Trump’s formerly trusted NSA Adviser John Bolton has released a new book shining light on Trump’s efforts to allegedly collude with Ukraine and China to win the 2020 Elelction. As John Bolton turns on his former boss, MSNBC’s Ari Melber reports on how throughout his presidency, Trump has went from praising his staff members to bashing them for not being “mentally qualified” for the job after they leave his administration. Republican Governor of New Jersey and the former EPA Administrator in the Bush administration, Christine Todd Whitman joins discusses why Trump has “no loyalty to anybody,” even his once most trusted aides. (This interview is from MSNBC’s “The Beat with Ari Melber, a news show covering politics, law and culture airing nightly at 6pm ET on MSNBC. ). Aired on 6/19/2020.
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Bridges Burned: Watch Trump Hire 'Best People' And Trash Them As 'Not Qualified' On Their Way Out
Beginning to believe that trump suffers from frontolemporal dementia. And it’s not funny or a joke….
He really is managing his team like a reality TV show. Just dropping them out when they don’t act the way he wants to. Hopefully the show will be cancelled soon.
@Karen Contestabile he has major cognitive decline as well…denying it does not help anyone…we have a major problem on both ends and it’s sad that folks want to ignore one of those
No, he is just stupid
Suffers from assholitis
@Lizzy W Lizzy you hit it right on the head. If more people understood his illness they would and should be terrified.
The world needs a strong and resolute USA. Unfortunately Trump is intent on making America less Great to satisfy his own ego.
The world does need a stable and reliable USA but given all the abuses of military and economic strength inflicted on other countries, a whole lot of people will be quite happy if the USA has to stay out of other countries’ business
@Blargleman The Skeptic Hmm, you might have *tripped* over your IQ test on the way to make that post.
@SparrowGryphon rereading your posting, I can see that now. First reading seemed like you were saying that Bolton was kicked out because he was so did, compared to the “very stable genius”. Unfortunately, the cult of Trump is so strong that Poe’s Law applies. Without a winky face, is not possible to tell if you are being serious or not. Sigh.
@Mike Bond being smart doesn’t mean you can’t be stupid too!
Or that Poe’s Law applies.
Ok moron let’s look one metric since you want to go there.
Unemployment rate by Jan 2017 stood at 4.7 % and right before the pandemic, that number was at 3.7%. So a 1.2 % reduction in 3.5 years isn’t really a something to brag about.
Also, as you can see below, these rates did start declining right around 2011 and continued to go downward right until the start of this pandemic…
That’s just one example…I can go on dismantling your bs propaganda, but why waste time with a brainwashed fool.
How many of the “Best People” have quit or been fired since he took office? 75%?
This as if you had your money in Trump’s fund company, he hires fund managers then they leave and he calls them terrible, mean while you have lost half your money in the funds these terrible fund managers ran. Now you have a chance to take your money out or go 4 more years, Trump people say I want to keep it in Trumps fund company, he is a great business man. Really, he hires a dozen fund managers who lost half your money, as they leave in disgrace this great business man says the person he hired to look after your interests was terrible, and it becomes a pattern. His claim for the Presidency was he is a great business man, great business men don’t hire one terrible person after another into key position, he’s a political gas bag and has been exposed on the competent business man claims.
@J Groovy chump betrayed our country.
His A Team turnover? 88 percent.
@Kenny dark2light It isn’t a shame that the Dotard is not a psychic, it is a shame that he is an incompetent, corrupt, a**hole.
@myko freder Don’t forget, the Dotard did promise to run the USA like he runs his businesses.
Barr is possibly the only one of the crooks who might out crook trump.
Hahaaa. That’s why Trump likes Barr so much. They both look at politics as a Bloodsport.
He sure is.
@Brother BigHe really is managing his team like a reality TV show. Just dropping them out when they don’t act the way he wants to. Hopefully the show will be cancelled soon.
He really is managing his team like a reality TV show. Just dropping them out when they don’t act the way he wants to. Hopefully the show will be cancelled soon.@divinecomedy0
Well he is a lawyer right
tRump expects loyalty from his staff, but he will not give loyalty back.
Knowing this, is it any wonder people are writing books about him?
Loyalty is like respect. If you show it to others, they will show it back to you.
Except the Cult of tRump. They only care about themselves.
and due to his narcism he will never appreciate the loyaty received, once received he demands more and more, till they cannot deliver what it ask, then they suddenly are fired as incompetent.
He really is managing his team like a reality TV show. Just dropping them out when they don’t act the way he wants to. Hopefully the show will be cancelled soon.
I never watched his $#i! show in the first place and am tired of watching this one. Its appalling and absolutely scary to think what the world is coming to.
It was because they cancelled his show that he ran for office
He is a villain. Where is superman?
trump: I love stupid people.
MAGA’s: I’m stuck on stupid.
@ Cowboy Bebop, that is hilarious, I am def going to use that analogy….they are all insane, and I love it even more, when ya ask a Bunker Boy Trump lovers, what is it that yu like and what have the administration done…they don’t have a solid answer and can’t come up with anything intelligent to answer with.
Stupid is stupid does. – Forrest Gump
Birds of a feather!
Trump hires the best pieces of trash.
Trump himself is a piece of trash!
All the trash is in the same bag, the White House.
Never heard of any presidents of the United states begging other’s countries’ leaders to help them to win reelection except this man. What a shame !
How could you let this President throw this country under the bus that’s what he’s doing and he’s getting away with it time to throw him under the bus exile him to Russia where he’ll be fine with Uncle Putin
isn’t it funny and irony that the next president has to literally MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN because of the buffoon that’s in the white house right now? ahaha!
TRUMP: “If we stop testing right now, we’d have very few cases.”
That’s Republican LEADERSHIP for you.
Trump #45 will go down as a psychotic dictator wannabe FAILED
A lot of work to be done!! And if things aren’t resolved in four years and its a Dem in office , it’ll be the Dems fault. Tough road ahead
@Calvin & Hobbes In a way he did us a favor. Sometimes you need to see how bad things can get to appreciate it when things are going good. Hopefully this is a lesson learned for us as a country. We will move on from here with a better understanding of the value of democracy and voting. Hopefully we will never go down a road like this again.
@Calvin & Hobbes To be honest, the Republicans have created this situation. They’ve been hollowing out America for 40 years (since Reagan took office) for self-gain and the enrichment of their buddies, and this is that we’re left with. I still remember all the Republicans back in 2012 who adulated Putin saying “That’s the kind of leader we need here, unlike that ‘weak’ Obama” – and that included McConnell, Rubio, Nunes, and Romney. They’ve been at this a long time. It MUST be remembered that as bad as Trump is, he’s just a result of the situation created by the Republican Party.
Mentality Qualified is something that you Trump are not or ever have been
It happens that way because we have an unqualified person judge fully qualified people.
please vote the clown out the world laughs at america and he is getting boring to listen to
Don’t trash talks a honest clown when you talk about this orange hippopotamus in office
please vote for him, we need to laugh for 4 more years
@Willy S Hilarious

