Writer and director Paul Feig joins CNN's Jake Tapper to discuss his career and his latest Netflix movie "The School for Good and Evil." #CNN #News
‘Bridesmaids’ director on his passion for making female-driven films

Writer and director Paul Feig joins CNN's Jake Tapper to discuss his career and his latest Netflix movie "The School for Good and Evil." #CNN #News
Wow what a great movie lmao.
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@+④④⑦③⑥②⓪③③⓪⑥⑦ WhatsApp “You pay it we’ll say it” – CNN
Freaks and geeks

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Just where did Hollywood run to their not in Ca. anymore.
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LMAO, this is what CNN is gonna do to get back a women’s vote after alienating them for the last 6 years
Here’s another fun fact the stock market is down because of OG Reggie B. I told you guys, no one’s going to get any money until I get mine TQQQ @ 70, 35, 25 and 19. These are all my buy entries they make good trading around information. Don’t say I haven’t given you anything lately peace
You know whats better than agenda driven movies? Good movies with storylines and good actors.
“Good movies with storylines and good actors typically have agendas.”
Also this guy’s movies are pretty agenda free. He likes making movies about women but the women are typically just doing things characters normally do.
Here’s another fun fact the stock market is down because of OG Reggie B. I told you guys, no one’s going to get any money until I get mine TQQQ @ 70, 35, 25 and 19. These are all my buy entries they make good trading around information. Don’t say I haven’t given you anything lately peace
<-- (marriage parchment in the form of a scroll)
13 years this February 7th. It was Super Bowl sunday then too!
We didn't watch football.

We got married! 
Have a blessed day. 
Inside Michigan, USA
You know what’s better than a movie?
My husband and I renewed our wedding vows at the Michigan Renaissance Festival this past September.
It was *VERY* kind of them to give free vow renewals, a free cupcake *and* a free signed parchment from the festival folks declaring our devotion in front of the general public!
….. his all female Ghostbusters movie was incredibly unfunny and it was a super unimaginative reboot with a script that was generic drivel. A hack job.
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. Producing a movie from this kind of story,that rips off from beloved stories like king Arthur or the Ghost Busters does nothing to help women. Women do need to have movies to reinforce female friend ships. But the way they are portrayed is usually horrible.
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Thanks for always watching our videos, lets know how you feel about our content… *CNN*
I love non GMO women. Also inflation is transitory!
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Yeah but with him at the helm? Why not let it be run by a women director?
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What is a woman anyways?
Paul’s nickname is “Parcels”

He’s always giving himself a good wrap
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Agenda driven? That means woke, that means the movie will disappear quickly, just like the female ghostbusters, and the female Thor, Hulk, etc.
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if people dislike his new movie(or is it a tv show?), is he going to label people mysoginistic and racist again?
Back in the neolithic day, we called “women driven films” just “nudies”. They were the Adrenalin Fueled Non Stop Action Thrill Ride of our day. It was a simpler time.
Here’s another fun fact the stock market is down because of OG Reggie B. I told you guys, no one’s going to get any money until I get mine TQQQ @ 70, 35, 25 and 19. These are all my buy entries they make good trading around information. Don’t say I haven’t given you anything lately peace
I guess you’ve never heard of Katherine Hepburn.
Of course he likes making female lead films. They are his human shields. If it fails, he can just call all of you misogynists for not liking it and eschew any responsibility.
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“Fieg won’t be back on the lot anytime soon…” – Dan Ackroyd on Fieg’s Bombshell Failure of Ghostbusters 2016.
Yeah I don’t have ANY desire to see Any More MISANDRIST movies Masquerading as Entertainment by Paul “I’m a Man Hating Drama Queens Drama Queen” Fieg.
He LIED to Fans who’d been waiting DECADES for a Direct Continuation Sequel Starring the OG Cast.
The First Tearser Trailer is Still up here on YT, easy to find and See for Yourselves the Literal BAIT and SWITCH.
And here’s the Tag Line to SELL IS the film to begin with, which is a FLAT OUT LIE…
“30 Years ago THEY Saved the World!”
That says NOTHING about an All Female Cast, that Says NOTHING about a REMAKE, that Advertises that Ghostbusters 2016 Would be a Direct Sequel to the original Storyline.
And that Bullshit LIE that got Everyone HYPED UP to see the GUYS AGAIN after SO LONG only to be given a REMAKE…that SUCKED as Well as had ZERO POSITIVE MALE CHARACTERS…they were ALL BAD, DUMB or Evil Men.
The OG Cast shows up for CAMEOS and they Aren’t even GHOSTBUSTERS….PAUL FIEG IS A LYING SACK OF GARBAGE and the PUBLIC Doesn’t give a Flying Mynock about anything with his name on it Because of those Lies and Deceit and BLAMING FANS for HIS MISTAKES and Horrible choices.
So NO @CNN I’m NOT WATCHING Anything to do with this ASSHAT.
All he’s managed to Add to Anything is DIVISION, Exclusion, Segregation and Soured Public Discourse.
A Sad Sad excuse for a director and a Pathetic example of a Man let alone a Gay man.
I know several Gay men and they ALL thought Ghostbusters 2016 was Not only a FAILURE but a Career Destroying MISTAKE.
He NEVER ONCE Took RESPONSIBILITY for his LIES or for how he Treated Ghostbusters Fans.
He Also is Too Much of a COWARDLY WIMP to Accept the CONSEQUENCES for his actions.
A Far Cry Away from the Genius of Ivan Rietman and Harold Ramis who wrote the original 2 films, with Dan Ackroyd, Bill Murray and Ernie Hudson.
If I Never See or Hear from Paul Fieg again it’ll be Too Soon…..
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Thanks for always watching our videos, lets know how you feel about our content… *CNN*
You forgot he made Ghostbusters 2016
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I bet Harvey Weinstein, Peace be upon him, just loved roaming around the sets and dressing rooms of female-led films. Maybe Paul Faig can do a sequel to Netflix’s “Cuties”?