President Biden has unveiled a sweeping new vaccine mandate for federal employees and other workers at large companies, requiring they get vaccinated or submit to weekly testing. The rule comes as the latest data shows vaccines are crushing the virus. MSNBC’s Ari Melber reports on the new mandate. (This interview is from MSNBC’s “The Beat with Ari Melber, a news show covering politics, law and culture airing nightly at 6pm ET on MSNBC. ).
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#MSNBC #Biden #VaccineMandate
Looks like the Dems are finally now getting that Fascist dictatorship that they so-often accused Trump of building…..LOL.
Biden is going to lose his Democrat voters because of this policy. Some democrats are none vaccinaters.
@Lurch Um…. They’re not mandating a vaccine for all. Obviously there are medical exemptions and age exemptions. They’re applying the same circumstances that would be applied for other vaccines……. the difference is that this is more publicized.
@Jophis March
Vaccines from previous coronavirus strains were used as a starting point…… the things that have been studied for a while now. It’s kind of like with the flu vaccines.
@Ivy Bee BS!!!!
The federal government HAS NEVER mandated a vaccine.
This is nothing more then about control.
Why didn’t President Biden mandate all the people crossing the Southern Border be tested and vaccinated?
@James Davis With that logic, they should be allowed to inject us with anything they want, whenever they want, on whatever pretense. How can you people not see what is happening?
Why now? One word: Afghanistan
Facts. This will go to the Supreme Court and they will consider this unconstitutional
Because no one cares.
Two words: Role playing chatroom.
You aren’t paying attention. Flights just resumed from Kabul airport.
“When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty”
Thomas Jefferson
@joshua .. Indeed I’m not.. But the same sh1t is going on over here
@HeckYeahMane bruh just get you vaccine and stfu
if you want ill give you mine that way you’ll even be less likely x2
@HeckYeahMane you’re more likely to die from a car accident than catch covid and even if you do catch it you only have 99.5% chance of survival
@Gsoup83 two different things with the same outcome
@vidk1dd96 you realize the vax doesn’t keep you from spreading it or even geting it? jesus wake up people…
Will this vaccine reverse my Autism?
If your comment is sincere I’ll give you a sincere answer. If Joe comes out tomorrow and says that people with Autism are proven carriers of the delta variant and show no symptoms and now have to get the shot how would you feel? Remember this is the same clown president/administration that’s letting in tens of thousands of illegals into this country unvaccinated. Talk about hypocrisy!
@Edward Eckert last I checked passing on an experimental vaccine that needs 2 boosters in year is what an intelligent person dose
@Jarek S the unvaccinated aren’t the problem, check your facts before posting anything…
@Jarek S get the evaluation you know you need
It will probably make it worse.
‘1984’ has been retitled ‘2021’.
George Orwell was off by 3 decades but other than that he nailed it. It’s happening.
very true
@FISHAHOLIC Maybe he knew it was going to happen by design… all Luciferians.
@Hyperpandas In 1984, your healthcare isn’t tied to your job, and your job isn’t dependent on you taking a vaccine. 2021 mandated all working adults at over 100 employee companies (most) to take this new vaccine.
It’s starting to sound like: “Take the vaccine or slow starvation through wages. “
I’m for vaccine but people should have choice
This should not be allowed to continue…
@Dave C Corrupt Democratic Party? Weren’t several members of the trump administration federally convicted? Didn’t mike pence and Rudy Giuliani turn on trump by the end of his term? Didn’t trump face two impeachment’s? Didn’t trump face one of the worst recessions in our country’s history? Didn’t trump insight a riot on January 6th when he lost the election after attempting to stop mail in ballots? You maga morons are pathetic.
@Rollatoke9419 Don’t forget no one is held accountable when you lose your sight or when organs fail…Heck is he talking about?

@Derrick Sorrell love how you ignore the question and bring up a full paragraph on how orange man bad

Dear God… there’s actually still ppl who believe there is a pandemic.
@Rollatoke9419 the vaccine was proven to be 95% effective, and then the anti vaxxers let the pandemic continue long enough for it to mutate 5 times and now the original vaccine is less effective. The anti vaxxers are still the problem.
God Help us! Hopefully all that promote this will be in jail soon.
@eric vulgate there is no God? According to who?
@eric vulgate domestic terrorism will probably go up. Or there would be a dual economy. Where one has the vaccinated economy and the unvaccinated economy. It would be funny to see America collapse over a vaccine mandate
This is the beginning of the collapse. This won’t pass without chaos. Don’t wait till the SHTF.
@eric vulgate please prove there is without some lousy rewritten book
@forcegg Reality.
Big pharma about to get richer