@ki0ng The rest of the world will attack America. If he gets another four years. Sorry to say he not fit to oversee a fish stank let alone America.
Behind the Narcissist Mask: The Bully, Coward, Liar and Fraud
–The Narcissist Mask: the narcissist is in essence an emotionally stunted child with an adult savvy for ruthless manipulating.
–The Narcissist Bully: Narcissists are classic bullies. They ambush, attack without cause, and prey on the most vulnerable within their grasp, usually those who love and depend on them, namely their spouse and children, who as a result carry lasting emotional and psychological trauma.
–The Narcissist Coward: Narcissists are cowards who are fundamentally terrified of themselves and anyone who might see through their mask.
–The Narcissist Liar: Narcissists are liars who continuously attempt to control others’ perceptions of them and, when they can’t, resort to nasty, often violent reprisal. The narcissist may cast himself as a highly principled person, but in reality he is only concerned with his own needs and is too weak to face life’s truths, especially those that threaten his defenses. He may talk a good game, but when it comes to the truth, he stonewalls, blames and shames others, and always deflects accountability.
–The Narcissist Fraud:
Narcissists are by nature frauds who lie, exaggerate, and brag about themselves and denigrate others to bolster their image. They hate themselves but hate others even more, and everything they do is in service of asserting a superior face no matter what reality exists inside themselves or within their family.
–The Narcissist Rage:
–Punish those who don’t do what they want or expose your false self.
–8 Signs of Narcissistic Rage
1. The narcissist doesn’t get his or her way, even when it’s unreasonable.
2. The narcissist is criticized in some way, even when the critique is made diplomatically, reasonably, and constructively.
3. The narcissist isn’t treated as the center of attention, even when there are other priorities.
4. The narcissist is caught breaking rules, violating social norms, or disregarding boundaries.
“How dare you talk to me this way in front of my son!” —Angry customer being called out for blatantly cutting in line
5. The narcissist is asked to be accountable for his or her actions.
6. The narcissist suffers a blow to his or her idealized, egotistical self-image (such as when being told he will not be given “exception to the rule”, or be granted “special treatment”).
7. The narcissist is reminded of his or her charade, manipulation, exploitation, inadequacy, shame, or self-loathing.
8. The narcissist feels (fears) not in control of their relational or physical surroundings.
The people that follow him and believe him will in time realize they were running down the yellow brick road just to meet the great wizard that hid behind the curtain that had absolutely no powers at all . A fake !
Americans elected a failed estate businessman and reality tv host with no elected position experience at all…what did you expect?
An awesome kickass war
Sociopathic Narcissistic Pathological Liars don’t make good Presidents.
Bad Fairy because he doesn’t care anything and everything except his pockets.
And the king of all of them
Those who don’t understand why don’t make good voters.
He is a criminal that ought to be put in a max. security prison.
Who knew
Xi is cracking that obese cat smile of his, and Putin is high-fiving guys in his office.
t’rump: Those people were all disasters! Complete hacks!

America: Yeah, they should fire whomever hired them in the first place.
t’rump: Exactly!
The ONLY qualified person Trump ever hired was STORMY. Sad. Loser.
@Robert Lavelle
@Robert Lavelle Imelda’s said that too.
Nothing but the truth. believe it or not, you can find this in the bible lmao!!!!
o-ptimus prime I’ve read much of the Bible but not the whole thing. What are you saying is in the Bible?
@ki0ng Funny af!!!

Someone said Trump loves chaos, he has certainly put this country into chaos and it’s scary.
Why does America have to be great. Why can’t America just be.
an tRump thinks Obama named us that an it’s drivin him crazy