CNN's Brooke Baldwin returned to television and gave an emotional message after successfully recovering from Covid-19.
#Baldwin #CNN #News
CNN's Brooke Baldwin returned to television and gave an emotional message after successfully recovering from Covid-19.
#Baldwin #CNN #News
Glad your well dear
She was on VACATION!
@Pete Mitchell : You cannot change a brainwashed mind, why try, ? Let the sheep go to the slaughter, bad part about all of this, some of these people call themselves Christians and embrace the biggest deception in history. Antichrist will have himself some easy Pickens. Fear manipulated by propaganda defeats knowledge and evidence every time, as history has endlessly demonstrated. Just ask Joseph Goebbels how they did it in Nazi Germany. Play on the fear, play on the fear….
@Raven R
Are you sure you’re not the savior big brain?
who is she?
@Crystal Giddens Alec Baldwin’s daughter. I’m glad she’s OK.
Great to see you back and well and thank for those words
I’ve been fighting the virus for close to 6 weeks now. Although I’ve been improving for the last 5 days, this monster just doesn’t want to let go. Stay safe!
@Raven R Tell us another fairytale.

@uncle Ricky You’re here again whining like a big baby. Just watch something else. You’re a waste of time.
@The Tweatles How many accounts do you have already????
@BlagoP Got tested.
@Raven R How many conspiracy theories do you have to believe in to become a member of tRumps’ cult?

Happy to see you’re doing good now!
She lied about having the ChinaFlu like Chris “Smollett” Cuomo – Zucker had them pretend to have the CCP-Flu for attention and ratings
Bruce Baldwin totally wasted the vacation opportunity to shave his Adam’s Apple and fix his silicon cheek implants. What an idiot!
who is she?
Delage Eric
CCP = demented corrupted Joe Biden
@Crystal Giddens she is a person that you will never become??? I GUESS!!!
We love you Brooke
Welcome back

Thank God for you made it

Welcome back! I’m so glad you’re all right.
She lying , she probably had an abortion
Same Brooke, you’re real emotions you and Erin showed america that these lives that were tragically lost to this awful pandemic were real people ( the NYC HS vice principle’s widow and Washington state woman who lost her mother ) and not just numbers like to the little KKKanine netwerk. FOX NEWS RARELY EVER SPEAKS ABOUT THE PEOPLE LOST…
@Fossil Fuel Rules You’re a sweetheart, aren’t you?
@richard alvarado She’s a genuine, compassionate, authentic person. A real professional. And most importantly, a normal human being– and that– that is in short supply today.
Welcome back! So happy to see you are well.
SO glad to see you back Brooke…all the best!!!
Thank you for that Word. Welcome back, stay safe, keep spreading the love, joy, and hope. Luv u!
“we have the. power to take care of one another” – lets NEVER forget this
Take care of each other, not lie to each other
The biggest prerequisite is personal consent! If someone tries to use State Machine to enforce the people to give up their own properties, it is illegal whatever the purpose is!
We’ll see what happens when the climate change debate comes back up.
Hi. Welcome back. You look great.
I’m glad you are well and very glad to have you back with us.
Welcome come back Beooke Baldwin! You were missed and thank you for this wonderful message. Happy to know you are well!
Most didn’t even know she was gone
I want to see the medical report . from Fredo to
Congratulations Brooke ! God bless ! Sucesses.
God bless you Brooke! You’re a wonderful journalist! Keep up the great journalism!
“Yes we can”
Hearing from Ms. Baldwin, who actually had the virus, and was able to make it thru it, makes you appreciate life more. If the deniers would appreciate the struggles, others are going thru, they would have more compassion and patience, as we all try and recover.
She had a bad cold , no big achievement there
@Fossil Fuel Rules Hate has no boundaries!
@Michael Wallingford Either does lying
@Fossil Fuel Rules I don’t know what “either does lying” mean. If you are suggesting that I am lying, then that’s up to you! The very idea that you go by “Fossil Fuel Rules” speaks more about you than it does about me. You think too highly of yourself and you must belong the Republican cult that doe not believe in global warming and you presume that i am the liar! Get a life! It’s people like you that are killing the planet where my son and his children will be unable to experience theonly home that mankind has the same as i have. You are just lying to yourself to make you feel better. Hate is a horrible thing and you must hate yourself tremendously!
Fossil Fuel Rules may you succumb to the Covid virus
and feel just what it feels like. May it take its course within your body, lungs.
While, My heart tells me I should not think this but I am so tired of morons like you, so I will pray for your soul,
Yet I’ve realized that there are some people, like your dear glorious leader Trump who have no soul. So my pray for you is that the universe does what ever it wants to you. To all of you trumpturders.
In all actuality each one of you who infect others because of your ignorance, should be sued for every thing you own.
Welcome back Brooke!!! Relieved to see U beat this virus…
Thanks, Brooke. You warmed my heart with your words of love and hope. ‘Sending love back at ya.