Brooke Baldwin bids farewell to the "Newsroom" audience and her CNN family after being with company for more than 10 years.
#BrookeBaldwin #CNN #News
Brooke Baldwin bids farewell to the "Newsroom" audience and her CNN family after being with company for more than 10 years.
#BrookeBaldwin #CNN #News
Till next we meet again Brooke. it’s been a pleasure seeing you everyday. you’ve done a fantastic job.
@Perfect Ten Your thinking of Tucker Carlson and Hannity as well as Pirro.
actually jail is more like it.
@Brandon Bodwell And are you the eyes and truth of CNN-or any of the MSM–Did the video of the tech of CNN just lie for personal gain?–Convince me otherwise
@Billy BoyBlue nothing you just said has anything to do with my comment.
@Unknown Scp another Q-Tuber ? Hmm Fox and Qanon crack me up. Troll is the right word.
@BC Rat Bikes
Nope, I’m jo stepmammas sisters bait store advisor, you must be confused.
Need some squid?
Thank you, Brooke. You cried on air with me the week my Uncle Lee died of Covid. So many of us were isolated, but suddenly not alone that day. And on countless other days. Be well and happy. You go with so much love.
DON’T FEED THE TROLLS – they crave attention and when they don’t get it will just naturally implode. Use your energy for better things
Will Ferrell as Biden in a SNL skit lol
@The Roomfull i believe all lies they tell you. You’re so smart lol
@j jr You can always tell a Trump cult member because of how crass & rude you are. Also your I.Q.’s seem to be 15 or less. Unlike Fox & Friends, CNN tells the truth & backs up their news with videos which is why Trump doesn’t like them. Brooke Baldwin is fantastic & I hate to see her go. But I wish her the very best on her next adventure.
@Sheila Boston there sure is a lot of them, low lifes!!!
As the song goes “We’ll meet again, don’t know where? Don’t know when? But I know we’ll meet again some sunny day.” See ya Brooke. Good luck out there.…….
You will be missed on CNN. You are an excellent journalist and storyteller. Good luck in all you do.
She’ll be missed. Thanks Brooke for showing the world that it’s ok to be human with emotions on live TV. Thank you
@Akeje Chinweokwu MAD BETAA LMAOO emotions = lies
@Akeje Chinweokwu I agree. She will be missed!
story teller yes – excellent journalist no . we leave that honor to unbiased Walter Cronkite
So many rude trolls, guess they got bored watching Fox. Had to go out n riddaque people. Low Lifes!!
Wow. Speechless! What a way to turn the page to what’s next. My parting nugget of wisdom, “Get uncomfortable! Speak up!” Thank you, Brooke, for that.…….
Have always admired your professionalism, your intellect, your humor, but most of all your strength during the pandemic. You will be missed.…….
I’m going to miss Brooke & Don in a bar somewhere on New Year’s Eve sooooo much. They were actually having a good time and not all buttoned up. I will never forget their night in New Orleans, it was special.
Godspeed, Brooke Baldwin.
@Barry Connolly That would make my New Years’ Eve! Thanks for sharing.
That was the best New Years broadcast I have ever seen
I am 65 and have seen many. Theirs was the only one where I could not, did not change the channel! I hope that these rumors are true and that Brooke and Don make their New Years broadcast an event we all get to enjoy for many years to come!

It was very nice, wasn’t it….farewell Brooke.
NO! You leaving??? Devastated! You were such an icon on CNN! You will be sincerely missed. Thanks.
@TAKE THAT YOU AS SOUL! the world before your comment:

the world after your comment:
She hates CNN
Cnn is
@TAKE THAT YOU AS SOUL! and yet here you are

@TAKE THAT YOU AS SOUL! Boy smoking that crack has fucked up your brain.
As weird as it sounds coming from someone you have never met, I’m so so proud of you and all you’ve done for your audience – all the incredible stories that we’ve learned from and cried along side you. Great things are ahead for you and we know you’ll keep bringing the stories of the underdog in some shape or form and we’ll be there to cheer you on. You leave us, for now, with much love and affection.
@Pedro The Mexican watched your amazing video on how to use window cleaner on headlights. What a brilliant mind you have. Thanks for showing what trash there is out there.
Bro you’re buff asf I wouldn’t want to pick a fight with you

