CNN's Erin Burnett wonders how House Republicans could remain silent over Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene's (R-GA) past comments supporting the execution of prominent Democrats and others about the Parkland school shooting. Rep. Greene was recently given a seat on the House Committee on Education and Labor. #CNN #News
Burnett: This is the kind of thinking the GOP is embracing

The rot runs deep.
Yeah, the left is batshit
Among leftist losers and their paranoid media groupies. Yes, I agree 100%.
@Mike Schmidt Yup, the rot in the GOP runs deeper than the mariana trench.
@Texas Tea I’m batshit crazy but at least I know when I’m being lied to
These crazies get debriefings daily on real events. But, go home and seek conspiracy theories.
Not only that @FoundScott, I am sure her & that other seditionist traitor Boebert tell their domestic terrorists friends/family everything that is supposed to be confidential…
@Jim Christiansen What authority or expertise do they have to decide who sees that “confidential” info and, more importantly, why should folks like you and me be withheld from said info? Do you curtsy to your betters or are they your equal?
@Ages Flow I step on vermin.
Like Russian collusion for instance
as just an individual in congress she not that scary. It’s when she has people agreeing with her is when you know something is desperately wrong.
Russia Russia Russia
Remember that lol
I haven’t been here in a while. What happened to the stolen election?
still stolen
Biden is not done sniffing it.
@reallyrowdyred bruh trump lost, stop coping it’s been months
You have no idea what you’re talking about!
Conspiracy theorists = seat on education committee.
The system is broken!
Welcome to America. Buckle up and get comfortable, it’s a long ride to the bottom.
Shutting down questions is the perfect way to feed a conspiracy theory
“Have a conversation with her” sounds like she cheated on an exam
He won’t defend his stance she clearly has no reason interest in his stance anyway she simply wants to argue then play the victim
She has nothing but the kid that went through a school shooting has everything???
If u know u know
That TV show. America divided: life imitating -art-
Or history repeating itself
It ain’t a tv show. It’s reality, American style.
The patients are now running the asylum.
The clown network
Keep talking about her, give her more of a platform.
“Antifa is a myth” Joe Biden
What about 11000 workers that lost their job when Old Joe Biden signed the executive order in fact he signed 17 of them .
Greene needs to be removed and prosecuted.
Oh let’s have a “conversation” with the conspiracy theorist! Cuz she is So rational, right?
At least the GOP is embracing thought rather than throttling it
Impeaching “Quid Pro Joe”…as he should be!!!
I’m alarmed that I’m watching a CNN video. Even the amusement element seems to be losing its lustre.