Burnett: Trump calls Dr. Birx pathetic after she tells the truth

CNN's Erin Burnett criticizes President Donald Trump for saying coronavirus task force member Deborah Birx was "pathetic" for caving to Democrats after she told the truth about the coronavirus.

#Burnett #Trump #CNN #News

Burnett: Trump calls Dr. Birx pathetic after she tells the truth


  1. Don’t you remember, he’s already bought a whole lot of stock and needs to get rid of the stuff.

  2. Dr Birx looked like she wanted to sink into the chair. She moved her legs in a way that people do when they cringe about something they saw or heard.

  3. So when the rats cant blame Democrats anymore they start to turn on each other. Pathetic is the word I would use.

  4. “Humpty Dumpty” blaming someone else again? Damm! The entire world is wrong if you let him tell it! This is “One Sorry, Pathetic Human Being!

    1. My whole town loves him. Maybe they don’t watch enough CNN now that most airports are off limits.

    2. @Survive R Dont talk about yourself like that. I don’t think your as racist as everybody else does.

    1. @Shirley Allen ummm yes it is funny Why? Because a lot of you voted for this idiot or didnt vote at all

    2. @ThatOhioVW Then YOU try it…let us know how it works out for YOU. If what he said was true and could save anyone why isn’t it being administered in hospitals?? If you like him that’s your business but don’t be BLIND to anyone. Herman Cain went to his rally…no mask, no social distancing, no gloves.. and is now DEAD!!! Are YOU willing to die for this fool, too?

  5. I can not tell a lie “George Washington “
    I can not tell the truth “Donald trump “
    I can not tell the difference “replublican senators “

    1. Bro are you serious look at the dems for crying out loud how are there people delusional like you ?!!😂

    2. Dr. Fauci & Deborah Birx were not elected to run the country. They are both Quacks who love basking in the limelight!

  6. Yeah, people that tell the truth and have the facts are “pathetic”….remember, stumpie “likes stupid people”, look at his base.

  7. She was closing her legs because it looked like Trump was trying to look up her skirt let’s be real… he makes everybody cringe no matter what he’s saying…

  8. If every American drop deaded of the coronavirus, Trump would say: ” Look they are all making me look a bad . They’re pathetic!”.

    1. I’m not sure where you live but EVERYBODY I know and interact with loves him… I guess we’ll find out if the polls are right soon enough.

  9. You really need to stop playing his soundbites again he’s full of crap and we all know it

  10. The man with a head full of straw calls experts pathetic and thinks he’s in a position to “disagree with them”.

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