Bryan Stevenson: “I don’t believe we would win Brown v. Board of Education today. I think we have actually retreated from a commitment to equality, where we are now seeing new manifestations of sustaining racial hierarchy and white supremacy.” Aired on 6/2/2020.
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Bryan Stevenson: I Don’t Believe We Would Win Brown V. Board Of Education Today | All In | MSNBC
Trump never read a bible, it’s got no pictures.
He was holding Mein Kampf.
Also because he’s not a practicing Christian.
Not of him atleast
@Dianna Wilson If he was holding Mein Kampf, the rioters would have been shot dead on night one and wiped up like trash.
Trump has rendered this country unrecognizable. Heartbreaking.
If he thinks he’s going down he will take all innocent people with him. He is the anti Christ.
j welsh worlds biggest military and veterans. Just come uppins soon.
j welsh reality you will never face in your virtue signaling world
@shade38211 You might not want to lump the Vets in, most of us have read the Constitution (more than once)
Imo Lax And I know which side you be on.
VOTE out all Republicans.

@Fact Seekers
Yes, they are the serpent minions of evil
Trump is legit just infected with serpent moles like Fauci and Birx
@Yourlife Endsnow Trump is part of the serpent
@Yourlife Endsnow that’s what they want you to believe so their supremacy continues, used to be so hard core on those conspiracies till I found the truth.
They don’t want people to raise their frequencies, because otherwise they start wake up to the lies of the world!
Well said. This is a great point and the real basis of what we are living. Both sides of this equation need to increase their frequencies and frankly, it is a hard battle to fight. I meditate daily and focus on seeing this country raising the collective frequency. This might very well be the birth pangs of a collective desire to move to the next llevel.
We won’t even win the decision to force the postponement of the election to stop.
That’s why Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump have been packing the courts with political sycophants while ensuring a massive second wave of covid-19 hits.
Trump and thugs have all the pieces in place now to become a Tyrant. If we let this go on till November you will be hailing the new Orange Hitler.
THe Lincoln Memorial photo. Far, far more troops than actually were assigned to protect Lincoln during the war. He often moved about DC with a half dozen or less escorts, sometimes none.
Omg I was just wondering “I wonder how Bryan Stephenson feels about all this” thanks so much for talking to him!
white supremacy is a racist term, repeal 230 and prosecute msnbc
@Fact Seekers White Supremacy is REAL. And if you actually listened instead of making your lil jokes you may have learned something.
@Fact Seekers
White supremacy is pretty much the definition of racism.
They are just the clan in new outfits .
Not all are, you need to rethink why some kids join any military branch
I’m a republican voting Biden.
Biden and wife are all American with son who served in the military. All the trumps do is take!
Josef Dumb vs intelligent is all see in what ever it is that you say
@Josef , Anybody but Trump….anybody…Biden at least has political knowledge, served as vice president…..what did Trump come in with, no political experience, no legal education, no military service time….has had failed businesses, bankruptcy, failed marriages, he’s a con man, a liar , has no clue what the Constitution is…..if you would like to jot down a few brilliant qualities of this president, I can give you the benefit of the doubt…and if you say the economy…well President Obama left him with that…so go ahead and speak your piece
NYcat but Biden is intelligent. Biden fkn Joe Biden the man who has captions on his video so people can understand what he’s saying.
NYcat You People believe that if you destroy Trump it will somehow unify us. You don’t believe that you want to see Trump destroyed you don’t honestly believe that would unify America and you don’t care. You people pretend your intentions are good and your reasons are for the good of America but deep down you know it’s all an act.
@Tanner Shortnacy that’s probably the worse response I have heard up until now…you honestly believe this president is Tops huh…you really believe, ..well ok…giving you the benefit of the doubt….give a few examples of how great and wise and intelligent he is….and why the people of our country shouldn’t despise him….speak your piece
And the Police suppose to serve and keep the peace yet they acting like the military all becouse a Racist Corrupted Carnival Barker told them too so he could take a fake photo op ,,, Pffft
The soldiers in front of the Lincoln Memorial should be ashamed of themselves. Beyond disgraceful.
