President-elect Biden's nominee for transportation secretary, Pete Buttigieg, joins Morning Joe to discuss Biden's inauguration and why he says the country now has a president focused on bringing people together. Aired on 01/20/2021.
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#PeteButtigieg #PresidentElect #MSNBC
Buttigieg: Today The Sun Will Set Over A Different Washington | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Trump has two parts of a brain: ‘left’ and ‘right’.
In the left side there’s nothing right.
And in the right side there’s nothing left.
@WRK Your lack of response leads me to believe that you are dumbfounded.
@Mutton Chops To funny back to the light . BIDEN FORM THE BASEMENT
He never had any phewh..
@WYOMING TEMPLAR I know that math is hard, but $600 + $1400 = $2000, that was the amount that was suppose to be sent out.
Not only will the sun set over a different Washington…. It will set over a different world! Good luck Joe in Kamala
to true
@Illegitimate ‘President’ It’s not creepy Joe It’s President Joe get it right
@First Name I guess Dr Jill will have a word in this!
It’s a beautiful day, the sun is shining:-)))
Lord of the flies ends at noon today. The adults land on the island.
It feeeeeel good. And no-one is gonna stop me nowwwww.
Thank goodness the monster is almost gone.
Lord of the flies ends at noon today. The adults land on the island.
tis that
oh yes
MAGA = Monsters Are Going Away ! … It is now a done deal.. the ex president tRump is crying in his cheerios and America finally has an actual President.. Joe Biden sworn in.. A great day for America .. to quote my daughter’s text message from earlier.. : )
@The Thing
I don’t believe trump is going to shut up EVER.
The only good things are he no longer has a twitter feed where he can peddle lies with no consequence, and a republican party that was so unbelievable cowardly and impotent they didn’t have the guts to stand up to him… when they could/should have.
@sharon olsen 47 years done nothing so who’s the monster?
Sane adults in charge again, what a relief
to true
Lord of the flies ends at noon today. The adults land on the island.
OMG, lies his way out, just lies all the way from beginning to end. But what else can you expect from a delusional malignant narcissist?
@DB hey I’m all for some free speech. All I asked 4 was information on the speech that Joe Biden gave where he took credit for the vaccine. But a lot of you guys are just like Donald Trump and Rudy Giuliani you can’t come up with the goods. All you have is unsubstantiated claims.
@Gary Webb I wasn’t even responding to that comment. And who’s “you guys,” Mr. Presumptuous?
@DB you directed a comment towards me so please explain how your freedom of speech has been infringed on.
@Gary Webb Consider that we are living in a time where you can’t even offer honest, constructive criticism of anyone that isn’t a white male without being called a racist, misogynistic, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, ism ism ism phobia phobia ism. It is the end to free speech; appeal to emotion instead of rational discussion. Why have an honest debate when you can just scream “RACIST!” and walk away? I voted for dems in ’16 and ’18 and its gotten to the point where I can’t even recognize the party anymore. They have fallen so far from where they used to be.
@Gary Webb Still waiting to hear your answer to my question, too.
Today feels like …
Happy July 4th
Merry Christmas
Happy New Year
No more Covfefe!
Ttis that
oh yes
@macdieter23558 Agreed.
Let them eat HAMBERDERS!!


Here! Here!
@Charles Goh

On THIS day, 1/20/2021 the man you described has moved to FLORIDA!!
“Ain’t no sunshine when your gone and twice impeached” according to Donald tRump!
You’re right Mayor Pete, the Sun will set over a different Washington, and may Trump go where the sun don’t shine
Cough cough bunker biaaach
Darkness will follow him wherever he goes…
@Michael Korsten And whiteness
Watch out Florida, a plane loaded with grifters and con artists is headed your way!
We’re taking one for the team! Ugh I hate he’s not going straight to jail!
@Susan Hewitt

