Brianna Keilar: Trump is peddling in debunked and illogical crap

CNN's Brianna Keilar discusses the Trump administration's attempts to discredit doctors and scientists as the coronavirus pandemic continues to surge throughout the country.
#CNN #News


  1. One wonders how deep his malovence goes. He’s one sick man and the GOP should be totally ashamed for letting it continue.

    1. @Jacob Calham also anti Christian anti Believer anti Bible anti Bible reader anti salvation anti Repentance anti baptism in water and anti Holy Spirit. Especially comical he’s against immigrants when he married two foreigners. Guess his immigrants are not bad hombre’s.

    2. Jamie Romero Nice thought, but we would be the ones going to jail! We can do something about this GOP, vote them out come November. Just stay safe and healthy! 😷

    3. Jacob Calham Good question why would you vote for someone with conspiracy theorist beliefs like Trump?

  2. Never seen anything like this! A president reducing the office to such a low level, he will be told he is talking crap. Unbelievable!

    1. @Sasquatch No world wide scandal, no impeachment, no democrats jumping up and down to remove themselves from him… Barrack.. which is his name.. (your bias is showing) was an empathetic man who like any other made mistakes, but nowhere near this coward . No essay or otherwise will sway me that he was essentially a good man with a hostile senate and congress. Would you like to do the same for Trump which you have done above? you would run out of space. Be honest with yourself. If you didnt like the man fine, but dont put him in the same league.

    2. @gary morris I agree I am with the present and the future. At present we have the right guy in the WH, in future we might have the wrong guy and that what we need to prevent, unless you want to live in a communist hell hole.

    3. Jacob Calham – It’s called a debate; he’s calling you and the other moron out for being idiots. Respond, or stand corrected.

  3. I’ve had COVID and got lucky to survive. Still having issues after the virus left me. If you think COVID is a HOAX, go help out in the hospitals and tell the sick and dying about the HOAX. When you get sick and can barley stand or breath, tell the doctor not to treat you while the HOAX kills you. COVID does not care if you are Republican or Democrat, all will suffer equally.

    1. @Napoleon Zapata While he indeed is as batsh*t as his name, or worse, just to go on record, the CCP is pretty bad. Trump mostly sucks because he is way too much like them. It’s bad enough they have corrupt dictators, the idea that therefore we need to keep our own or something does not hold water.

  4. I thought Trump and his followers like it when officials “say it as it is”. Why do they hate Fauci then when he does just that?

    1. Because they’re a bunch of fools who have literally turned a killer virus, which cares *nothing* about partisanship, into a partisan issue. It’s..fucking insane.

    2. @dra3b no thanks I don’t believe what trump tells me. Maybe I misunderstood your post. If so, sorry.

    3. @Chip Gaasche actually he didn’t , if you paid attention you would know that there a video half video that was done feb 29,
      when he said there is no need for mask yet, but if we see community spread then we will need to change our habits. Late February we didn’t have a widespread infection.

    4. its a freaking cult…. they worship their dear leader and condemn anyone he dislikes which is mostly everyone else

  5. 26% trust Trump, 76% trust Fauci. It’s still depressing to know that 26% of the nation are idiots.

    1. @Bobby Nelson you can always tell a trump supporter never anything intelligent to say.
      You csn be more than 12 years old, or are you just a dummy?

  6. Dr. Fauci, Thank you for your service to the American people. You have tried to be the beacon of truth and science in the shadows of the most inept and corrupt administration ever. That has to be the most difficult job imaginable. I, as a nurse, wouldn’t have been able to handle your job with the patience, diplomacy and dignity you have displayed. God bless you.

  7. trump cares about the Economy and Stock Market more than the Lives of his own people.
    This isn’t just disgusting it is EVIL.

    1. ( Colbert voice ) ” I did not know that virus, your Honor……..never met it………..a lot…a lot, of people are saying…important people, I won’t tell you who…..that it was a disgruntled virus…… it’s true ”

  8. It would have been easier to do what is
    right instead of lying crying and blaming.
    This would have been a great time for
    Trump to show his leadership and he failed
    miserably. No money in doing what’s right

    1. I thought that too. If he had played it right and flattened the curve he could have said I told you we don’t need China. He could have said see I was right along about making everthing in the USA but he missed the boat. I am not really sure why other than the fact he is an idiot.

    2. All of you who are living in your cancel culture bubble are going to have rude awakening from the fictional world created for you by so called celebrities who actually can’t tell the difference from fiction and the real world. Real world people are people who work hard for a living instead of working their mouth to create dissent and chaos so they can have more to write about for you to read!

    3. Agree 100%, and yet Trump and his campaign staff cannot figure out why he is behind in the polls.

    1. @Richard McMasky The ENTIRE World is behind Trump trust me. Just not the Democrats in the USA that is all. And their foreign allies. Democrats just want to be in power when THEY attack China so they can gain more power and not let the Republicans AND that is what is REALLY up. They will push agendas through in name of patriotism. THAT”S WHY GUYS. They know China is very bad. The Republicans want to squeeze China to death so we don’t have WW3. They purposely spread virus from Nov 2019 to March 2020. They want the TORCH. They are not getting the torch FYI. CCP are the enemy not the Trump administration or the USA military helping him. CCP have been around since 1919-1921. Long Before the CIA. The CIA have only like 20,000 people working for it dude. The CCP have 90,000,000 MILLION MEMBERS and NUCLEAR WEAPONS. And 1 BILLION brainwashed Chinese PEOPLE who do not know HITLER x1000 is in control. It is an organization like no other with NO HEAD MEMBER Xia was voted in by a 2000 person or member of rotating BOSSES. That is their election process. 90 MILLION ruthless gangsters VOTE in 2000 HITLER TYPE PEOPLE to run the show every so often. FYI. They are a like the Italian Mafia but MUCH MUCH worse.