The terrorist that vandalized the memorial should be ashamed and prosecuted for it. Beaten for it would also be nice to see
Richard Grijalva I call on all military and law enforcement…get out of that uniform as fast as you can. Get on the right side NOW.
Lay down your arms NOW.
@Tanner Shortnacy – They aren’t terrorists. But I know you ignorant creatures love throwing words like that around. They spray painted stone. Get over it. You want them beaten for spray painting stone, yet you have the audacity to call them terrorists. Your ilk is repulsive. Perhaps the protesters should have just come there bearing long guns, like the duck dynasty looking troglodytes that stormed their state capitol buildings whining like children about not being able to get a hair cut.
wendyknoxleet And allow the destruction of America carry on. Yea right this is not looked apon well by most Americans most are disgusted by what they see. Angry want it stopped now. However it must happen.
These CEOs voted that MF trump in office
to have chaos and crisis
Bankrupt America economy
Vote this MF trump OUT
VOTE with your money and time
Vote to organize
That’s a good point, I hadn’t thought of brown vs board today. I think hes right, especially with this court. It all comes down to who’s on the supreme court. They are more powerful than potus in the long run.
Whats so disgusting and fraudulent is how trump continues to try to connect himself with the legacy of Lincoln, when trump is the absolute posterboy for EVERYTHING Lincoln fought against. Lincoln united a nation… everyday trump does more and more to divide us. Pit Black against white and poor against rich. Also with covid and how he Pitted the governors and states against each other. Democrats vs Republicans…. In a time where we need to support each other. Now… the Army against american people. He Gotta Go!!! Protect your Vote!!!
Cartell Jenkins Trump, by using his hate speech all the time, President Lincoln would have sent General Custer and the 7th US Cavalry to arrest him! Actually it would have been President US Grant but in the name of Lincoln’s changes. That makes me so upset. President Lincoln would have despised Trump! All Lincoln wanted was to unify – all that Trump wants is chaos so he can continue spreading his lies and nobody has time to fact check. And he dares to compare himself to this wonderful leader and even is applauded by his disciples for doing so. They REALLY believe he is better than President Lincoln – well they believe he is Jesus second coming – were in reality he is the Jubba the Hut of Greed.
I agree with him. When it was only four to three on the California ruling that the state has the power to control social distancing for public health reasons it blew my mind. Rogue ministers wanted to hold church services despite the state saying it was too dangerous.The power of the state to regulate behavior for public health is long-established. That the conservatives on the court we’re almost ready to overturn it in the case of a church was almost unbelievable. Then it came to me that ruling in that direction supports President Trump and the Republicans. The court has been weaponize for political reasons.
It is one of the most dangerous and tragic results of a president who is so dangerous because he lacks the ability to feel empathy. He therefore has trampled on civil rights throughout the country. As a woman, I am not so deluded that I don’t realize if he could he believes I am inferior because of my gender. He has taken the country back to a time when only white men had rights.
Trump has now assured that his percentage of the black vote in November will be ZERO.
i never understood racism,
Never understood how people look down on others of different race
It baffles me, i can’t comprehend the ignorance, the stupidity of bigots, just can’t wrap my head around it.
Judging people by the content of their character is what was always drilled into my head when I was growing up. Sadly, people still judge by the color of ones skin. The words of MLK are true today, just as they were in the 1960’s.
The GOP is a fascist party. Nixon’s southern strategy freed the democrats from the confederacy but the confederates captured the GOP.
Hey folks, if you have Netflix’s, the movie “The Help,” is now available. It’s the perfect time for it. So I encourage you all to watch it, and realize, sadly, that very little has changed.
November will be too late. There won’t be a vote unless something is done. Lawmakers whine about Trump but don’t do anything.