Bryan Adams is trending on social media after blaming 'bat eating, wet market animal selling, virus making greedy bastards' for COVID-19.
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He was a hero until he apologized
He apologized cuz he is a Canadian and we are forced to apologize for everything right from birth practically
@Nonaya Business We have to stop that. We want an apology from the government of the country where this started and put millions of lives at risk. Where is the accountability there?
Tonight I eat two medium rare steaks, in honour of Bryan Adams.
As long as it’s not bat.
Is this supposed to be some kind of humour??? If it is, I didn’t find it one bit funny…
That is a freedom, everyone can talk as long as not to ask others to be silent.
Canada does not have freedom of speech in it’s constitution
@KILL THERAPY too many refugees
Never apologise never explain.
Never has a face
Did and really care about his feelings anyway?
Nothing to apologize for, those calling him a racist should really pick up a dictionary
Cuts like a knife….hey Brian?
Other nearby Asian countries like Philippines, Iran, Vietnam are straight up banning Chinese from the property and say much worst…and get a pass. But Westerners have to be politically correct?! Adams was ranting at the (alleged) SOURCE of covid, never mentioned Chinese ppl.
The funny thing is he didn’t say anything that 90% of the rest of the world hasn’t already said or thought, including even Chinese citizens themselves.
Most exotic animals kept in those cruel and inhumane wet markets are sold to the wealthy. What Bryan Adams said is right. No apology necessary.
He shouldn’t have apologized
Exactly, any respect he gained just vanished when he apologized…
Go Brian go lov you even more true Canadian

We are with you, Bryan! You didn’t have to apologize!
To bad , he spoke what anyone could say and as he is missing out on something he’s worked hard to achieve .This racist card playing is getting old
He was 100% right in what he said. Nothing racist about it.
Apologizes for what exactly?
Bryan, you were honest the first time.
Everything Bryan said was true…Mother Nature is getting p*ssed at the way we treat our planet and the animals we share it with

The cat at the window China has wet markets to make comments About it’s not racist meow Will they truly stop having wet markets probably not mw