During a CNN town hall in Nevada, Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg is asked if he'd accept money from Michael Bloomberg, discussed his views on Christianity and responded to President Trump's support of conservative radio personality Rush Limbaugh's attack on Buttigieg's sexuality.
#Buttigieg #CNNTownHall #News
Buttigieg: Trump’s behavior isn’t compatible with Scripture | CNN Town Hall

Let’s not go there Peter!
Please watch and share! PROOF that buttjug is scarier than all the others! Small town mayor? NOT
You can always ck. Everything at Military.gov
He goes a lot of places he isn’t supposed to be going.
@Bobie Hepinstall He probably says “gaymen” instead after his satanic prayer.
“Yes. Yes, I will accept money from the guy who’s trying to buy the election.”
@c104 ark You can ck anything in this video go to military.gov then records. Type in names and see the truth!
@terry bigler good spelling terry
@miguel romo it’s not about sex miguel it’s about scary Pete. Just watch. You will be saying WHATTT!
Homosexual hypocrite…a demonic craps go figure…
Anybody who adds jesus christ to Satan’s political brainwashing system needs to reexamine their live.
@Scott Allen The one true living GOD.
@heavy chevy I guess you are one of the fanatics that twist scripture bible. You’re crazy to say one political party is evil. There are both good and evil people on both parties. As Jesus said to the pharisees remove the speck of your own eye
. Look at Trump, Republicans, Dem and yourself with equal accountability.
The lines of morality is blurred between both parties if you’re using christianity to measure them. Republicans laws that they passed tend to cater towards the rich and corporations. The bible says to help the poor, and be good stewards of the earth (environment animals resources). So remove the speck of your own eye and stop twisting the bible to fit your fanatical narrative. Go and be useful and if you really are man of Christ…then go help the needy, the poor, women/children being trafficked and help ppl receive Christ.
Lastly, So you’re a perfect human being and sinless? As Jesus said to the pharisees remove the speck of your own eye
@heavy chevy Wrong. If you believe in Jesus…then Jesus/God will judge the righteous. Btw, Jesus also mentioned many who says lord lord will not enter the kingdom. Read your bible correctly instead of using it to condemn ppl like the pharisees.Hypocrite. Jesus scolded ppl who uses religion to enslave or put ppl down through the law.
@heavy chevy lol, you are too funny, “righteous judgment” lmao! I still don’t know what god you claim to represent, sport. If Jesus is anywhere in your religion you aren’t practicing his teachings, you’re very unchristian like. That’s not a judgment, that’s a fact. And if you want to dispute your unchristian like behavior I can give you plenty of verses of your Holy Bible to prove it. I was a practicing Christian for 18 years and studied other religions afterwards, I’m always open to meaningful discussions and debate, but you acting holier than thou shalt not work bub. You are not better than me or most anyone else.
@Ben I am someone who puts the truth out there. You ben and all GODLESS and evil demoncrats teach millions of people lies everyday that are contrary to the WORD of GOD. The Republicans do not. You ben and all GODLESS and evil demoncrats teach millions of people everyday that GOD is a liar and that HIS WORD is a lie and wrong. The Republicans do not. You ben and the GODLESS and evil demoncrat party teach millions and millions of people to sin and to live in sin. The Repubicams do not. Millions and millions of people that believe your lies ben and the lies of the GODLESS and evil demoncrat party will be cast into hell.
Wait a second…lol
Drox yup gay
Everything all of you are squabbling over is between him and God. If you do, or even don’t believe in God then you have nothing to worry about do you?
There is already an amount of loan forgiveness for teaching in a low income school as well as special education.
Bloomberg probably only helped Democrat districts…..
LOL this guy
“So, Bloomberg said he’d give yo–“
I know teachers work in Nevada and it sucks. Low pay and most of them aren’t motivated. Education there sucks
The incestuous lunatic loves all of this,just keep the main thing the main thing period!
It must suck to be so dumb that you think you’re smart
Butt-Bern 2020!
Sanders- Gabbard would be a useful process!
@Stephen Kaylor I like gabbard but Sanders is a gloom and doom pandering moron.
I think they make a cream for that.
@Jacob Michael Both of them talk about economic empowerment, without reference to an economy that must transformed – via NASA modeled science drivers + the construction of great infrastructure projects. A Sanders-Gabbard Ticket could begin an entirely different process!
Any candidate complaining about contributions needs to start looking at their own campaigns and the many many issues and policies that plague their own backyards…Just sayin’
They should all accept Mayor Bloomberg’s money to call American Democrats to arms and vote. This is not a game.
Bahahaha. Yes it actually is
Crowd cheers for more bribery hahaha
BREAKING NEWS: A campaign finance watchdog has filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission alleging Pete Buttigieg’s campaign illegally coordinated advertising with a super PAC.
I knew he was a CROOK!
Eric, is that you again? Look Daddy hates you, get over it.
But pounding your male partner in the butt is?
Go Mayor Pete! Everything you say makes so much sense. Good luck in your campaign.
We need younger blood in the administration….has NOTHING to do with being gay. What Pete says does indeed make sense.
Absolutely amen Peter, you have my support 100%
He’s got my vote. Up till now I was undecided, but this was amazing.