperatures, not wearing masks nor social distancing is totally different! These con artists sicken me
This guy’s strategy is clearly deny, deny, and deny. Zero credibility.
TRump and his group of clowns are making America laughstock!
He just doesn’t have a clue ! Says he takes it seriously and then goes out endangering people .
If he care about Americans, why can’t he wait till he clear. You guys are not thinking but just talking.
His time is running out, no doubt.
“Everybody who’s around the president is tested” HE STILL GOT IT
They have a spin for everything … Disgusting pigs man … That entire admin.
question: if they couldn´t safe the POTUS from a infection how will they safe people ?
“taking it very seriously” starts to sound not serious at all now.
Grace Lee and this after 10 Monti’s
His fans are outside worried about him, He showed them hes fine. CNN is so lame.