CNN's Brooke Baldwin and Brian Stelter discuss Baldwin's Covid-19 diagnosis and how the lessons she learned will help her report on the global pandemic.
#CNN #News
CNN's Brooke Baldwin and Brian Stelter discuss Baldwin's Covid-19 diagnosis and how the lessons she learned will help her report on the global pandemic.
#CNN #News
It flys through the air
With the greatest of ease
All that it needs is
an unhealthy sneeze
It lands in your eye
And you’re down on your knees
That dastardly COVID 19.
@Alan Grant fun, isn’t it? Lol!
Well now she’s she can go down on her knees on her husband now
@Edisto Joe
Sadly yes it is!
And I hear she’s looking for a good mouth swab you in?
(Too far?)
That’s clever lol
Did she go jogging and yell at people like Chris Cuomo when he was “sick”?
@Alannah A you know you just played yourself with that comment right?
u think its fake?
@Grimlock316 how so? By suggesting news anchors are entertainment and should never be taken as gospel?
@Alannah A never said they should be taken as Gospel. I think you are confused. There are strong signs of Cuomo here faking this whole thing for ratings. I can guarantee IF some one at fox was doing this you would be all over them.
@Alannah A
There are 2 credible ones, I’m sure many more are out there
So, I still think I got this in November.
@Robert E it is though
@GoKart Mozart ummm runny nose. I got an annoying runny nose. Around that time. One damned nostril mostly. Some nausea and extremely tired. Umm.
Koven Maitreya And me round January
Me too.
@GoKart Mozart did you live? Then why must the economy die?
if only we had Instagram back in 1918 so people could have done cute vlogs of their death
Why for? H1N1 is still alive and well. They quarantined and the whole song and dance, but they never found a treatment or a vaccine for it. The virus killed everyone who was vulnerable to it. They had 3 outbreaks within two years and we had other major outbreaks of it back in 1933, 1977, and 1999.
@Nathan Plunkett i had H1N1 in 09. had a really low death rate during that outbreak. gave me sleep paralysis one time and made me feel like garbage for a few days. got over it and went back to school. it’s almost like times have changed since 1918. weird.
Oh that would be so great
Mark Dices Brian Stelter voice brought me here.
Awww, the Trumpanzees know their demented cult leader is f*cked, so they gang up on here to “support” each other. So sweet. You lost, dumbf*cks. Trump is done.
Brian Walsh lol so if u think trump is done how much are u going to cry when he gets re-elected?
Joe Sunder, cry? Never did in the first place. He’s handed the Presidency to Biden on a silver platter. You can’t see that? You Trumpanzees are pathetic. Trump won’t even be alive past the turn of the year. Are you going to mourn his death? Awww, we’re having a party! So sad that you don’t see what’s coming. Russia’s useful idiot has worn out his welcome and is no use anymore. BOOM! Say bye bye to uncle dipsh*t. Watch and learn. That’s why you came here right? To find out what the majority has in store for him? Stay tuned, suckers.
So fucking what. Who cares?
Brian Walsh. Why you getting mad at me? I’m just stating the fact you got owned by Dice. I’m sure people that care about you still think your a man and respect you. Gotta find the silver lining Walsh.
Surprised they didn’t do a follow up with fredo the faker.
lol. really CNN really should separate the Cuomo Shows from the real journalism. Use a separate channel for that.
Dennis Manson My thoughts exactly Dennis! There is so much stupid out there, it’s beyond comprehension!
@Jallison94 Because using the word fredo about someone of Italian descent is like calling a black person the n-word
@Dennis Manson absolutely not you racist idiot.
Wait! How’s the dog doing?
“Shove it that far up”
Sorry I was laughing
JR 1986 because she can only emasculate Brian Stelter types
I don’t think she’s rewatched Total Recall lately.
When you hear the crunch…
@tim conway wasn’t that a Ricky Martin hit single? She Bangs
11/10 would
She’s so special like Chris Cuomo they they’re the only ones that matter.
I guess if I made$10 million a year, I can get tested at home, right??
When my cousin tested positive he was never retested to check if he was later negative, they just told him 2 weeks and that’s it.. and he got a fever the day after leaving quarantine
Your cousin didn’t have it, stop
You have to be celerity. I was tested positve on April 1st and I cant be retested again… You have to be Baldwin….
@Baryka I have quescen? If You was positive one month ago and you did not check yourself! You have minor symptoms! .. And let say afrer one month you have opportunity for test- testing! And you are negative right now! My quescen is if you have coronavirus one month and half ago,now you are thank God negative but TEST will show that you WAS positive before??
@Baryka Why do you need to be tested again? Are you in worse condition than you were on April 1st? If you’re health is good and you’re steady, you don’t need to test anything again. Your body will destroy the virus by itself in 2-3 weeka
new covid symptom, tanning bed.
She could be out getting more sun as it increases Vitamin D
True she looks like she got a tann

She looks as baked as my taters!
Brian Stelter: let begin by…
Mark Dice: let me introduce myself
Let me guess she’s going to come through perfectly.
they always do. remember …. this virus is as dangerous as the “authorities” say it is and to question that makes you a bad person and a conspiracy nut in spite of the lack of sick people stacking up in the hospitals.
ⅰи∂ㄩㄅ360 I mean yee
Prove to us the fans who’d “asked how she was doing?”
Mark Dice’s impression of Lil Brian is quite good.
I can’t even watch Stelter without hearing the Mark Dice voice over.
All I heard was
“My husband…..shoved that far up.”
They are dropping like flies or are they? You never know with CNN. They do anything for ratings.
Cris Cuomo’s basement memoir will be titled “The Secret Door”