“Its not about your freedom”
-Joe Biden
@Jared D unfortunately you missed the point again.
the un-vaccinated by being the medium for covid carrying create needless turmoil in society disrupting services, work, commerce schools. this affects everyone.
meanwhile promoting Covid circulation in the population increases the opportunitity for covid to morph into new strains like Delta (and others), increasing the duration of the pandemic’s economic impact on everyone in society as well as the chance of a vaccine-resistant strain coming out. We already know that the vaccines are less effective against Delta than the original covid strain (alpha) and we certainly don’t need to be making choices that Help Covid instead of People.
@Jared D well said
@R. B.L. so the masks aren’t enough to mingle in public then? It was o.k. and now it’s not?
@R. B.L. studies show that vaccinated people carry as high of a viral load of the delta variant as unvaccinated people. So there’s no difference in vaccine status, both spread it. And there are doctors and scientists who argue the vaccine is causing the variants, much like antibiotics are causing bacteria to mutate and resist. It’s a valid theory and just because you don’t like it, doesn’t mean it can’t be true.
@Dardenelle Green //It’s 100% true. You don’t have the freedom to put other people’s lives in danger. You never have…//
That’s a pretty spicy take on abortion.
Guess women don’t get to choose. Fine by me.
I’m wondering how many vaccinated “trust the science” people have read any of the scientific studies. Are you trusting the science or trusting the media’s slanted interpretation of the science?
So true. The Earth is flat and “gravity” is just a mindset. Stay woke. Trust no one.
@LSW What do the longitudinal studies say about the vaccines?
@gull K You may be right, I better take some horse de-wormer and mainline some bleach.
@LSW lol don’t take anything and live your life like it’s 2018. That’s what I’m doing and will continue to do. I will not be taking this new untested vaccine until 15 years from now when long term effects can be seen. That’s the standard they held the old vaccines to. If anyone tries to force it into me then they will be met with lethal force. Simple as that.
I trust the peer reviewed statistics and the science. The mRNA technology is safe. On the same note, the people who don’t trust the vaccine just trust the fake media’s fear mongering and misinformation about the vaccine.
“Emergencies” are proving to be valuable when pushing agendas.
@Kevin sd70 Turn off your TV. They don’t call it programming for nothing.
@Lucy A Are you as passionate about innocent people this country kills based on manufactured wars? Are you telling me in this day and age that you still believe the government? The FDA allows over 30 foods that all of Europe and many other nations find unfit to eat. You are a typical indpovtrinated Murican.
@tweedyara Too bad your still here
@Alejandro Martin Okey dokey. I guess clogging the health system with the unvaccinated should cause NO problems for the overworked doctors and nurses I work with on a daily basis. I’ll be sure to let them know it’s no big deal
@da324 yes, I’m certain all the public health agencies on the planet are all in on the scam. That simply must be it. Maybe ANTIFA and Bigfoot as well.
I’ll get the weekly test..I’m not putting that poison in my body
Finally! Someone who watched the video BEFORE they commented.
They are taking it inch by inch to see what people are willing to comply with, i assure you very soon the testing will not be an option anymore and will go straight to getting the gene poison only, once they see some complying, they will take it another step closer.
That’s too bad because everybody is gonna quit their jobs and go do gig jobs and other means of living.
They can’t even fill the 11 million job openings in this country already.
Biden said he wasn’t gonna mandate vaccination during his run for election and now he mandates it. What a joke
. This is y’all president
Trump said Mexico was going to build our border wall, than declared a state of emergency in order to use treasury funds plunging us straight into debt
@Derrick Sorrell TDS confirmed
@Derrick Sorrell TDS Confirmed
Joe Biden can have my vaccine.
What till you see the list of exemptions
Post Office already came out and said no. You know you don’t have to listen to what this guy says, just say no
And get hit with a $14,000 por person fine.
This is the moment in time where you will realize if you are one of the people who would have boarded a train for the nazis. We now have the new “Nazi” party of 2021
Democrats are and always have been Nazi and KKK
This seems like a smart idea. I mean employers can’t find workers as it is. I’m sure this will work out just like everything else this administration does.
Anti vaxxers are stupid and don’t have jobs that will be hard to replace.
These leftist love to hear the sound of their own voices in their own echo chambers. Notice they never have an opposing voice, just listening to each other speak their dribble
Do not comply. States should ban OSHA from fining their companies. Secession is not off the table