@Rusky Tursky haha. Just don’t know why folks have to be jerks
Hey her audience are
your too sweet you outta just be honest no?
@Kevin Mattson lol
Thank you Brooke for providing us with the kindness and hard-hitting news that we need. You are an amazing woman, newsworthy journalist, and a strong voice for much needed and sometimes painful realities of living in the United States of America. You will be missed!
@Troy Hardie You sound like a self hating,confused gay to me.
@Troy Hardie did I say trump was racist? Don’t think I did. Try again. Lmao
@Troy Hardie At the time she said it I thought it was wrong,but Hillary was right,you people are deplorable.
@Troy Hardie looks like you got a little tds going on cuz I said all the Republicans I know claim to be racist. I added in that I know lots of trump loving racists. Never said he was racist. I don’t know him well enough.
@Craig wellar they really are. One of people I mentioned before threw a fit about first stimulus. Called it socialism which it isn’t. Then guess what he did. He proceeded to file fraudulent claims with the unemployment in cahoots with his entire crew. They’d claim income once a month and collect full benefits other weeks and he’d submit the same info. They didn’t make money only one week a month obviously so it’s fraud but in his tiny mind it was ok cuz that’s how he is.
Thank you for being an American witness for so many of us
@Troy Hardie you went from being incompetent to delusional real fast. That escalated quickly. Articulate that lunacy all you want.
@Your Lucid Nightmare 72′ Is that your educated argument? Just telling me that I’m delusional? How about you articulate your opinion with an explanation. Everything I said was true so tell me how it wasn’t?
You can’t can you..
@Your Lucid Nightmare 72′ it’s time to take your medicine. Don’t make us call the nice men in white coats. You’ve been through this many times. Take your medicine or your submission will be involuntary. That’s a good boy, just close your eyes and take a nap.
@Troy Hardie aren’t you being a little dramatic? This is why the whole world shits on you and your party LOL
@Your Lucid Nightmare 72′ You have problems. You can’t answer anything. This is fascinating to watch
Am going to miss her …Am an African American man who will be 50 soon her voice has been a staple in my house hold and on my phone and in my mind for years ..I wish her the best. Continue to be the good person that you are..
Brooke always seemed to shine light on issues Black and Brown Americans are facing. She was no phony.
cnn the commie net work caught on video to propaganda , pushing covid fear , supporting blm as they attack Asians . but normal people knew that all along . twitter bans project veritas and lies why they did it , so they are being sued and cnn again amd new york joke times . harde har har , another $$$275000000 cnn will pay out for lying ? like they did to nick sandman . cnn and liberals the demented perverts of the world .
Race on the brain much?
So true. I wish her the best too, I liked the fact that she doesn’t hide her emotions on live TV.
Thank you sooo much Brooke for bringing your humanity to your show every day, for not being embarrassed to express and show your emotions, your empathy & true self on life television. I applaud & appreciate you very much. You will be missed. Good luck in your next adventure.
*live television
Going to miss your journalistic integrity, your courage, your honesty, your authentic empathy reporting your stories and in sharing your life. More amazing things to come from you. I excitedly wait to see what comes next. Much love and support on your next chapter! Continue to aspire to inspire. We need you, we need your voice!…….
Thank You Brooke for 10 plus years of enormous importance. We Will Miss You!…….
I’m not taking this well! I had no idea you were leaving! You will be missed. You are educated, sane, a great news anchor and story teller. Hopefully we’ll see you soon.
@Akeje Chinweokwu keep believing lies they’ll stab you in the back
Sad to see her go. I truly enjoyed her reporting. I gained a lot of respect for her when she shared her emotional experience about how covid19 hit her not just physically, but mentally as well. Good luck! You’ll be missed.
Also you like people that lie lying reporters on CNN
We’re privileged to have had you for over a decade delivering accurate and responsible news coverage to the world. Thank you, Brooke!
You’re on drugs
@joe berean
We will all miss her! Its a rare to see a woman like her so beautiful on the inside and out!
“Get a little uncomfortable, speak up, and keep pushing”

I love her…….