Broadway shutdown devastating for nearly 100K actors and crew

CNN's Vanessa Yurkevich speaks to Broadway employees who are out of work as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, leaving a devastating impact on theater production. Meanwhile CNN's Fredricka Whitfield speaks to Carson Elrod, the co-founder and organizer of Be An #ArtsHero, about the economic and humanitarian toll taken with the entertainment industry shutting down. #CNN #News

Broadway shutdown devastating for nearly 100K actors and crew


    1. @Mark Wilson NY has had almost twice as many deaths as the next highest state and you call it “the sniffles”? That’s sick, man.

    2. @Heather well it looks like Hunter Biden’s business partner guy in trouble over a bond scheme. And he decided to turn State’s evidence against Hunter Biden. All about the 1.5 billion dollars from China the three and a half million dollars from an oligarch in Russia and I don’t know how much money out of Ukraine he knows it all. He has already given up his password to his Gmail account where the evidence is at.

    3. TRUTH: biden is a corrupt politician who received millions of dollars from China, Ukraine and God knows who else while he was VP. His son was part of it and his laptop proves this with all the emails…. his x-rated, drugging photos and videos help to show what kind of people they are….NO GOOD FOR AMERICA….
      whether you watch this video or not….many will…and wake up

    1. @Thragon68 Nope, none of that silly Nazi crap matters, because we’re going to destroy Donald Trump. Whether you like it or not. Enjoy the huge 2020 blue wave. And whether you watch THIS video or not, many others will… and they’ll see the truth about the disgusting psycho that you’re trying to re-elect:

    2. @Thragon68 What does this have to do with Broadway? GTFO with your off-topic spammy bullsh^t. But, regarding the likely Russian-planted laptop ascribed to Hunter Biden by Trump-affiliated outlets, the NY Post story is completely unconfirmed, written by a “journalist” who happens to be an ex-staffer of Sean Hannity (suprise!), without multi-source corroboration (surprise!), using claims by sources with obvious motives (surprise!) to generate (a totally unsurprising) “October surprise” i.e. Guiliani, Mac Issac, who contradicted himself multiple times during a subsequent interview (Google SoundCloud mac-shop-10-14 for the full-length audio of the interview). THAT is not responsible reporting. THAT is why news organizations that follow LONG ESTABLISHED practices of journalism haven’t published anything. THAT is why you see this ONLY on conspiracy sites and irresponsible sites like the NY Post. THAT is why nobody with a brain cell left would give an ounce of credence to the bile you spew.

    3. @The last farewell you’ve been so lied to and conditioned with nonsense that you can’t see the relevance. Shutdowns= economic slow/fail= Trump blaming…. this is about election not a virus

  1. Not to mention the loss of revenue from tourism industry, ie hotels, restaurants, transportation…etc…etc

    1. Anyone know anything about the 1918 PANDEMIC, CBS has a new showing streaming about Historic Secrets, check it out, it it’s unbelievable. And no, I’m not posting any link or proving anything and Im not a bot or troll. Just a suggestion.

    2. TRUTH: biden is a corrupt politician who received millions of dollars from China, Ukraine and God knows who else while he was VP. His son was part of it and his laptop proves this with all the emails…. his x-rated, drugging photos and videos help to show what kind of people they are….NO GOOD FOR AMERICA….
      whether you watch this video or not….many will…and wake up

    1. @Whole Shebang ya wonder what happens when streaming goes down right? We best bring back the old presses, 45s and albums. And Do the younger crowd even know what those are? Does he ride on roads that have traffic signals🤤🤤 rut roh🤤🤤🤤
      😆😆🤣🤣 we’re bad!

    2. ​@THE ANGRY QUAD You’re not more cultured than me because you saw Broadway. It just means you overpay for entertainment.

    1. TRUTH: biden is a corrupt politician who received millions of dollars from China, Ukraine and God knows who else while he was VP. His son was part of it and his laptop proves this with all the emails…. his x-rated, drugging photos and videos help to show what kind of people they are….NO GOOD FOR AMERICA….
      whether you watch this video or not….many will…and wake up

  2. Gosh, He is so hopeful and energetic!!–Love him!–
    (Reporter acted so bored, disinterested, looking down alot, and her facial
    expressions said she didn’t have any hope.)–Ms Peters is fabulous, and compassionate: give hope to all the artists, because it’s so hard and uncertain for everyone right now.

  3. Interviewer wasn’t invested. Serious statements she’d be smiling. Don’t know where she was but it wasn’t in her job.

  4. If this was done originally & the virus handled appropriately then there would have been a short downtime then back to work again. Blame trump

  5. They should find a way to stream their performances online like how pay per view used to be. It could be like the twitch of stage and theater performance! I’d buy a ticket!

  6. It’s a shame. My last trip to Manhattan several years ago, I somehow scored a 3rd row seat to a Broadway play (Jersey Boys), FABULOUS. I was surrounded by enthusiastic New Yorkers who adore their Broadway plays. I was blown away. Manhattan could not be the same without Broadway. It’s pitiful, but I get it. The more sacrifices we make now, the quicker Covid-19 will cease.

  7. America still refuses because of the GOP to accept that people like me, will never go back ‘ever ever ever’ go back to work because entire industries could take 10 years to come back if they do! We are living in a horrible time that the media is only covering the tip of the ice berg as the 10s of millions of people will become homeless very soon!

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