Long-time Republican strategist Stuart Stevens says that he no longer recognizes the Republican Party under President Trump and says the party has collapsed. #CNN #News
‘Burn it down and start over’: Ex-Republican strategist sounds off on party

Long-time Republican strategist Stuart Stevens says that he no longer recognizes the Republican Party under President Trump and says the party has collapsed. #CNN #News
Trump: It’s my party and it’ll die if I want it to.
@Collusion Hoax
Says the troll with a new account.
@Collusion Hoax
@Joe Plis
Another troll with a new account.
@Collusion Hoax dude fox said students were staying in school in Denmark just for having socialism even though it clearly wasn’t true.
We gave the republicans a chance to get rid of him a year ago, but they decided to just let the ship burn. Now it’s too late to jump ship and make it to shore.
We are’nt buying the Republicans, Joe Biden lies…using one of the Republicans favorite lines..their entire party is a hoax.
BIDEN 2020.!
@Arithia you elected clown shoes, how can a rational person take anything you say seriously.
I love communists now. You just keep giving and giving.
@richie m rooooooooooofl good luck with that boris.
“The republicans can’t be shamed, but they must be stopped” VOTE
@Stephen Vierling
@Robert Heck What is stupid about me sir? That I like lower taxes, I’m pro gun, I’m pro life, I know there are only two genders, what’s stupid about any of that?
@Patrick Tolman are you always this stupid, or is today a special occasion?
@Nice Ville
Trump 2020

Also Watch MBC News Now: Giuliani Linked To Accused Russian Agent While Digging For Dirt On Hunter Biden. In this report Giuliani admits he did not know he was dealing with Russian agent.
Joe Biden has sold military technology to foreign countries and the news is completely ignoring it… That is the MOST SHAMEFUL thing I have ever seen. And who would of thought, that Adam Schiff brought this on Democrats when he tried to impeach Trump last year by showing a Ukrainian E-mail… WHICH WE ALL GOT TO READ…. How did Joe Biden get his son from being prosecuted in 2006? The clips are still there people. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UXA–dj2-CY -Joe Biden Brags about getting Ukranian Prosecutor Fired
He knew. Giuliani has been hanging out with Russian operatives for a while. The whole Trump apparatus are deep in bed with them. They are traitors.
@Joy Phillips Do you know why they get rid of this prosecutor??
Because he was corrupt and wouldn’t prosecute anyone who steal money out of Ukraine.
And it’s was not Biden who started this, is was all European country and IMF who wanted this prosecutor out before they lend them more money.
Get it right before you try to make a point, this clip was maybe not the best for Biden to say, but he traveled their to do it for Obama.
So why should Biden get rid of a man who wouldn’t investigated corruption, it’s make no sense moron.
But read you up or look at other channel to make up what and who you believe.
It’s was also investigated twice by Republican committee and FBI none of them find nothing wrongful play
@Joy Phillips Joy, if that’s your real name, go do some more research. Biden bragged about getting the prosecutor fired for a reason. Do you think he was up to something bad, and then went and “Bragged about it? Go do some research.
@Joy Phillips You’re making a fool of yourself.
“This party” is always the same. Trump is just the logical conclusion to Nixon, Reagan and Bush(es) always embraced the nuts. History matters!!!
Crazy that Republicans always end the wars that Democrats start, to bad for the corporate sponsors.
@Arithia and the dems always dig the repubs out of the debt they cause..go figure
@Kathleen Lackman ma’am, are you implying democrats spend < tax revenue than republicans? Just so I am understanding you correctly...
Christopher don’t try to get the Republicans voters mad base on your comment, because some of them are voting for Biden. Trump is not really a Republican. You need some Republicans to vote for Biden in order for him to win and I’m one of them. I’m tired with partisan politics. I think you do too.
“America never had ‘fake’ news until America got a ‘fake’ president.”
@Budgie McLeod cobert, Kimmel, CNN got sued my a 16 year old, all on George Soros pay roll, and Biden a puppet with a diaper on sick
@P.J. Woods Vote. End it.