    2. @Richard McMasky That is why the world is pulling out of the W.H.O and defunding it. They are talking about getting rid of the UNITED NATIONS it is corrupted also. We are in trouble ok. The entire world is right now and all the countries leaders knows this. EVEN IRAN AND our ENEMIES did the same thing as TRUMP. China was ripping them off too. Think ABOUT IT. ok. China has half the world NOW and we need to get it back now. Before they collect the rest of it. UNDERSTAND? Vote for Trump. Or Democrats will take more bribes from China and screw up America some more and the brains of our kids and let China get away with this like they have been for a number of years now. CNN wants Democrats to be in power when or if China attacks again. UNDERSTAND?

    3. @KungFlu BatSoup Get psychiatric help you clown. The entire world in not behind him and the truth is the opposite and can easily be proven.

    4. 20 plus blm protesters was arrested in Beverly hills. Because the were in a rich neighborhood

  9. I love Brianna. She’s getting more and more outspoken the more she realizes she’s right and Trump is insane.
    Japan has an elderly population and hasn’t worried about testing, what they’ve done is voluntarily worn masks, practiced social distancing, and contact traced and isolated since the beginning of the pandemic. 22,000 Japan cases vs 3,323,000 U.S. cases and 982 Japan deaths vs. 135,000 U.S. deaths. We could have saved at least 130,000 people if Trump had been proactive and forceful since the beginning of the pandemic. But no, let’s open up schools. Fools.

    1. Look man. I can see you like her alright. She might be cool. IDK but she is working for CNN. OK. They have so many names it is not EVEN FUNNY. THat should tell you something ok. Brianna CAN”T help you ok CNN won’t let her tell you the truth. The truth is half of EVERYTHING you will NEVER know. It will never be told to you ever. So you have to figure out the rest on your own with 50% of the information alright? Either that or listen to the correct source. THAT”S THE ONLY WAY. And you better choose wisely or you will be even more confused than before. This is the most important information you may never hear in your lifetime if I wasn’t telling it to you. OK? But half the planet knows it. And everyone who is voting for Trump. Which is why everyone says you guys on left are knuckleheads because you haven’t realized yet that.

    2. The Chinese “Communist Criminal Party” The CCP spread the virus on purpose and murdered their own Chinese doctors and then also bribed the W.H.O. Officials to keep it quiet as long as they possibly could. Just to make sure the virus was able to spread all over the world first and THEN it could not be stopped in time to prevent collapsing the World Economy. The CCP/China did this because that is how they have already been buying up the worlds companies. By bankrupting them purposely and nefariously by murdering, bribing, blackmailing, USING their 1 billion + people who are controlled by a “Violent Criminal Dictatorship” to buy/sell products on the Global MARKET. To influence and cheat the USA Stock Market. And the rest of the worlds markets and economies as well. All of them NOT JUST the USA. THAT IS WHY D*P SH*TS. All of the countries in the WORLD shut down their economies. Trump was only 1 person MORONS. If the world did not want to shut it down THEN TRUMP COULD NOT OK. D*MB F*CKS. The world and Trump shut down their economies to STOP CHINA from gaining/stealing MORE GLOBAL POWER with this VIRUS. The world had no choice. It was that or start world war 3 got it? They purposely did this and THE ENTIRE WORLD KNOWS IT OK. But China is very dangerous and we have to be careful how we react to this got it? They have NUKES. They just released this VIRUS AND ROBBED EVERY COUNTRY on earth. What do you think is going on here?

    3. That is why the world is pulling out of the W.H.O and defunding it. They are talking about getting rid of the UNITED NATIONS it is corrupted also. We are in trouble ok. The entire world is right now and all the countries leaders knows this. EVEN IRAN AND our ENEMIES did the same thing as TRUMP. China was ripping them off too. Think ABOUT IT. ok. China has half the world NOW and we need to get it back now. Before they collect the rest of it. UNDERSTAND? Vote for Trump. Or Democrats will take more bribes from China and screw up America some more and the brains of our kids and let China get away with this like they have been for a number of years now. CNN wants Democrats to be in power when or if China attacks again. UNDERSTAND?

  10. Brianna is the type of person I would want representing me in a legislative position. I hope she runs for office one day.

  11. I’d like to thank Brianna Keilar for saying something too many have avoided for too long.
    They’ve talked about “falsehoods” “inaccuracies”, “mistakes”, etc…thank you for calling it BS.

    1. @Richard McMasky thats not really how it works though. do the right things > avoid disaster. deny the existence of virus > get rekt. See how that works. by next year the whole world will be building a wall around the US…

    1. Scary Harry Flanagan trump told us why he calls CNN fake news, it’s so you won’t believe negative stories about him Google 60 minutes interview with Leslie Stall It works on you didn’t it?

    2. @Scary Harry Flanagan FOX NEWS lies all the time as well. This coming from a conservative that has watched fox news since 911.

    3. of course your gawd is a honest gawd, he tells you what and what not to believe, and if he don’t agree he’ll just slander or fire you

    4. @Scary Harry Flanagan All News Is Entertainment If you Want TRUTH Try YESHUA CHRIST GOD

  12. Fauci needs to be running this pandemic. Trump on the other hand should be running a Wendys!

    1. You mean a single franchise store right? I don’t want him running the company, I like Wendy’s.

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