British Prime Minister Liz Truss has resigned after 44 days in office, the shortest in British history.
RELATED: Liz Truss to Parliament: ‘I am a fighter, not a quitter’
Liz Truss became the shortest-serving leader in British political history after she resigned Thursday less than two months into the job. Her announcement came after her attempt to roll out aggressive tax cuts aimed at spurring economic growth but which dramatically roiled financial markets, led to unprecedented central bank intervention and drove her poll ratings to the lowest ever recorded for a prime minister.
Truss, 47, lasted 44 days in office. Because Britain elects a party, not a specific leader, she will be replaced by another lawmaker from her ruling Conservative Party. The process to replace Truss will take place within the next week. Truss will remain as prime minister until then.
"I came into office at a time of great economic and international instability," Truss said in in a brief statement outside No. 10 Downing Street. "I recognize, given the situation, I cannot deliver the mandate to which I was elected by the Conservative Party."
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يَاْعبّادِالُلُُه يَامٌسِلُمٌيَنَ اتْقًوَ الُلُُه فَيَنَا انَظٌرَوَ الُيَنَا بُّْعيَنَ الُرَحُمٌُه يَا نَاسِ يَاامٌةِ مٌحُمٌدِ صّارَتْ فَيَ قًلُوَبّكِمٌ لُارَحُمٌُه وَلُاشِفَقًُه وَلُا انَسِـانَيَُه انَـيَ كِـمٌ شِـكِيَـتْ وَكِـمٌ نَادِيَـتْ وَكِـمٌ نَاشِـدِ وَلُكِنَ لُاحُـيَاُه لُـمٌنَ تْـنَادِـيَ ُهـلُ يَرَضُيـكِـمٌ انَ اٌخـوَانَـيَ يَـبّـكِـوَنَ وَيَمٌوَتْوَنَ مٌنَ الُجْوَُُْع وَانَتْمٌ مٌوَجْوَدِوَنَ يَْعلُمٌ الُلُُه لُانَجْدِ احُتْا قًيَمٌتْ كِيَسِ دِقًيَقً ابّيَ مٌتْوَفَيَ وَاٌخوَنَيَ صّغًارَ ليس لنا أحد أقسم بالله العظيم أنهم ناموا أمسv جوعانين وهم يبكون والدموع جفت من البكاء ياأهل اليمن ياأهل الخير هل يرضيكم أننا من أمس لحد الآن بدون أكل ياأخوة الإسلام نحن أسره أيتام ونازحين ومشردين مستاجرين بيت واليوم صارت علينا متاخرات حق الاجار وما استطعنا ندفع وصاحب البيت يشتي يخرجنا اذا مادفعنا الاجار أرجووكم ساعدونا وفرحونا أرجوكم أوقفوا معنا والله العظيم أننا بأمس الحاجه أسألكم بالله ياأهل الخير الي عنده القدره على مساعدتنا لايتاخر علينا لحظه هاذا. رقمي واتساب 00967737356016 الذي يقد يساعدنا يراسلني على الواتساب. نرسله الاسم الكامل يحولنا بقدر المستطاع. عليه جزاك الله خير
Madam U-Turn!
She wants nothing to do with that disaster ?
What disaster ?
@kurdstan SLEMANY The collapse of Europe starting with the uk and the British pound
@A R just because Rusia not sending a gas , its bully shite
Hey Everyone life is precious please take this moment and receive God in your life pray to God everyday for his help in life situations, read the holy bible everyday, believe in God more than you believe in anything else, Trust God more than you trust anyone else, praise God more than you praise anything else, love God more than you love anything else and remember with God help all good things are possible all you have to do is never give up also a great place for you to start in the holy Bible is (Psalms 1) and everyday after that read a chapter in Psalms till you finish all the chapters in Psalms then after that start on (Proverbs 1) then everyday after that read a chapter in Proverbs till you finish all the chapters in Proverbs and after that read every chapter of the Holy Bible until you finish it for it will change your life in the most amazing way
Hi, JESUS is GOD, see John 1! You can’t forget to mention the cross and JESUS ultimate sin sacrifice!
She gave up how fast?? That’s a record
Wish these Cons did that for U.S. in our country!
Jesus why’d everyone resigning now? No one’s had a full term since Cameron. what the hell is wrong with this whole system , why can’t we get a good priminister for once?
Despite the economic downturn,I’m so happy
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communicate with her directly on

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What’s Apk Messenger
Thanks for the recommendation , I just contacted her and she attends to me nicely
I guess Trevor Noah was right lol
“I am a fighter and not a quitter” Couple hours after…resigns…Satan’s ministers deceiving the nations, knowing that they have little season (Revelation 20:3,8), before fire comes down from heaven and devour them (Revelation 20:9).
Britain’s shortest ever Prime Ministerial term of office!
Liz Truss has resigned…at this point I am surprised that they don’t just cut out the middle man and appoint Klaus Schwab as PM