@Nice Ville Trump is the worst president this country has ever had actually!!
well remember to trust your own senses Jon: when you hear bomb blasts and gunfire>? its not fake
@Stephen Vierling it’s amazing to me how you don’t see what’s going on in the republican party!!
Apparently the GOP’s definition of ‘courage’ is having the strength to be a Yes Man no matter what your conscience or common sense tell you. So brave, they’re HEROES!
Joe Biden has sold military technology to foreign countries and the news is completely ignoring it… That is the MOST SHAMEFUL thing I have ever seen. And who would of thought, that Adam Schiff brought this on Democrats when he tried to impeach Trump last year by showing a Ukrainian E-mail… WHICH WE ALL GOT TO READ…. How did Joe Biden get his son from being prosecuted in 2006? The clips are still there people. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UXA–dj2-CY -Joe Biden Brags about getting Ukranian Prosecutor Fired
@Joy Phillips yes and Trump sold out the American people and didn’t even take the blame
This media post isn’t representative of what’s going to happen. I don’t know what’s going to happen. But this isn’t it.
@CROM you know what isn’t gonna happen 4 more years
the Rats are jumping the sinking ship!
Hunter Biden’s Email Scandal Just Got A LOT Bigger | The Glenn Beck Program https://youtu.be/Qdt58NNQri8
I didn’t know that Hunter Biden was running for president

My God you need to stop following the sheep and stand on your own as your own person or otherwise you’ll end up at the bottom of the pile
Cornyn is jumping ship…makes him “extra” ratty. Too bad he’s had 4 years to speak up. What..did he forget to!?
How about that impeachment from the House? Where were you?
Joe Biden has sold military technology to foreign countries and the news is completely ignoring it… That is the MOST SHAMEFUL thing I have ever seen. And who would of thought, that Adam Schiff brought this on Democrats when he tried to impeach Trump last year by showing a Ukrainian E-mail… WHICH WE ALL GOT TO READ…. How did Joe Biden get his son from being prosecuted in 2006? The clips are still there people. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UXA–dj2-CY -Joe Biden Brags about getting Ukranian Prosecutor Fired
Just one of many rats to jump off a sinking ship.
This won’t go the way you think it will.
@Joy Phillips all leaders have idiot!
In April 2018, a federal judge finalized the $25 million settlement between Trump and students of his now defunct fake Trump University with New York’s attorney general claiming “victims of Donald Trump’s fraudulent university will finally receive the relief they deserve.”
The order from a U.S. District Judge came a year after he first approved the settlement. It marks the end of two class-action lawsuits and a civil lawsuit from NY accusing Trump of “swindling thousands of Americans out of millions of dollars through Trump University,” in the words of NY Attorney General Eric Schneiderman.
“This settlement marked a stunning reversal by President Trump, who for years refused to compensate the victims of his sham university,” Schneiderman said in a statement.
Trump University was not an actual university but a for-profit seminar scam, and former students waged a years-long battle claiming the course misled them with claims of teaching real estate success. The program ended in 2010. Some elderly plaintiffs who paid $20,000-plus in tuition died waiting to receive their checks from the settlement.
November of last year, Trump was ordered by a judge to pay $2 million in damages for illegally using funds intended for charity to boost his 2016 presidential election campaign.
Trump had to admit to personally misusing charity money, according to the New York’s attorney general office, despite having previously denied any wrongdoing. The fine adds to several other investigations into allegations that he is using public office for self-enrichment.
The lawsuit last year states that Trump, and his three money grubbing useless children – Don Jr, Ivanka and Eric – broke campaign finance laws in 2016 by using Trump Foundation’s tax-exempt status “as little more than a checkbook to serve Trump’s business and political interests.
Trump and his talentless children had violated their fiduciary duties as officers and directors of the now-shuttered Trump Foundation. As a result of that failure, charitable dollars — consistently and over many years — often benefited Trump rather than the causes he repeatedly claimed he supports.
There was “a shocking pattern of illegality involving the Trump Foundation – including unlawful coordination with the Trump presidential campaign, repeated and willful self-dealing, and much more,” the suit claimed.