@Susan Hewitt Release a truckload of hungry aligators and burmese pythons at mar-a-gogo. That will do some tricks to make him diverting his flight path to Cuba.
@Akai Shigunaru Good idea!
It’s funny all the Palm Beach snobs signed a petition for Trump to leave! He isn’t wanted in Florida either, but we’re stuck with them for now!
@Susan Hewitt Just pray that SDNY and Statr of Georgis will drag him to the court. There are long list of lawsuits already waiting for him for this 4 years.
Pete Buttigieg = Class Act.
I truly hope Pete runs for president in the future. He has my vote.
Ttis that
oh yes
Take the cl out class and your right!!
@Eric Klaus you are one sad pathetic insignificant piece of human flotsam
@Claudia Moore No, he’s not the brightest. I think he’s a Trump sympathiser, like the republicans in the House. “Forgive and forget”.
@Mal C I obtained a copy of trumps speech and there is nothing whatsoever in his speech that instigated riot, interaction or harm to the Vice President or hostage taking. Get a copy of a speech and read every word. Don’t listen to a complaint media in bed with the corrupt and entrenched political class who are telling you what he said, read the speech. During the riot he told his followers to obey the law and go home.
You asked me to remember, I don’t recall anything of what you are alluding to. I didn’t hear anything of the kind. There is no such statement.
We had to end this rancor and pull together to make the Biden presidency the best ever. Think for yourself and stay away from the compliant media that WikiLeaks word that’s about. Let’s build together and help Joe and his presidency. Trump is gone and he’s behind us now.
@T. R. Campbell The majority of Americans who “heard” him, might disagree with you.
@Mal C A word or two about hate and bitterness. We could go back to 2016 during the Trump inauguration when members of Congress boycotted the Trump inauguration because they stated he was not illegitimate president. Nancy Pelosi stated Trump is not a legitimate president. I recall a female celebrity addressing a group in front of the White House stating that she wish she could blow it up. Maxine Waters was very hateful in her references to trump all through his presidency. In his first state of the union speech he called on Americans to unify. We recall during his last state of the union speech Nancy Pelosi sitting behind him tearing the speech up. Nancy is on record saying that she did not want Americans to receive their stimulus check with trumps signature on the check.
I think we can document hate and bitterness on our side for the last four years. As a political adviser to my Democrat clients, six out of eight who i assisted in getting reelected or elected to state a national office, I recommended that they stay away from the bitter and hateful rhetoric and focus on the positive, focus on what they intend to do to make the situation better for their constituents.
@Mal C Perhaps so if they were listening to the mainstream media. All they have to do is read his speech and they will understand that they were led astray by the compliant media in bed with the corrupt and entrenched political class.
Reading is fundamental. Words are important. Read his words not what the media says. I believe it is more important than ever before now to be an independent thinker. This is why I stay far away from the propaganda of the MSM.
He’s now Florida’s prob. They can have & keep him. We the people are throwing parties to rejoice. *JOY TO THE WORLD, theTRUMPS ARE GONE. LET US RECEIVE THE BIDENS.* President Biden
It is a question on how long will he even be there considerin the charges hes stacked on himself from the other states, ie georgia, new york, etc
every time I read about “Florida man” I’m gonna wonder what had the dumpsters done now.
Gtis that
oh yes
Well, I live in Florida. A lot of us don’t want him here, except for Gov. De Satanist.
Yes always dump the trump here Thanks what the feck we accept all crinmals here his boy is governor here so it’ll be ok for donny
Thank god he’s gone.
Now let’s hear no more about him.
Agreed. He who shall not be named
The greatest event of Donnie’s presidency was when Twitter silenced him.
Good luck with that!
Whining about Trump is a hard habit to break, but continuing to do it will help keep you distracted from the shallow man taking over today.
“It’s like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo, the ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were, and sometimes you didn’t want to know the end, because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened?
But in the end, it’s only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come, and when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you, that meant something, even if you were too small to understand why.
But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back. Only they didn’t, because they were holding on to something…That there’s some good in this world, Mr. Frodo. And it’s worth fighting for.” ~Samwise LOTR
I love the Lord of the Rings reference. Also great scene by Sean Astin. That scene has stayed with me all these years
@Terry R I think one of the absolute best scenes in the trilogy.
The voices of reason. Pete you have my vote. Godspeed to ‘recover’ America.
Today, the 80 million Democrats who voted for Biden say to Trump, “you’re fired!”
@Alex Warner
And neither did 80M for BIG GUY.
@Iamaze621 W What a silly bunt you are
Cry baby twitter mouse has been evicted from The People’s House ! Good riddance to bad rubbish.. ( let the happy dancing begin )
This is innovatively intelligent way to express congratulations to the NEW president. Indeed, I share your enthusiasm!
Not all of them were Democrats…
It was a quiet ride home this morning. NPR was reporting on *Rump’s activities this morning. “Nope, old news. Don’t ever need to hear about him again!”
What a nice contrast to listen now to the honorable and sane Pete Buttigieg. Always a pleasure.
Pete represents Indiana with dignity and pride unlike Pence!
well said, Mr. Jack! Pence has received WAY TOO MUCH a “bye” in all this. I don’t let him off this well.
Smart Pete again. Mika asks about the terrible 4 years behind us and Pete answers with the rising sun. He could teach communication.