In the agreements, Trump admitted to misusing funds from the foundation, which he dissolved last year, including to pay for a portrait himself that cost $10,000. He also agreed to pay back $11,525 he spent on sports memorabilia and champagne at a charity gala.
Trump also directed the foundation to use money for charity to buy a Tim Tebow helmet for himself, and to settle a couple of lawsuits.
Trump also admitted in the agreements to directing that $100,000 in foundation money be used to settle legal claims over an 80-foot flagpole he had built at his Mar-a-Lago resort, instead of paying the expense out of his own pocket..
The biggest donation that Trump’s fake foundation ever gave appears to have been to contribute $264,632 to fixing a fountain outside of the Plaza Hotel, which he owned at the time. “It shows you what this “foundation” was all about. Which was basically all about advancing Trump’s interests,” said Brian Galle, a professor of tax law at Georgetown University.
In addition, the charity foundation paid $158,000 to resolve a lawsuit over a prize for a hole-in-one contest at a Trump-owned golf course, and $5,000 for ads promoting Trump’s hotels in the programs for charitable events. Trump admitted these transactions were also improper.
@Joy Phillips
Yikes Trump & Co must be really desperate ffs
@richie m Lie lololol
Stop embarassing yourself & making Trump & Co look desperate ;o)
@Patricia LMaoooo you delusional , it was on fox new’s who here lately has been more pro democrat. but here ya go!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=woGyMvqLV5o&t=80s
@elc Im not desperate on anything, if it was fake i wouldn’t be saying it was real. They are trying to hide it but it is in fact real. And it is very sick. Think about something ? Why hasn’t anyone from the biden campaign disputed it? Sure fake biased new’s is trying to keep it covered up, but that only last so long.
I actually know someone that sunk and lost almost $30,000 into TrumpU and is still waiting for their settlement check and she’s not the only one from my understanding hardly anyone has received settlements yet.
“Donald Trump is going to lose. There is a chance he could win. There’s a chance I could be drafted by the Eagles.” Lol.
assume nothing… vote.
….and I’ll be a cheerleader for the cowboys!!!!
Lol. That makes me feel better but I’m going to be happy on January 21st when Biden takes over then I’ll believe it
@Bill Gross I had no idea that I should vote. I knew I was supposed to do something important. Thank God you’re here to remind me.
Probably a better chance you will be arrested for looting.
rats leaving the sinking ship
“Sooner or later that fire that I love about you, Rose. That fire is gonna burn out.” -Titanic
Why the new account?
Too little too late vote them all out
Cronyn is a looser. I wouldn’t believe to any of his words
Trump is a loser. What is a “looser”?
Cornyn is the battered wife in his analogy! LOL
Tramps not a republican, he was always democrat and independent before this “Job” came up.
He was never any of those, though. They were just parties he used for whatever reason. He’s always been about one person only, and that is himself.
@Betty Clark Yeah I know, just thought I would chuck it in for all the devoted Republicans who worship him. Good luck. 2 more weeks
Joe Biden has sold military technology to foreign countries and the news is completely ignoring it… That is the MOST SHAMEFUL thing I have ever seen. And who would of thought, that Adam Schiff brought this on Democrats when he tried to impeach Trump last year by showing a Ukrainian E-mail… WHICH WE ALL GOT TO READ…. How did Joe Biden get his son from being prosecuted in 2006? The clips are still there people. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UXA–dj2-CY -Joe Biden Brags about getting Ukranian Prosecutor Fired
Just one more institution donny has destroyed! At least he is consistent.
The rats have started to jump ship. Let’s vote to be sure the Chief Rat goes down with the ship.
Good luck with that.
@Liam Porter Glenn Beck – Christian Nationalists puppet.
yes because once the Chief Rat goes away, all his Deplorables will too and you will never hear from them again. PROMISE
@Solstice of Snow MIKE MALLOY…he can educate you.
@Liam Porter actually it hasn’t got bigger. It’s fizzling out.
“I privately disagreed” = SPINLESS, COMPLICIT WIMP…